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Milliflex Oasis® Vacuum Pump

Innovative ergonomics and unique features to secure testing results and enhance productivity for water and bioburden testing

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Milliflex Oasis® Vacuum Pump정렬 및 필터링 지우기 Show Filter
카탈로그 번호DescriptionPack Size
MMSYSTMM1Milliflex Oasis® filtration pump, one system with two filtration heads and no power supply 1 가격 및 재고 조회

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Accessories and spare parts정렬 및 필터링 지우기 Show Filter
카탈로그 번호DescriptionPack Size
MMPWRSPEUMilliflex Oasis® power supply for one to three filtration pumps - Europe 1 가격 및 재고 조회
MMSANKIT1Milliflex Oasis® internal flow sanitization kit, including one vacuum gauge 1 가격 및 재고 조회
MMSANSYFUMilliflex Oasis® consumables for internal flow sanitization kit 24 가격 및 재고 조회

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