Central Nervous System and Peripheral Expression of CCL19, CCL21 and Their Receptor CCR7 in Experimental Model of Multiple Sclerosis. Bielecki, B; Jatczak-Pawlik, I; Wolinski, P; Bednarek, A; Glabinski, A Archivum immunologiae et therapiae experimentalis
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It is well documented that inflammatory chemokines play a significant role in the development of multiple sclerosis (MS) and its model, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). Recently, the involvement of homeostatic (or lymphoid) chemokines in the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases has become an object of intensive study. In this work, quantitative analysis of CCL19, CCL21 and CCR7 expression in the central nervous system (CNS), as well as in inflammatory mononuclear cells isolated from several organs during the first attack, remission and the second attack of chronic-relapsing EAE (ChREAE), was performed. Using real-time PCR, RNAse Protection Assay and immunohistochemistry, the expression of both chemokines, as well as of their common receptor CCR7, was analyzed in the brain, spleen, lymph nodes and peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Increased expression of CCL19 and CCL21 was observed mostly in mononuclear inflammatory cells isolated from the CNS during active ChREAE. At the same time the expression of CCR7 in blood mononuclear leukocytes was reduced. This observation extends our current knowledge about the possible role of chemokines CCL19, CCL21 and their receptor CCR7 in the pathogenesis of ChREAE and, by extension, MS. | | | 25957582
Subjects harboring presenilin familial Alzheimer's disease mutations exhibit diverse white matter biochemistry alterations. Roher, AE; Maarouf, CL; Malek-Ahmadi, M; Wilson, J; Kokjohn, TA; Daugs, ID; Whiteside, CM; Kalback, WM; Macias, MP; Jacobson, SA; Sabbagh, MN; Ghetti, B; Beach, TG American journal of neurodegenerative disease
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Alzheimer's disease (AD) dementia impacts all facets of higher order cognitive function and is characterized by the presence of distinctive pathological lesions in the gray matter (GM). The profound alterations in GM structure and function have fostered the view that AD impacts are primarily a consequence of GM damage. However, the white matter (WM) represents about 50% of the cerebrum and this area of the brain is substantially atrophied and profoundly abnormal in both sporadic AD (SAD) and familial AD (FAD). We examined the WM biochemistry by ELISA and Western blot analyses of key proteins in 10 FAD cases harboring mutations in the presenilin genes PSEN1 and PSEN2 as well as in 4 non-demented control (NDC) individuals and 4 subjects with SAD. The molecules examined were direct substrates of PSEN1 such as Notch-1 and amyloid precursor protein (APP). In addition, apolipoproteins, axonal transport molecules, cytoskeletal and structural proteins, neurotrophic factors and synaptic proteins were examined. PSEN-FAD subjects had, on average, higher amounts of WM amyloid-beta (Aβ) peptides compared to SAD, which may play a role in the devastating dysfunction of the brain. However, the PSEN-FAD mutations we examined did not produce uniform increases in the relative proportions of Aβ42 and exhibited substantial variability in total Aβ levels. These observations suggest that neurodegeneration and dementia do not depend solely on enhanced Aβ42 levels. Our data revealed additional complexities in PSEN-FAD individuals. Some direct substrates of γ-secretase, such as Notch, N-cadherin, Erb-B4 and APP, deviated substantially from the NDC group baseline for some, but not all, mutation types. Proteins that were not direct γ-secretase substrates, but play key structural and functional roles in the WM, likewise exhibited varied concentrations in the distinct PSEN mutation backgrounds. Detailing the diverse biochemical pathology spectrum of PSEN mutations may offer valuable insights into dementia progression and the design of effective therapeutic interventions for both SAD and FAD. | | | 24093083
Neurochemical profile of dementia pugilistica. Kokjohn, TA; Maarouf, CL; Daugs, ID; Hunter, JM; Whiteside, CM; Malek-Ahmadi, M; Rodriguez, E; Kalback, W; Jacobson, SA; Sabbagh, MN; Beach, TG; Roher, AE Journal of neurotrauma
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Dementia pugilistica (DP), a suite of neuropathological and cognitive function declines after chronic traumatic brain injury (TBI), is present in approximately 20% of retired boxers. Epidemiological studies indicate TBI is a risk factor for neurodegenerative disorders including Alzheimer disease (AD) and Parkinson disease (PD). Some biochemical alterations observed in AD and PD may be recapitulated in DP and other TBI persons. In this report, we investigate long-term biochemical changes in the brains of former boxers with neuropathologically confirmed DP. Our experiments revealed biochemical and cellular alterations in DP that are complementary to and extend information already provided by histological methods. ELISA and one-dimensional and two dimensional Western blot techniques revealed differential expression of select molecules between three patients with DP and three age-matched non-demented control (NDC) persons without a history of TBI. Structural changes such as disturbances in the expression and processing of glial fibrillary acidic protein, tau, and α-synuclein were evident. The levels of the Aβ-degrading enzyme neprilysin were reduced in the patients with DP. Amyloid-β levels were elevated in the DP participant with the concomitant diagnosis of AD. In addition, the levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor and the axonal transport proteins kinesin and dynein were substantially decreased in DP relative to NDC participants. Traumatic brain injury is a risk factor for dementia development, and our findings are consistent with permanent structural and functional damage in the cerebral cortex and white matter of boxers. Understanding the precise threshold of damage needed for the induction of pathology in DP and TBI is vital. | Western Blotting | | 23268705
Oligodendroglial expression of TrkB independently regulates myelination and progenitor cell proliferation. Wong, AW; Xiao, J; Kemper, D; Kilpatrick, TJ; Murray, SS The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience
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The neurotrophin brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) has been implicated in regulating CNS myelination. BDNF mutant mice exhibit a hypomyelinating phenotype, and BDNF exerts distinct effects upon oligodendroglial proliferation, differentiation, and myelination in vitro. To investigate the precise influence that BDNF exerts in regulating CNS myelination in vivo, we have generated conditional knock-out mice in which TrkB has been deleted specifically in oligodendrocytes. Deletion of TrkB disrupted normal oligodendrocyte myelination, resulting in a significant reduction in myelin protein expression and myelination of CNS white matter tracts during development. Importantly, conditional knock-out mice exhibited normal numbers of mature oligodendrocytes and normal numbers of myelinated axons; however, myelin thickness was significantly reduced during development. These data indicate that while TrkB expression in oligodendrocytes plays no role in the initial contact with axons, it exerts an important influence in subsequent stages to promote myelin ensheathment. The conditional knock-out mice also exhibited an increased density of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs) in CNS white matter tracts. Concordant with these results, in vitro analyses using OPCs subjected to TrkB knockdown also revealed increased OPC proliferation. Our data suggested this effect was dependent upon TrkC and p75 expression. Thus, our data demonstrate that TrkB expression in oligodendroglia exerts a direct effect on oligodendrocytes to promote myelination and an indirect effect upon the OPC population, modifying their proliferative potential. | | | 23486965
Purkinje cell maturation participates in the control of oligodendrocyte differentiation: role of sonic hedgehog and vitronectin. Bouslama-Oueghlani, L; Wehrlé, R; Doulazmi, M; Chen, XR; Jaudon, F; Lemaigre-Dubreuil, Y; Rivals, I; Sotelo, C; Dusart, I PloS one
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Oligodendrocyte differentiation is temporally regulated during development by multiple factors. Here, we investigated whether the timing of oligodendrocyte differentiation might be controlled by neuronal differentiation in cerebellar organotypic cultures. In these cultures, the slices taken from newborn mice show very few oligodendrocytes during the first week of culture (immature slices) whereas their number increases importantly during the second week (mature slices). First, we showed that mature cerebellar slices or their conditioned media stimulated oligodendrocyte differentiation in immature slices thus demonstrating the existence of diffusible factors controlling oligodendrocyte differentiation. Using conditioned media from different models of slice culture in which the number of Purkinje cells varies drastically, we showed that the effects of these differentiating factors were proportional to the number of Purkinje cells. To identify these diffusible factors, we first performed a transcriptome analysis with an Affymetrix array for cerebellar cortex and then real-time quantitative PCR on mRNAs extracted from fluorescent flow cytometry sorted (FACS) Purkinje cells of L7-GFP transgenic mice at different ages. These analyses revealed that during postnatal maturation, Purkinje cells down-regulate Sonic Hedgehog and up-regulate vitronectin. Then, we showed that Sonic Hedgehog stimulates the proliferation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells and inhibits their differentiation. In contrast, vitronectin stimulates oligodendrocyte differentiation, whereas its inhibition with blocking antibodies abolishes the conditioned media effects. Altogether, these results suggest that Purkinje cells participate in controlling the timing of oligodendrocyte differentiation in the cerebellum through the developmentally regulated expression of diffusible molecules such as Sonic Hedgehog and vitronectin. | | | 23155445
Expression of the P/Q (Cav2.1) calcium channel in nodose sensory neurons and arterial baroreceptors. Milos Tatalovic,Patricia A Glazebrook,Diana L Kunze Neuroscience letters
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The predominant calcium current in nodose sensory neurons, including the subpopulation of baroreceptor neurons, is the N-type channel, Cav2.2. It is also the primary calcium channel responsible for transmitter release at their presynaptic terminals in the nucleus of the solitary tract in the brainstem. The P/Q channel, Cav2.1, the other major calcium channel responsible for transmitter release at mammalian synapses, represents only 15-20% of total calcium current in the general population of sensory neurons and makes a minor contribution to transmitter release at the presynaptic terminal. In the present study we identified a subpopulation of the largest nodose neurons (capacitance>>50pF) in which, surprisingly, Cav2.1 represents over 50% of the total calcium current, differing from the remainder of the population. Consistent with these electrophysiological data, anti-Cav2.1 antibody labeling was more membrane delimited in a subgroup of the large neurons in slices of nodose ganglia. Data reported in other synapses in the central nervous system assign different roles in synaptic information transfer to the P/Q-type versus N-type calcium channels. The study raises the possibility that the P/Q channel which has been associated with high fidelity transmission at other central synapses serves a similar function in this group of large myelinated sensory afferents, including arterial baroreceptors where a high frequency regular discharge pattern signals the pressure pulse. This contrasts to the irregular lower frequency discharge of the unmyelinated fibers that make up the majority of the sensory population and that utilize the N-type channel in synaptic transmission. | | | 22617008
A synthetic cannabinoid agonist promotes oligodendrogliogenesis during viral encephalitis in rats. Solbrig, MV; Fan, Y; Hermanowicz, N; Morgese, MG; Giuffrida, A Experimental neurology
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Chronic CNS infection by several families of viruses can produce deficits in prefrontal cortex (PFC) and striatal function. Cannabinoid drugs have been long known for their anti-inflammatory properties and their ability to modulate adult neuro and gliogenesis. Therefore, we explored the effects of systemic administration of the cannabinoid agonist WIN55,212-2(WIN) on prefrontal cortex (PFC) and striatal cytogenesis in a viral model of CNS injury and inflammation based on Borna Disease (BD) virus encephalitis. Active BrdU(+) progenitor populations were significantly decreased 1 week after BrdU labeling in BD rats [pless than 0.001 compared to uninfected (NL) controls] while less than 5% of BrdU(+) cells colabeled for BDV protein. Systemic WIN (1mg/kg i.p. twice daily×7 days) increased the survival of BrdU(+) cells in striatum (pless than 0.001) and PFC of BD rats, with differential regulation of labeled oligodendroglia precursors vs microglia/macrophages. WIN increased the percentage of BrdU(+) oligodendrocyte precursor cells and decreased BrdU(+) ED-1-labeled phagocytic cells, without producing pro- or antiviral effects. BDV infection decreased the levels of the endocannabinoid anandamide (AEA) in striatum (pless than 0.05 compared to NL rats), whereas 2-AG levels were unchanged. Our findings indicate that: 1) viral infection is accompanied by alterations of AEA transmission in the striatum, but new cell protection by WIN appears independent of its effect on endocannabinoid levels; and 2) chronic WIN treatment alters the gliogenic cascades associated with CNS injury, promoting oligodendrocyte survival. Limiting reactive gliogenesis and macrophage activity in favor of oliogodendroglia development has significance for demyelinating diseases. Moreover, the ability of cannabinoids to promote the development of biologically supportive or symbiotic oligodendroglia may generalize to other microglia-driven neurodegenerative syndromes including NeuroAIDS and diseases of aging. Volltextartikel | | | 20832403
Sustained expression of vascular endothelial growth factor and angiopoietin-1 improves blood-spinal cord barrier integrity and functional recovery after spinal cord injury. Herrera, JJ; Sundberg, LM; Zentilin, L; Giacca, M; Narayana, PA Journal of neurotrauma
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Spinal cord injury (SCI) results in immediate disruption of the spinal vascular network, triggering an ischemic environment and initiating secondary degeneration. Promoting angiogenesis and vascular stability through the induction of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and angiopoietin-1 (Ang-1), respectively, provides a possible therapeutic approach in treating SCI. We examined whether supplementing the injured environment with these two factors, which are significantly reduced following injury, has an effect on lesion size and functional outcome. Sustained delivery of both VEGF(165) and Ang-1 was realized using viral vectors based on the adeno-associated virus (AAV), which were injected directly into the lesion epicenter immediately after injury. Our results indicate that the combined treatment with VEGF and Ang-1 resulted in both reduced hyperintense lesion volume and vascular stabilization, as determined by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Western blot analysis indicated that the viral vector expression was maintained into the chronic phase of injury, and that the use of the AAV vectors did not exacerbate infiltration of microglia into the lesion epicenter. The combined treatment with AAV-VEGF and AAV-Ang-1 improved locomotor recovery in the chronic phase of injury. These results indicate that combining angiogenesis with vascular stabilization may have potential therapeutic applications following SCI. Volltextartikel | Immunohistochemistry | Rat | 20799882
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor promotes central nervous system myelination via a direct effect upon oligodendrocytes. Xiao, J; Wong, AW; Willingham, MM; van den Buuse, M; Kilpatrick, TJ; Murray, SS Neuro-Signals
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The extracellular factors that are responsible for inducing myelination in the central nervous system (CNS) remain elusive. We investigated whether brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is implicated, by first confirming that BDNF heterozygous mice exhibit delayed CNS myelination during early postnatal development. We next established that the influence of BDNF upon myelination was direct, by acting on oligodendrocytes, using co-cultures of dorsal root ganglia neurons and oligodendrocyte precursor cells. Importantly, we found that BDNF retains its capacity to enhance myelination of neurons or by oligodendrocytes derived from p75NTR knockout mice, indicating the expression of p75NTR is not necessary for BDNF-induced myelination. Conversely, we observed that phosphorylation of TrkB correlated with myelination, and that inhibiting TrkB signalling also inhibited the promyelinating effect of BDNF, suggesting that BDNF enhances CNS myelination via activating oligodendroglial TrkB-FL receptors. Together, our data reveal a previously unknown role for BDNF in potentiating the normal development of CNS myelination, via signalling within oligodendrocytes. | | | 21242670
Expression of hemoglobin in rodent neurons. Schelshorn, DW; Schneider, A; Kuschinsky, W; Weber, D; Krüger, C; Dittgen, T; Bürgers, HF; Sabouri, F; Gassler, N; Bach, A; Maurer, MH Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism
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Hemoglobin is the major protein in red blood cells and transports oxygen from the lungs to oxygen-demanding tissues, like the brain. Mechanisms that facilitate the uptake of oxygen in the vertebrate brain are unknown. In invertebrates, neuronal hemoglobin serves as intracellular storage molecule for oxygen. Here, we show by immunohistochemistry that hemoglobin is specifically expressed in neurons of the cortex, hippocampus, and cerebellum of the rodent brain, but not in astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. The neuronal hemoglobin distribution is distinct from the neuroglobin expression pattern on both cellular and subcellular levels. Probing for low oxygen levels in the tissue, we provide evidence that hemoglobin alpha-positive cells in direct neighborhood with hemoglobin alpha-negative cells display a better oxygenation than their neighbors and can be sharply distinguished from those. Neuronal hemoglobin expression is upregulated by injection or transgenic overexpression of erythropoietin and is accompanied by enhanced brain oxygenation under physiologic and hypoxic conditions. Thus we provide a novel mechanism for the neuroprotective actions of erythropoietin under ischemic-hypoxic conditions. We propose that neuronal hemoglobin expression is connected to facilitated oxygen uptake in neurons, and hemoglobin might serve as oxygen capacitator molecule. | | | 19116637