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Fast-Trap Virus Purification and Concentration Kits

Millipore’s Fast-Trap Adenovirus and Lentivirus Purification and Concentration Kits provide a fast, safe, and easy alternative for viral purification.


Millipore’s Fast-Trap Adenovirus and Lentivirus Purification and Concentration Kits provide a fast, safe, and easy alternative for viral purification. The kits contain the necessary components to accommodate the entire virus purification workflow. The purification results in high recovery of viable viral particles with good purity.

Fast Trap Workflow Comparison

Fast Trap Workflow Comparison

Fast-Trap Advantages

  • Saves time: protocol can be completed in as little as two hours
  • Higher yield: recover up to 70% of viral particles
  • Dependable: simple protocol ensures quality results
  • Easy: Steriflip filters eliminate messy purification steps and expensive equipment
  • Safe: close vacuum device eliminate potential spills


In one experiment, we tested Millipore’s Fast-Trap kit with other common methods to determine which methods gave the best recoveries in the least time. The Fast-Trap Kit was faster than the other methods while giving similar recovery.

Kit Format Total Processing Time Comments
Millipore Fast-Trap Kit Vacuum 21 min Millipore Fast-Trap Virus Purification and Concentration Kits are fast, safe, easy and dependable
S Syringe filter 40 min Flow rate difficult to control, left with “messy” impression due to occasional
drop of liquid when changing syringe filters
V Centrifugal 1 h 20 min (40 min if no clogging) Clarification device clogged
Traditional CsCI CsCI Density Gradient Approx. 48 hrs Labor intensive and requires specialized laboratory equipment

Higher Recovery

The Fast-Trap kits, when compared with traditional cesium chloride and sucrose gradient purification methods, in one experiment, demonstrate a significant increase in viral recovery.

Fast-Trap Adenovirus Purification and Concentration kit Traditional Virus Purification
% Adenovirus Recovery 70 45
Fast-Trap Lentivirus Purification and Concentration kit Sucrose Gradient Ultracentrifugation
% Lentivirus Recovery 51 22