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MAIPN4550 MultiScreen-IP Filter Plate, 0.45 µm, clear, non-sterile

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Catalogue NumberMAIPN4550
Trade Name
  • MultiScreen
DescriptionMultiScreen-IP Filter Plate, 0.45 µm, clear, non-sterile
Background InformationIncreasing drug candidate predictability earlier in the discovery pipeline using non-cell-based assays can improve candidate throughput during the ADME stage. Non-cell-based permeability assays are predictive models for oral absorption of development candidates.

MultiScreen Permeability, MultiScreen-IP, and MultiScreen Acceptor plates support artificial membrane strategies for predicting passive transport.

Membranes have uniform pore structure and density for reliable transport:
- Individual wells minimize candidate cross-talk
- Compatibility with automated liquid handling systems increases throughput

Permeability Assay:
- The MultiScreen Permeability plate has a polycarbonate membrane, which supports a hexane/hexadecane artificial layer for permeability assays.1

PAMPA Assay:
- The MultiScreen-IP plate has a hydrophobic PVDF membrane, which supports a lipid bilayer for PAMPA asays.2,3

MultiScreen Acceptor Plate:
- The MultiScreen Acceptor plate can be used with either plate to capture passively transported compounds. Constructed of 100% PTFE, the plate can improve LC/MS results depending on the charge of the small molecules being evaluated.
Product Information
Automation CompatibleNo
Filter CodeIP
Color CodeClear
Number of Wells96
Quality LevelMQ400
ApplicationNon-sterile, clear 96-well filter plate with 0.45 um pore size Hydrophobic PVDF membrane for Avidin-biotin Linkages, DNA-binding Proteins, Protein Binding & PAMPA. Comes in a pack of 50.
Key Applications
  • Avidin-biotin Linkages
  • DNA-binding Proteins
  • Protein Binding
Biological Information
Physicochemical Information
Pore Size0.45 µm
Filtration Area0.3cm2
Volume50 µL–250 µL
Materials Information
  • Hydrophobic Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF)
Device Material
  • Acrylic
Packaging Information
Material Size50
Global Trade Item Number
Catalogue Number GTIN
MAIPN4550 04053252361296