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EDS-Pak® Polisher

Application-Pak for endocrine disruptor-free water at the point of dispense

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The EDS-Pak® Polisher is intended for researchers who require ultrapure water free of endocrine disruptors (EDs). The cartridge media, as well as its housing and connector materials have been specially selected and validated for the removal of several EDs.

EDS-Pak® is designed to be connected to the outlet of ultrapure water equipment, in particular, the Q-POD® dispenser of Milli-Q® systems. It contains a specific type of activated carbon chosen for the efficient removal of molecules such as bisphenol A, diethyl phthalate, di-n-butyl phthalate and nonylphenol. It is warranted to deliver at least 300 liters of ED-free water suitable for the production of blanks and reagents. Each EDS-Pak® Polisher is delivered with its Certificate of Quality showing the analytical results of the Endocrine Disruptor Analysis performed.