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Absolute Certainty for Your Analytical Results

Certipur® Certified Reference Materials: Now with ISO Guide 34 Accreditation.

Certified reference materials (CRMs) are standards used to verify the quality and traceability of products. In analytical laboratories, these standards are required for calibration and qualification of analytical instruments. Of course, the reliability of the instruments and their results are highly dependent on the accuracy of the reference materials used.

To help you work with absolute confidence, Merck’s Certipur® certified reference materials offer premium quality as well as comprehensive international accreditations – which now also include ISO Guide 34. These essential certifications, combined with Merck’s analytical and production expertise, help ensure the certainty of your analytical measurements.

Our Latest Seal of Approval: ISO Guide 34

Merck:/Freestyle/LE-Lab-Essentials/Inorganic Reagents/LE-ISO Guide 34-150x122-08062014.jpgISO Guide 34 accreditation confirms Merck’s competence as a reference material producer. Developed and published by the ISO (International Organization for Standardization), ISO Guide 34 describes a set of stringent requirements that ensure all aspects of the production of Certipur® reference materials are carried out with measurable and traceable quality. The Guide’s comprehensive requirements cover production planning, material selection, assignment of certified values, uncertainty, traceability, homogeneity and stability, as well as packaging and documentation.

Features and Benefits
  • Analytical results are comparable and transparent
  • Quality Management requirements are fulfilled
  • Complete documentation available for audits
  • Avoidance of repeat analyses
  • Cost and time savings in daily lab work
  • Secure the quality of your products

Quality From Start to Finish

At Merck, we make sure that every customer around the globe using Certipur® reference materials experiences the same great quality. From the selection and monitoring of raw materials to delivering prompt, professional after-sales support, every step of the chain is performed according to ISO Guide 34 guidelines as well as our own strict quality control processes.

Merck:/Freestyle/LE-Lab-Essentials/Inorganic Reagents/LE-Salt Crystal-90x70-08062014.jpg Merck:/Freestyle/LE-Lab-Essentials/Inorganic Reagents/LE-Production-90x75-08062014.jpg Merck:/Freestyle/LE-Lab-Essentials/Inorganic Reagents/LE-Quality Control-90x75-08062014.jpg Merck:/Freestyle/LE-Lab-Essentials/Inorganic Reagents/LE-Transport-90x75-08062014.jpg Merck:/Freestyle/LE-Lab-Essentials/Inorganic Reagents/LE-Support-90x75-08062014.jpg

1. High-quality raw materials

2. Production according to strict guidelines

3. Quality control in our accredited labs

4. Transportation
and storage as per guidelines

5. Validated after-sales support

Multiple Accreditations for Maximum Security

While ISO Guide 34 ensures the high quality of Certipur® reference materials, it is founded on several underlying certifications already granted to Merck. Among these is our ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation, which also confirms our competence as a testing and calibration laboratory. The diagram depicts the relation between our multiple certifications, and how they lead up to ISO Guide 34 approval.

ISO Guide 34: Accreditation as a reference material producer Merck:/Freestyle/LE-Lab-Essentials/Inorganic Reagents/LE-Isoguide triangle-200x226-08062014.jpg
ISO Guide 35: Outlines principles for calculating the uncertainty of the certified value
ISO Guide 31: Describes the contents of the certificate of analysis and accompanying documentation
ISO Guide 30: Confirms that standards are characterized according to CRM definition
ISO/IEC 17025: Accreditation as a testing and calibration laboratory
ISO 9001: Defines requirements for quality management systems

Certipur® Reference Materials With Dual Accreditation

We now offer a wide range of Certipur® standards with both ISO Guide 34 and ISO/IEC 17025 accreditations.

Certipur® single-element standards for ICP

  • Extensive range of calibration standards for ICP (inductively-coupled plasma spectroscopy)
  • Dual accreditation according to ISO Guide 34 and ISO/IEC 17025 
  • Values range from 10 mg/l to 10,000 mg/l

Certipur® standards for conductivity measurement

  • For accurate calibration of instruments measuring the conductivity of samples
  • Dual accreditation according to ISO Guide 34 and ISO/IEC 17025 
  • Secondary reference materials comparable to NIST standards

Ordering Information

Certipur® single-element standards for ICP
Certipur® standards for conductivity measurement

Video: ISO Guide 34

Video: ISO Guide 34

Watch the video

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