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69233 Chicken Genomic DNA

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      This product has been discontinued.

      Genomic DNAs are highly purified preparations of high molecular weight genomic DNA from a variety of organisms. The isolation protocol minimizes shearing and removes contaminants that inhibit enzymatic procedures. Novagen genomic DNA is qualified for genomic analysis (including PCR) and library construction. At least 90% of the DNA is greater than 100 kbp in size, as analyzed by CHEF gel electrophoresis (> 50 kbp for S. cerevisiae). No inhibition of restriction enzyme activity is observed, and the DNA is free of contaminating RNA and protein.

      The DNA is supplied in 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, 1 mM EDTA (TE). Pipet with a wide-bore pipet tip to minimize shearing.

      Catalogue Number69233
      Brand Family Novagen®
      Storage and Shipping Information
      Ship Code Blue Ice Only
      Toxicity Standard Handling
      Storage +2°C to +8°C
      Avoid freeze/thaw Avoid freeze/thaw
      Do not freeze Ok to freeze
      Global Trade Item Number
      Référence GTIN
      69233 0