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Mobius® FlexReady Solution for Buffer and Media Preparation

Fast Setup. Maximum Adaptability. Predesigned and Optimized.

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Mobius® FlexReady Solution for Buffer and Media Preparation provides the best combination of single-use assemblies (Flexware assemblies), innovative separation devices, and process-ready hardware specifically designed for media and buffer preparation. It is pre-assembled and pre-tested, and integrates easily into any process. The result: Faster turnaround time, improved productivity and lower risk of contamination – all right out of the box.

  • Fast setup of hardware with easy installation of optimally designed Flexware assemblies
  • Maximum adaptability to your changing operational needs with single-use flowpaths
  • Pre-designed and optimized for your process step to give you confidence and peace of mind


  • Pre-sized sterilizing-grade filter and product collection assembly
  • Optional prefilter for cell culture media filtration
  • Innovative low dead volume t-connectors, enabling the use of traditional pressure transducers
  • Peristaltic pump with preset constant flowrate
  • High-pressure cut-off switch ensures operator safety
  • Flexware assemblies designed to fit the hardware and install quickly and easily

Buffer and Media Preparation Featuring Opticap® XL Capsules with Millipore Express® Membranes

Process from 100 L to 500 L of your valuable product using industry proven Millipore Express® Membranes