Evaluation of Common Protein Extraction Reagents in Mammalian and Bacteria Lysates, by Infrared (IR) Based Quantification and Western Blotting
The quality of sample preparation ultimately impacts the quality of the downstream Western blot. For example, if conditions are too aggressive, the marker may be denatured or destroyed. If not sufficiently stringent, the marker may be lost in the insoluble fraction. We evaluated several buffers and reagents commonly used for protein extraction from mammalian and bacterial lysates. An accurate determination of total protein concentration allowed well-resolved protein separation by electrophoresis followed by Western blotting analysis of some of the proteins using a new, rapid Western blotting method.
 Total protein content liberated by BugBuster® Extraction Reagent was much higher than the amount produced by homebrew method. Also, the addition of Benzonase® Nuclease and rLysozyme™ solutions had a significant impact on overall yield. E. coli lysates from various lysis protocols were fractionated and analyzed by SDS-PAGE. A band corresponding to 6XHIS-CRP is prominently visualized in the BB +/+ lane.