Novel immunoblotting monoclonal antibodies against human and rat CD36/fat used to identify an isoform of CD36 in rat muscle. Thorne, RF; Zhang, X; Song, C; Jin, B; Burns, GF DNA and cell biology
Abstract anzeigen
CD36, a surface membrane glycoprotein, functions as a class B scavenger receptor that binds to several distinct ligands. Included among these is oxidized low-density lipoprotein (Ox-LDL), a major trigger of atherosclerotic lesions, and the levels of CD36 activity and Ox-LDL uptake may have an impact on coronary artery disease. In addition, recent studies in rodents have shown that CD36, also known as FAT, controls the levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in plasma, and is an important regulator of the metabolic pathways involved in insulin resistance. Despite the importance of measuring CD36 expression in different tissues there is a paucity of good immunoblotting antibodies, particularly for rodent tissue. Here, using GST-fusion proteins incorporating the cysteine cluster encoded by exons VIII, IX, and X of the CD36 gene as immunogen, we have generated a panel of monoclonal antibodies that are excellent blotting reagents for human and rat CD36. With these reagents we were able to visualize an additional, faster migrating CD36 band in rat muscle, likely representing a minor splice variant of CD36 (CD36var.1) hitherto seen only in the human HEL cell line. | 16716120