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Diffusion Chamber Kit

EMD Millipore's Diffusion Chamber Kits are proven devices for studying immunology, tissue growth, and organ transplants

  • Diffusion chambers are proven devices for studying immunology, tissue growth, and organ transplants
  • Can be used with suspended cells or minced or whole tissue
  • Includes membrane, glue, and Plexiglas® chamber rings



주문 정보

13-mm Diameter Discs정렬 및 필터링 지우기 Show Filter
카탈로그 번호DescriptionPore SizePack Size
GVWP01300Durapore® Membrane Filter, 0.22 µm 0.22 µm PVDF, Hydrophilic, 0.22 µm, 13 mm, white, plain, 100 가격 및 재고 조회
HVLP01300Durapore® Membrane Filter, 0.45 µm 0.45 µm PVDF, Hydrophilic, 0.45 µm, 13 mm, white, plain, 100 가격 및 재고 조회
SVLP01300Durapore® Membrane Filter, 5.0 µm 5.0 µm PVDF, Hydrophilic, 5.0 µm, 13 mm, white, plain, 100 가격 및 재고 조회
GSWP01300MF-Millipore™ Membrane Filter, 0.22 µm pore size 0.22 µm Hydrophilic, 0.22 µm, 13 mm, white, plain, 100 가격 및 재고 조회
HAWP01300MF-Millipore™ Membrane Filter, 0.45 µm pore size 0.45 µm Hydrophilic, 0.45 µm, 13 mm, white, plain, 100 가격 및 재고 조회
SMWP01300MF-Millipore™ Membrane Filter, 5 µm pore size 5.0 µm Hydrophilic, 5.0 µm, 13 mm, white, plain, 100 가격 및 재고 조회

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Plexiglas® Rings정렬 및 필터링 지우기 Show Filter
카탈로그 번호DescriptionPack Size
PR0001400Plexiglas® Rings without hole 50 가격 및 재고 조회

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Accessory정렬 및 필터링 지우기 Show Filter
카탈로그 번호DescriptionPack Size
XX6200006PFilter forceps, blunt end, stainless steel 3 가격 및 재고 조회

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What do I need to assemble diffusion chambers for studying the effects of implanted cells?You need three items: (1) Diffusion chamber rings with holes and nylon thread for plugging the holes, catalog number PR00 014 01, (2) 13 mm membrane filters, either 0.22 micron pore size (catalog number GSWP 013 00) or 0.45 micron pore size (catalog number HAWP 013 00), and (3) MF filter cement, catalog number XX70 000 00. Additional nylon thread can be purchased separately under the catalog number PR00 000 00.
How do I assemble a diffusion chamber containing tissue for implantation?
  1. Wet a single membrane filter (either GSWP 013 00 or HAWP 013 00) with Milli-Q water and blot it to absorbent paper to remove excess water.
  2. Glue the filter to one side of a diffusion chamber ring without hole (catalog number PR00 014 00), using MF cement (catalog number XX70 000 00), and let dry.
  3. Sterilize this assembly, along with another membrane filter of the same type, by exposure to ethylene oxide gas or ultraviolet light.
  4. Moisten the half-completed chamber and the separate sterile filter with a sterile physiological solution, and aseptically place the tissue to be studied in the half-completed chamber assembly.
  5. Glue the cover filter in place using sterile technique.
How do I assemble a diffusion chamber containing suspension cells for implantation?Wet two membrane filters (either GSWP 013 00 or HAWP 013 00) with Milli-Q water and blot them to absorbent paper to remove excess water. Glue a moist filter to each side of the diffusion chamber ring with hole (catalog number PR00 014 01) using MF cement (catalog number XX70 000 00). Sterilize the dried diffusion chamber with ethylene oxide gas or ultraviolet light. After sterilization, inject the cells through the hole in the plastic ring, and plug the hole with the nylon thread which comes with the rings (catalog number PR00 000 00 if ordered separately).