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EZFITL0HE3 Microfil® V or Microfil® S filtration head for EZ-Fit™ Manifold (3 units)

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Catalogue NumberEZFITL0HE3
Trade Name
  • EZ-Fit®
DescriptionMicrofil® V or Microfil® S filtration head for EZ-Fit™ Manifold (3 units)
OverviewThe new Microfil® head has been designed to improve ease-of-use, reduce maintenance and limit the risk of contamination. A continuous rim allows easy and safe membrane transfer with forceps, reducing the risk of touching the membrane filtration area. The porous filtration support can be removed simply by pressing down anywhere around its edge.
Product Information
Quality LevelSP2
ApplicationGeneral microbiological analysis;Beer;Bottled Water;Pharmaceutical Products Analysis;Environmental Analysis;Bioburden Testing;Water Monitoring
Key Applications
  • Cosmetics
  • Environmental
  • Food and Beverage
Materials Information
  • Stainless Steel
Packaging Information
Material Size3
Global Trade Item Number
Catalogue Number GTIN
EZFITL0HE3 04053252827624