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Milliflex Oasis® Filtration Funnels

Ready-to-use sterilized funnels with convenient new touch-free membrane transfer for optimal result reliability for water and bioburden testing

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Milliflex Oasis® Filtration Funnels정렬 및 필터링 지우기 Show Filter
카탈로그 번호DescriptionPack Size
MMHAWG124Milliflex Oasis®, 100mL, 0.45µm white gridded 24 가격 및 재고 조회
MMHABG124Milliflex Oasis®, 100mL, 0.45µm black gridded 24 가격 및 재고 조회
MMGSWG124Milliflex Oasis®, 100mL, 0.22µm white gridded 24 가격 및 재고 조회
MMRECVERYMilliflex Oasis® 100 mL funnel without membrane, growth promotion accessory 24 가격 및 재고 조회

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