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69049 Pellet Paint® Co-Precipitant

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      Plastic ampoule 125 rxn
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          Plastic ampoule 1000 rxn
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          가격 문의
          OverviewPellet Paint® Co-Precipitant is a visible dye-labeled carrier formulated specifically for use in alcohol precipitation of nucleic acids (McCormick 1995, McCormick 1996). The two-minute precipitation uses just 2 µl per reaction and requires no low-temperature incubations or prolonged centrifugation. Both RNA and DNA are efficiently precipitated from even dilute solutions (2 ng/ml) and the pellet is easily located by its vivid pink color. The pellet can be easily followed during washing steps and prevents losses during handling.

          Most applications of PCR benefit from a clean-up step in which primers and other reactants are removed and the target DNA is concentrated (Taggart 1998). Pellet Paint Co- Precipitant is ideal for this cleanup because the procedure is rapid, primers < 50 nt in length are efficiently removed, and the DNA is quantitatively recovered. Furthermore, it is easy to tell when the DNA has been completely resuspended following the precipitation step.

          Pellet Paint Co-Precipitant is compatible with most molecular biology procedures and is free of contaminating nucleic acids and nucleolytic enzymes. Although it absorbs in the UV range, accurate spectrophotometric measurements of DNA or RNA samples are possible; the absorbance ratio (provided with each package) can be used as a correction factor when determining nucleic acid concentration (McCormick 1996). Pellet Paint Co-Precipitant is compatible with automatted Cy5® sequencers. Pellet Paint NF Co- Precipitant is recommended for use with PE Applied Biosystems automated sequencers.

          Catalogue Number69049
          Brand Family Novagen®
          Features and benefits• Direct visualization and tracking of precipitated material
          ReferencesMcCormick, M. 1995. inNovations 4a, 10. McCormick, M. 1996. inNovations 5, 10. Taggart, E. W., et al. 1998. J. Clin. Microbiol. 36, 3408.
          Product Information
          250 µl or 2 mlPellet Paint Co-Precipitant
          1 ml or 8 ml3 M Sodium Acetate, pH 5.2
          DeclarationThis product is covered by U.S. Patents 7,550,447, 7,144,713, EP Patent 853,680, Canadian Patent 2,231,501 owned by EMD Chemicals Inc. or its Affiliates
          Quality LevelMQ100
          Biological Information
          Physicochemical Information
          Materials Information
          Toxicological Information
          Safety Information according to GHS
          Safety Information
          Product Usage Statements
          Storage and Shipping Information
          Ship Code Shipped at Ambient Temperature or with Blue Ice or with Dry Ice
          Toxicity Standard Handling
          Storage -20°C
          Do not freeze Ok to freeze
          Packaging Information
          Transport Information
          Supplemental Information
          Global Trade Item Number
          카탈로그 번호 GTIN
          69049-3CN 04055977259797
          69049-4CN 04055977259803


          Pellet Paint® Co-Precipitant MSDS



          Pellet Paint® Co-Precipitant Certificates of Analysis

          TitleLot Number


          참고문헌 보기
          McCormick, M. 1995. inNovations 4a, 10. McCormick, M. 1996. inNovations 5, 10. Taggart, E. W., et al. 1998. J. Clin. Microbiol. 36, 3408.


          High fidelity gene amplification


        • Brooks, C.L., 2007. Journal of Biological Chemistry 282, 22804.
        • Buttner, M.P., et al. 2007. Applied and Enviornmental Microbiology 73, 3505.
        • Halling, R.E., et al. 2007. Mycologia 99, 310.
        • Quan, S., et al. 2007. Journal of Biological Chemistry 282, 28823.
        • Tsai, C.J., et al. 2007. Procedings of the National Academy of Science 104, 7851.
        • Nowak, J.E., et al. 2006. Bio/Techniques 40, 220.
        • Lee, Y., et al. 2005 Clinical Cancer Research 11, 1059.
        • Mori, T., et al. 2005. Journal of Clinical Oncology 23, 9351.
        • Pendleton, L.C., et al. 2005. Journal of Biological Chemistry 280, 24252.
        • Beischlag, T.V., et al. 2004. Journal of Biological Chemistry 279, 54620.
        • Xu, M., et al. 2002. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 40, 2626.
        • Taggart, E.W., et al. 1998. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 36, 3408.
        • User Protocols

          TB146 Pellet Paint® Co-Precipitant

          관련 제품 및 어플리케이션

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          관련 제품: Application Facete

          관련 제품: Brand Facete


          Life Science Research > Genomic Analysis > DNA Preparation & Cloning > DNA Purification > DNA/RNA Clean-Up