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YY50005SP Millidisk T-10 Cartridge Housing Rc 3/8

Purchase on Sigma-Aldrich


Catalogue NumberYY50005SP
DescriptionMillidisk T-10 Cartridge Housing Rc 3/8
Product Information
Cartridge Used
  • Millidisk Stacked Disks Cartridge Filters
Device ConfigurationT-line
Connections, Dome to Base5-238 O-ring
Connections, Gauge PortRc1/4
Connections, Inlet/OutletRc3/8
Connections, Vent/DrainRc1/4
Maximum Inlet Pressure, bar (psi)686 kPa (40° C)
Cartridge CodeCode M (2-118) O-rings
Surface Finish, ExteriorHead: electropolished 12S; Bowl: #180 hair line
Surface Finish, WettedHead: electropolished 12S (O-ring groove: mechanical polished); Bowl: #180 hair line
Height9.25 cm (3.64 in.)
Materials Information
Materials of ConstructionHousing: SUS316, Head: SCS14, Spring/Plug: SUS316, V-Band: SUS316
Seal MaterialSilicone (SI)
Product Usage Statements
Availability by Geography
  • Available for sale in Japan only
Packaging Information
Material Size1
Global Trade Item Number
Catalogue Number GTIN
YY50005SP 04053252302633