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D-Tube™ Dialyzers

High-recovery dialysis of protein and nucleic acids

관련 자료


Easy to handle, D-Tube™ Dialyzers are in a centrifuge tube format with dialysis membrane windows for buffer exchange. Just add or remove your sample with a standard laboratory pipette and obtain >97% sample volume recovery. Available molecular weight cut-offs range from 3.5 to 14 kDa and there are six volume capacities: mini (10–250 μL), midi (50–800 μL), maxi (100– 3000 μL), and mega (10, 15, and 20 mL). The regenerated cellulose membrane is sulfur- and heavy metal-free. Each kit contains 10 D-Tube™ Dialyzers (mega kits also offered in 50/pk) and one floating rack to hold devices in the exchange buffer. Use D-Tube™ Dialyzers for electroelution using the optional accessory kit.

Features & Benefits

  • Ideal for buffer exchange and removal of urea and detergents for samples ranging from 10 µL to 20 mL
  • One-step dialysis procedure (no syringes or special equipment)
  • Efficient sample recovery
  • Protease-, RNase- and DNase-free


Electroelution of Proteins, Protein-DNA Complexes, DNA, and RNA from Polyacrylamide and Agarose Gels, Dialysis Upstream of MALDI-MS, Functional Assays and HPLC

Product Performance