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Millicell® 24 & 96-Well Cell Culture Insert Plates

Membrane-based culture for optimum growth and differentiation. Choose either 24-well plate or 96-well plate systems.

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Millicell cell culture insert plates are a patented device designed to support cell growth and differentiation of endothelial and epithelial cell lines, including CaCo-2.

The Millicell device is available with a 0.4 µm PCF and a variety of PET membrane pore sizes. The plate is designed for maximum user convenience and incorporates features such as apical assist for easier pipetting and basolateral access. To reduce the risk of monolayer contamination, the membrane plates have feet to elevate the plate above the work surface when disassembled from the feeder tray. Tear drop-shaped receiver wells eliminate air bubbles as plates are assembled.

Millicell plate are optimized to grow and sustain high integrity cell monolayers. Cells grown on Millicell plate membranes grow better than on plastic because the cells are nourished from both the apical and basolateral sides. Cell growth and function more closely mimic in vivo. Millicell plates are designed for analysis as well as cell growth and can be used manually or with automated cell seeding, feeding and washing systems

With this complete system, you can grow, feed, and analyze cells in one membrane-bottom plate. The plate can be used with either a single-well or a multi-well feeding tray. At the time of transport analysis, the plate is simply transferred to a multi-well transport tray for analysis.

This streamlined design enhances functionality with:

  • Seed-and-feed systems
  • Automated liquid handling systems and span pipettes
  • Basolateral and apical access to cells
  • Transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) measurement systems

Design improves cell culture assays and analysis

Design improves cell culture assays and analysis

In-plate differentiation of embryonic stem cells and phenotype analysis

Neuron differentiation of embryonic stem cells in Millicell 24 1 µm PET filter plates. Murine embryonic stem cells were formed into suspended embryoid bodies (EBs) then transferred to 1 µm PET Millicell 24 for attachment and differentiation. Neural differentiation after retinoic acid treatment of attached EBs was confirmed by anti-neurofilament immunofluoresence. (Insert: Inverted phase contrast imaging through membrane of live EBs in media.)

Neuron differentiation of embryonic stem cells in Millicell 24 1 µm PET filter plates. Murine embryonic stem cells were formed into suspended embryoid bodies (EBs) then transferred to 1 µm PET Millicell 24 for attachment and differentiation. Neural differentiation after retinoic acid treatment of attached EBs was confirmed by anti-neurofilament immunofluoresence. (Insert: Inverted phase contrast imaging through membrane of live EBs in media.)

Demonstrated transport and efflux studies with integral differentiated Caco-2 monolayers

Differentiation of 21-day Caco-2 monolayer by efflux pump expression. Anti-MDR1 immunohistochemistry confirms p-glycoprotein (MDR1) expression of Caco-2 monolayer grown in Millicell 24 with 1 µm PET membrane.

Differentiation of 21-day Caco-2 monolayer by efflux pump expression. Anti-MDR1 immunohistochemistry confirms p-glycoprotein (MDR1) expression of Caco-2 monolayer grown in Millicell 24 with 1 µm PET membrane.

Feature Benefit
High pore density 0.4µm PCF membrane Grows well differentiated Caco-2 cells with no grow through
1.0µm Transparent PET membrane Allows for visualization of live cells using microscopy
Apical and basolateral access holes Ease of sample access when performing sequence time transport analysis
Apical assist channel Prevent monolayer disruption and membrane damage while performing manual assays
HTS Format
Filter plate has feet Do not compromise sterility if set on bench

Choice of membranes lets you optimize for your application

Millicell cell culture plates can be used for a wide variety of applications from cell surface receptor assays, to in vitro toxicology. The device can also be used to measure drug transport and other cell based assays. See the applications guide for a complete listing.

The plates are available with thin-film polycarbonate (PCF) membrane or polyester (PET), which is a microscopically-transparent membrane.


Cell Growth, Feeding, Cell Analysis