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Risk & Safety Phrases (R&S)


Customer Issue: Risk & Safety Phrases are an essential guideline for labeling dangerous chemicals to ensure their safe use and most importantly, your personal well-being.

Risk Phrases convey a general description of the physio-chemical, environmental and health hazards of a substance and safety phrases provide you with information on safe storage, handling, disposal, first-aid and employee protection.

Risk & Safety information must be given if the preparation contains at least one substance classified as dangerous to man or the environment or if the preparation is otherwise regarded as dangerous.

Merck's Solution: Our items classed as hazardous are marked as such in accordance with EU regulations. Merck's labels include detailed risk and safety numbers. Our products are precisely labeled to indicate the hazard(s) in order to protect the user and the environment.

We offer you Risk & Safety Phrases in your national, official language. You can access the explanation of the letter symbols appearing in the attached lists on our corresponding Web site.

Benefits for you: The Risk & Safety Phrases are the basic tool to keep you informed on the classification and the most important safety precautions. The labeling column includes abbreviated classification data, the details of the required Risk & Safety Phrases for health hazards, as well as the physicochemical and environmental criteria. The full list of Risk & Safety Phrases in different languages can easily be found on our Web site. The precise meaning of each of these appears in a table below. Moreover, we offer you a table where single phrases are given, and a second table, where combinations are given. So you have the most important information at a glance. We offer you complete and detailed information and appropriate safety advice. Minimize risks for a safer workplace.



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