17-1010 Sigma-AldrichMagna ChIP-Seq™ ChIP and NGS Library Preparation Kit
Magna ChIP-Seq Chromatin IP & Next Generation Sequencing Library Preparation Kit containing all key reagents for chromatin IP & next generation sequencing library preparation from genomic DNA.
More>> Magna ChIP-Seq Chromatin IP & Next Generation Sequencing Library Preparation Kit containing all key reagents for chromatin IP & next generation sequencing library preparation from genomic DNA. Less<<Empfohlene Produkte
Replacement Information |
Key Spec Table
Key Applications |
ChIP-seq, Sample Prep |
Description | |
Catalogue Number | 17-1010 |
Trade Name |
Description | Magna ChIP-Seq™ ChIP and NGS Library Preparation Kit |
Overview | ChIP-Seq facilitates genome-wide profiling of the interactions of transcription factors, modified histones, and other chromatin associated proteins. By combining chromatin immunoprecipitation with next generation sequencing, laboratories can generate high resolution data on protein-DNA interactions across the genome. For laboratories interested in gaining a deeper understanding of epigenetic mechanisms of gene regulation, ChIP-Seq has become an indispensable tool. The Magna ChIP-Seq Kit simplifies this technique by providing a validated set of reagents, easy-to-follow protocols, controls, and in process quality control guidelines to allow virtually any laboratory to conduct genome-wide analysis of DNA-protein interactions and the profiling of epigenetic marks.
Materials Required but Not Delivered | Cells, stimulated or treated as desired Antibody for chromatin immunoprecipitation 37% Formaldehyde Taq DNA polymerase and dNTPs Master Mix for qPCR DNase and RNase-free sterile H2O Quant-iT™ dsDNA HS Assay Kit, (Life Technologies catalog #: Q32851) Oligonucleotide primers and adaptors Low Elution Volume PCR purification Kit Low Elution Volume Gel Extraction Kit Materials for Agarose Gel Analysis Magna Grip™ Rack 8 well (20-400) or similar magnetic rack. Instrument capable of quantifying low concentrations of nucleic acids |
References |
Product Information | |
Components |
Presentation | Three modules containing all key reagents for chromatin immunoprecipitation and next generation sequencing library preparation from genomic DNA. |
Quality Level | MQ100 |
Biological Information |
Physicochemical Information |
Dimensions |
Materials Information |
Toxicological Information |
Safety Information according to GHS |
Safety Information |
Packaging Information | |
Material Size | 10 library constructions |
Transport Information |
Supplemental Information |
Specifications |
Global Trade Item Number | |
Bestellnummer | GTIN |
17-1010 | 04053252019005 |
Titel |
An Introduction to Antibodies and Their Applications |
Magna ChIP-Seq™ Kit |
Product Selection Guide - Antibodies, small molecule inhibitors, kits, assays and proteins for signaling research. |
Technische Informationen
Titel |
Magna ChIP™ protein A/G bead blends simplify the ChIP process and reduce background signals |
White Paper - The Message in the Marks: Deciphering Cancer Epigenetics |
Titel |
Reprogramming Cell Fate and Function Novel Strategies for iPSC Generation, Characterization, and Differentiation |
Titel |
Magna ChIP-Seq™ Chromatin Immunoprecipitation and Next Generation Sequencing Library Preparation Kit |