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817006 Polyethylene glycol 4000


Replacement Information

주요 사양표

CAS #EC NumberMolar MassGrade Value
25322-68-3500-038-23500 - 4500 g/molPh Eur,NF

가격 및 재고여부

카탈로그 번호 재고 정보패킹 포장 단위 가격(VAT 별도) 수량
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    Remaining: will advise
      Remaining: will advise
      고객 서비스로 문의
      Contact Customer Service

      Plastic bottle 5 kg
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      가격을 검색할 수 없습니다
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      Maximum Quantity is
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      재고 정보 검색...
      현재 재고 없음
현재 재고 없음
      예상 출고 가능일 
      제한된 수량 가능
      재고여부 확인
        Remaining: will advise
          Remaining: will advise
          고객 서비스로 문의
          Contact Customer Service

          Fibre carton 50 kg
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          가격을 검색할 수 없습니다
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          ()이 할인됨
          가격 문의
          Catalogue Number817006
          SynonymsPolyglycol, Polyethylene oxide, Polyoxy ethylene, PEG 4000
          Product Information
          CAS number25322-68-3
          EC number500-038-2
          GradePh Eur,NF
          Molar Mass3500 - 4500 g/mol
          HS Code3404 20 20
          Quality LevelMQ500
          Biological Information
          Physicochemical Information
          Density1.2 g/cm3 (20 °C)
          Flash point138.6 °C
          Ignition temperature>320 °C DIN 51794
          Melting Point57.5 °C
          pH value5 - 7 (100 g/l, H₂O, 20 °C)
          Vapor pressure<0.1 hPa (20 °C)
          Bulk density400 - 500 kg/m3
          Solubility500 g/l
          Materials Information
          Toxicological Information
          LD 50 oralLD50 Rat 28000 mg/kg
          LD 50 dermalLD50 Rabbit > 20000 mg/kg
          Safety Information according to GHS
          Storage class10 - 13 Other liquids and solids
          WGKWGK 1 slightly hazardous to water
          Relatively unreactive organic reagents should be collected in container A. If halogenated, they should be collected in container B. For solid residues use container C.
          Safety Information
          Product Usage Statements
          Storage and Shipping Information
          StorageStore at +2°C to +25°C.
          Packaging Information
          Transport Information
          Declaration (railroad and road) ADR, RIDKein Gefahrgut
          Declaration (transport by air) IATA-DGRNo Dangerous Good
          Declaration (transport by sea) IMDG-CodeNo Dangerous Good
          Supplemental Information
          Identitypasses test
          Appearancewhite or almost white solid with a waxy or paraffin-like appearance
          Appearance of solutionpasses test
          Acidity,Alkalinitypasses test
          Reducing substancespasses test
          pH-value (5 %; water, 25 °C)4.5 - 7.5
          Density (d 20/20)about 1.080 (50% solution)
          Solidification point53 - 59 °C
          Viscosity (20 °C)106 - 131 mm²/s
          Viskosity (20 °C)114 - 142 mPa∙s
          Viscosity 98.9°C (USP-NF)110 - 158 mm²/s
          Formaldehyde≤ 30 ppm
          Ethylene oxide (GC)≤ 1 ppm
          Dioxane (GC)≤ 10 ppm
          Ethylene oxide (GC) (USP-NF)1≤ 10 µg/g
          Dioxane (GC) (USP-NF)1≤ 10 µg/g
          Hydroxyl value25 - 32
          Average molecular mass3700 - 4400
          Sulfated ash≤ 0.1 %
          Water (K. F.)≤ 1.0 %
          Endotoxins (Gel-clot-test)≤ 10 I.U./g
          Microbiological test (total aerobic microbial count (TAMC))≤ 100 CFU/g
          Microbiological test (total yeast and mould count (TYMC))≤ 10 CFU/g
          Key organismspasses test
          Other residual solvents acc. to ICH-guideline are excluded by the manufacturing process.
          Elemental impurity specifications have been set considering ICH Q3D (Guideline for Elemental Impurities). Class 1-3 elements are not
          likely to be present above the ICH Q3D option 1 limit, unless specified and indicated (*).
          ¹ measured value from external service laboratory
          Corresponds to Ph Eur, USP-NF
          Global Trade Item Number
          카탈로그 번호 GTIN
          8.17006.5000 04022536424293
          8.17006.9050 04022536704784


          Material Qualification Dossier


          Quality Management Dossier (Open Access)


          Operational Excellence Dossier


          Polyethylene glycol 4000 MSDS



          Polyethylene glycol 4000 Certificates of Analysis

          제품 번호 패킹스펙로트(lot) 번호
          8.17006.5000 Plastic bottlePDF 사양 문건
          8.17006.9050 Fibre cartonPDF 사양 문건





          관련 제품 및 어플리케이션

          관련 제품: Application Facete


          Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing > Formulation > Liquid Dosage > Thickeners
          Small Molecule Pharmaceuticals > Formulation > Semisolid Dosage Form > Surfactants and Stabilizers
          Small Molecule Pharmaceuticals > Formulation > Solid Dosage Form > Ingredients-solid
          Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing > Formulation > Liquid Dosage > Surfactants and Stabilizers
          Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing > Formulation > Liquid Dosage > Solvents
          Small Molecule Pharmaceuticals > Formulation > Semisolid Dosage Form > Thickeners
          Reagents, Chemicals and Labware > Organic Synthesis > Organic Synthesis Product Groups > Ethers > Hydroxyethers > Glycol Ethers
          Small Molecule Pharmaceuticals > Formulation > Liquid Dosage Form > Solvents
          Small Molecule Pharmaceuticals > Formulation > Solid Dosage Form > Lubricants and Glidants
          Small Molecule Pharmaceuticals > Formulation > Liquid Dosage Form > Thickeners
          Small Molecule Pharmaceuticals > Formulation > Liquid Dosage Form > Surfactants and Stabilizers