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Find the Water Purification Solutions for Your Petrochemical Analysis

Milli-Q® Ultrapure & Elix® Pure Water Systems

Pure and Ultrapure Water Purification Systems

As one of the most commonly used reagents, purified water holds a significant role in laboratories everywhere. It may be used for simple tasks, such as rinsing glassware, but it also plays a critical role in many analytical techniques such as AAS, ICP-MS, HPLC, IC, titration, as well as UV/Vis spectroscopy. The selection of the water purification solution will ensure reliable experimental results and high-quality data.

Our water purification system portfolio offers a broad range of pure and ultrapure water purification systems and services designed for scientists working in the petrochemical industry, be it petroleum, natural gas or biofuels.

Milli-Q® systems are unique products combining the most advanced technologies, such as our intelligent RO, patented Elix® EDI technology, long-life UV, A10® TOC monitoring, unique polishing cartridges and more.

Water at Your Fingertips – Q-POD® & E-POD® Dispensers

The Q-POD® and E-POD® dispensers simplify operation and display essential data in an easy-to-use and compact device.

Get the right water quality for your experiments – fitted to each POD, an Application-Pak (LC-Pak®, VOC-Pak® etc) provides final polishing to match the water quality according to your application’s needs.

Facilitate your daily lab work – they are always within reach. Their convenient and adaptable handling enables both intuitive and precise dispensing. The user can select either a specific volume with the autofill key or manually press the plunger.

Free up space on your bench - as only the POD is necessary for daily needs, the system can now be placed where it is most convenient – under the bench, on the wall…

To learn more about our complete overview of Lab Water products and services go to

To discover the full product offering we have for the Petrochemical industry, visit

Systèmes de purification d'eau Elix® Haut Débit

Une surveillance à distance, connectée et modulable

Discover the Milli-Q® HX 7000 Series of High-Throughput systems

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Système d'eau ultra pure Milli-Q® IQ 7000

Découvrez le système d'eau ultra pure Milli-Q® IQ 7000

Une touche d'intelligence

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