SOX9 was involved in TKIs resistance in renal cell carcinoma via Raf/MEK/ERK signaling pathway. Li, XL; Chen, XQ; Zhang, MN; Chen, N; Nie, L; Xu, M; Gong, J; Shen, PF; Su, ZZ; Weng, X; Tan, JY; Zhao, T; Zeng, H; Zhou, Q International journal of clinical and experimental pathology
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Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is common genitourinary malignancy in human, 30-40% of patients with RCC would be diagnosed with metastatic RCC (mRCC). Even in the era of targeted therapy, patients with mRCC would inevitably progress due to drug resistance. Herein, exploration of the mechanisms of resistance is noteworthy to study. In the present study, we firstly reported the expression profile of SOX9 in renal carcinoma cells and tissues, and found that its expression was significantly associated with Fuhrman grading. Dual luciferase analysis confirmed that Raf/MEK/ERK pathway could directly be regulated by SOX9, and sequential experiments demonstrated that, renal carcinoma cells could sensitize to Sorafenib/Sunitinib through Raf/MEK/ERK signaling pathway inhibition regulated by SOX9 down-regulation. In a small cases with mRCC treated with Sorafenib/Sunitinib (n=38), comparative analysis showed that patients with SOX9 (-) had much better therapeutic response to TKIs than those with SOX9 (+) (PD: 9.1% vs. 56.2%, P=0.002, DCR: 90.9% vs. 43.8%, P=0.002). Based on these findings, we concluded that, SOX9 was firstly described to be highly expressed in renal cell carcinoma, and its expression was involved in TKIs drug resistance through activation of Raf/MEK/ERK pathway. In vitro, patients with SOX9 (-) was related to better response to TKIs treatment than those with SOX9 (+). SOX9 could be expected to be a promising biomarker predicting TKIs response and even expected to be another novel target in the treatment of mRCC. | | | 26097571
The acinar differentiation determinant PTF1A inhibits initiation of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Krah, NM; De La O, JP; Swift, GH; Hoang, CQ; Willet, SG; Chen Pan, F; Cash, GM; Bronner, MP; Wright, CV; MacDonald, RJ; Murtaugh, LC eLife
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Understanding the initiation and progression of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) may provide therapeutic strategies for this deadly disease. Recently, we and others made the surprising finding that PDAC and its preinvasive precursors, pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PanIN), arise via reprogramming of mature acinar cells. We therefore hypothesized that the master regulator of acinar differentiation, PTF1A, could play a central role in suppressing PDAC initiation. In this study, we demonstrate that PTF1A expression is lost in both mouse and human PanINs, and that this downregulation is functionally imperative in mice for acinar reprogramming by oncogenic KRAS. Loss of Ptf1a alone is sufficient to induce acinar-to-ductal metaplasia, potentiate inflammation, and induce a KRAS-permissive, PDAC-like gene expression profile. As a result, Ptf1a-deficient acinar cells are dramatically sensitized to KRAS transformation, and reduced Ptf1a greatly accelerates development of invasive PDAC. Together, these data indicate that cell differentiation regulators constitute a new tumor suppressive mechanism in the pancreas. | | | 26151762
Inner retinal change in a novel rd1-FTL mouse model of retinal degeneration. Greferath, U; Anderson, EE; Jobling, AI; Vessey, KA; Martinez, G; de Iongh, RU; Kalloniatis, M; Fletcher, EL Frontiers in cellular neuroscience
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While photoreceptor loss is the most devastating result of inherited retinal degenerations such as retinitis pigmentosa, inner retinal neurons also undergo significant alteration. Detailing these changes has become important as many vision restorative therapies target the remaining neurons. In this study, the rd1-Fos-Tau-LacZ (rd1-FTL) mouse model was used to explore inner retinal change at a late stage of retinal degeneration, after the loss of photoreceptor nuclei. The rd1-FTL model carries a mutation in the phosphodiesterase gene, Pde6b, and an axonally targeted transgenic beta galactosidase reporter system under the control of the c-fos promoter. Retinae of transgenic rd1-FTL mice and control FTL animals aged 2-12 months were processed for indirect fluorescence immunocytochemistry. At 2 months of age, a time when the majority of photoreceptor nuclei are lost, there was negligible c-fos reporter (FTL) expression, however, from 4 months, reporter expression was observed to increase within subpopulations of amacrine and ganglion cells within the central retina. These areas of inner retinal FTL expression coincided with regions that contained aberrant Müller cells. Specifically, these cells exhibited reduced glutamine synthetase and Kir4.1 immunolabelling, whilst showing evidence of proliferative gliosis (increased cyclinD1 and glial fibrillary acidic protein expression). These changes were limited to distinct regions where cone photoreceptor terminals were absent. Overall, these results highlight that distinct areas of the rd1-FTL central retina undergo significant glial alterations after cone photoreceptor loss. These areas coincide with up-regulation of the c-fos reporter in the inner retina, which may represent a change in neuronal function/plasticity. The rd1-FTL mouse is a useful model system to probe changes that occur in the inner retina at later stages of retinal degeneration. | | | 26283925
LINE-1 Mediated Insertion into Poc1a (Protein of Centriole 1 A) Causes Growth Insufficiency and Male Infertility in Mice. Geister, KA; Brinkmeier, ML; Cheung, LY; Wendt, J; Oatley, MJ; Burgess, DL; Kozloff, KM; Cavalcoli, JD; Oatley, JM; Camper, SA PLoS genetics
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Skeletal dysplasias are a common, genetically heterogeneous cause of short stature that can result from disruptions in many cellular processes. We report the identification of the lesion responsible for skeletal dysplasia and male infertility in the spontaneous, recessive mouse mutant chagun. We determined that Poc1a, encoding protein of the centriole 1a, is disrupted by the insertion of a processed Cenpw cDNA, which is flanked by target site duplications, suggestive of a LINE-1 retrotransposon-mediated event. Mutant fibroblasts have impaired cilia formation and multipolar spindles. Male infertility is caused by defective spermatogenesis early in meiosis and progressive germ cell loss. Spermatogonial stem cell transplantation studies revealed that Poc1a is essential for normal function of both Sertoli cells and germ cells. The proliferative zone of the growth plate is small and disorganized because chondrocytes fail to re-align after cell division and undergo increased apoptosis. Poc1a and several other genes associated with centrosome function can affect the skeleton and lead to skeletal dysplasias and primordial dwarfisms. This mouse mutant reveals how centrosome dysfunction contributes to defects in skeletal growth and male infertility. | | | 26496357
Tfap2a and 2b act downstream of Ptf1a to promote amacrine cell differentiation during retinogenesis. Jin, K; Jiang, H; Xiao, D; Zou, M; Zhu, J; Xiang, M Molecular brain
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Retinogenesis is a precisely controlled developmental process during which different types of neurons and glial cells are generated under the influence of intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Three transcription factors, Foxn4, RORβ1 and their downstream effector Ptf1a, have been shown to be indispensable intrinsic regulators for the differentiation of amacrine and horizontal cells. At present, however, it is unclear how Ptf1a specifies these two cell fates from competent retinal precursors. Here, through combined bioinformatic, molecular and genetic approaches in mouse retinas, we identify the Tfap2a and Tfap2b transcription factors as two major downstream effectors of Ptf1a. RNA-seq and immunolabeling analyses show that the expression of Tfap2a and 2b transcripts and proteins is dramatically downregulated in the Ptf1a null mutant retina. Their overexpression is capable of promoting the differentiation of glycinergic and GABAergic amacrine cells at the expense of photoreceptors much as misexpressed Ptf1a is, whereas their simultaneous knockdown has the opposite effect. Given the demonstrated requirement for Tfap2a and 2b in horizontal cell differentiation, our study thus defines a Foxn4/RORβ1-Ptf1a-Tfap2a/2b transcriptional regulatory cascade that underlies the competence, specification and differentiation of amacrine and horizontal cells during retinal development. | | | 25966682
Resveratrol and N-acetylcysteine influence redox balance in equine articular chondrocytes under acidic and very low oxygen conditions. Collins, JA; Moots, RJ; Clegg, PD; Milner, PI Free radical biology & medicine
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Mature articular cartilage is an avascular tissue characterized by a low oxygen environment. In joint disease, acidosis and further reductions in oxygen levels occur, compromising cartilage integrity.This study investigated how acidosis and very low oxygen levels affect components of the cellular redox system in equine articular chondrocytesand whether the antioxidants resveratrol and N-acetylcysteine could modulate this system. We used articular chondrocytes isolated from nondiseased equine joints and cultured them in a 3-D alginate bead system for 48h in less than 1, 2, 5, and 21% O2 at pH 7.2 or 6.2 in the absence or presence of the proinflammatory cytokine, interleukin-1β (10ng/ml).In addition, chondrocytes were cultured with resveratrol (10µM) or N-acetylcysteine (NAC) (2mM).Cell viability, glycosaminoglycan (GAG) release, mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm), reactive oxygen species (ROS), GSH:GSSG ratio, and SOD1 and SOD2 protein expression were measured. Very low levels of oxygen (less than 1%), acidosis (pH 6.2), and exposure to IL-1β led to reductions in cell viability, increased GAG release, alterations in ΔΨm and ROS levels, and reduced GSH:GSSG ratio. In addition, SOD1 and SOD2 protein expressions were reduced. Both resveratrol and NAC partially restored ΔΨm and ROS levels and prevented GAG release and cell loss and normalized SOD1 and SOD2 protein expression. In particular NAC was highly effective at restoring the GSH:GSSG ratio.These results show that the antioxidants resveratrol and N-acetylcysteine can counteract the redox imbalance in articular chondrocytes induced by low oxygen and acidic conditions. | | | 25998424
Hair follicle bulge cultures yield class III β-tubulin-positive melanoglial cells. Locher, H; Saadah, N; de Groot, S; de Groot, JC; Frijns, JH; Huisman, MA Histochemistry and cell biology
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Class III β-tubulin (TUBB3)-positive cells from the hair follicle bulge are thought to be neuronal cells derived from a local neural crest stem cell. However, TUBB3 has recently been shown to be expressed in the melanocytic lineage. To evaluate the neural-crest-associated immunophenotype of TUBB3-positive cells from hair follicle bulge explants, we dissected hair follicle bulges out from mouse whisker pads and cultured for 1 month and assessed outgrowing cells by means of immunocytochemistry using the biomarkers TUBB3, nestin, NGFR, SOX9, TYRP1 and laminin. Large amounts of TUBB3-positive cells could be cultured that co-expressed nestin, NGFR, SOX9 and, to a lesser degree, TYRP1, matching a melanoglial phenotype. In addition, a small population of TUBB3-negative but laminin-positive cells was found, which presumably are of glial origin. It can be concluded that cells of melanoglial origin can easily be obtained from hair follicle bulge explants. These cells may be of use in experimental animal or human disease and wound healing models. Notably, the TUBB3-positive cells are of melanoglial rather than neuronal origin. | Immunocytochemistry | | 25724811
Sox9 is critical for suppression of neurogenesis but not initiation of gliogenesis in the cerebellum. Vong, KI; Leung, CK; Behringer, RR; Kwan, KM Molecular brain
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The high mobility group (HMG) family transcription factor Sox9 is critical for induction and maintenance of neural stem cell pool in the central nervous system (CNS). In the spinal cord and retina, Sox9 is also the master regulator that defines glial fate choice by mediating the neurogenic-to-gliogenic fate switch. On the other hand, the genetic repertoire governing the maintenance and fate decision of neural progenitor pool in the cerebellum has remained elusive.By employing the Cre/loxP strategy, we specifically inactivated Sox9 in the mouse cerebellum. Unexpectedly, the self-renewal capacity and multipotency of neural progenitors at the cerebellar ventricular zone (VZ) were not perturbed upon Sox9 ablation. Instead, the mutants exhibited an increased number of VZ-derived neurons including Purkinje cells and GABAergic interneurons. Simultaneously, we observed continuous neurogenesis from Sox9-null VZ at late gestation, when normally neurogenesis ceases to occur and gives way for gliogenesis. Surprisingly, glial cell specification was not affected upon Sox9 ablation.Our findings suggest Sox9 may mediate the neurogenic-to-gliogenic fate switch in mouse cerebellum by modulating the termination of neurogenesis, and therefore indicate a functional discrepancy of Sox9 between the development of cerebellum and other major neural tissues. | | | 25888505
Tumor necrosis factor-inducible gene 6 promotes liver regeneration in mice with acute liver injury. Wang, S; Lee, JS; Hyun, J; Kim, J; Kim, SU; Cha, HJ; Jung, Y Stem cell research & therapy
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Tumor necrosis factor-inducible gene 6 protein (TSG-6), one of the cytokines released by human mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (hMSC), has an anti-inflammatory effect and alleviates several pathological conditions; however, the hepatoprotective potential of TSG-6 remains unclear. We investigated whether TSG-6 promoted liver regeneration in acute liver failure.The immortalized hMSC (B10) constitutively over-expressing TSG-6 or empty plasmid (NC: Negative Control) were established, and either TSG-6 or NC-conditioned medium (CM) was intraperitoneally injected into mice with acute liver damage caused by CCl4. Mice were sacrificed at 3 days post-CM treatment.Higher expression and the immunosuppressive activity of TSG-6 were observed in CM from TSG-6-hMSC. The obvious histomorphological liver injury and increased level of liver enzymes were shown in CCl4-treated mice with or without NC-CM, whereas those observations were markedly ameliorated in TSG-6-CM-treated mice with CCl4. Ki67-positive hepatocytic cells were accumulated in the liver of the CCl4+TSG-6 group. RNA analysis showed the decrease in both of inflammation markers, tnfα, il-1β, cxcl1 and cxcl2, and fibrotic markers, tgf-β1, α-sma and collagen α1, in the CCl4+TSG-6 group, compared to the CCl4 or the CCl4+NC group. Protein analysis confirmed the lower expression of TGF-β1 and α-SMA in the CCl4+TSG-6 than the CCl4 or the CCl4+NC group. Immunostaining for α-SMA also revealed the accumulation of the activated hepatic stellate cells in the livers of mice in the CCl4 and CCl4+NC groups, but not in the livers of mice from the CCl4+TSG-6 group. The cultured LX2 cells, human hepatic stellate cell line, in TSG-6-CM showed the reduced expression of fibrotic markers, tgf-β1, vimentin and collagen α1, whereas the addition of the TSG-6 antibody neutralized the inhibitory effect of TSG-6 on the activation of LX2 cells. In addition, cytoplasmic lipid drops, the marker of inactivated hepatic stellate cell, were detected in TSG-6-CM-cultured LX2 cells, only. The suppressed TSG-6 activity by TSG-6 antibody attenuated the restoration process in livers of TSG-6-CM-treated mice with CCl4.These results demonstrated that TSG-6 contributed to the liver regeneration by suppressing the activation of hepatic stellate cells in CCl4-treated mice, suggesting the therapeutic potential of TSG-6 for acute liver failure. | | | 25890163
Characterization of the neural stem cell gene regulatory network identifies OLIG2 as a multifunctional regulator of self-renewal. Mateo, JL; van den Berg, DL; Haeussler, M; Drechsel, D; Gaber, ZB; Castro, DS; Robson, P; Crawford, GE; Flicek, P; Ettwiller, L; Wittbrodt, J; Guillemot, F; Martynoga, B Genome research
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The gene regulatory network (GRN) that supports neural stem cell (NS cell) self-renewal has so far been poorly characterized. Knowledge of the central transcription factors (TFs), the noncoding gene regulatory regions that they bind to, and the genes whose expression they modulate will be crucial in unlocking the full therapeutic potential of these cells. Here, we use DNase-seq in combination with analysis of histone modifications to identify multiple classes of epigenetically and functionally distinct cis-regulatory elements (CREs). Through motif analysis and ChIP-seq, we identify several of the crucial TF regulators of NS cells. At the core of the network are TFs of the basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH), nuclear factor I (NFI), SOX, and FOX families, with CREs often densely bound by several of these different TFs. We use machine learning to highlight several crucial regulatory features of the network that underpin NS cell self-renewal and multipotency. We validate our predictions by functional analysis of the bHLH TF OLIG2. This TF makes an important contribution to NS cell self-renewal by concurrently activating pro-proliferation genes and preventing the untimely activation of genes promoting neuronal differentiation and stem cell quiescence. | | | 25294244