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ZLXM0D100 Elix® EDI Module 100 L/h

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Catalogue NumberZLXM0D100
Trade Name
  • Elix®
DescriptionElix® EDI Module 100 L/h
OverviewFollowing reverse osmosis (RO) treatment, the Elix® Electrodeionization (EDI) Module continuously deionizes water to produce high-quality pure water, without any maintenance at a flow rate of 100 L/h. This constant-quality Type 2 pure water is suitable for critical applications, instrument feed and general laboratory use. The eco-friendly EDI module eliminates the need for hazardous chemical regeneration procedures, replacement of costly resins, and changing DI cartridges.
Product Information
  • Mixed bed ion-exchange resin
Application• Deionizes and produces superior quality Type 2 pure water
• Flow rate of 100 L/h
• Eco-friendly EDI module eliminates the need for chemical regeneration
Physicochemical Information
Flow Rate100 L/hr
Packaging Information
Material Size1
Global Trade Item Number
Catalogue Number GTIN
ZLXM0D100 04053252610295