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CellASIC® ONIX Microfluidic Platform

This CellASIC System delivers breakthrough control for live cell analysis experiments by combining the highest precision controls, maximum functionality, and simplified user operation.

관련 자료



주문 정보

Plates정렬 및 필터링 지우기 Show Filter
카탈로그 번호DescriptionPack Size
B04A-03-5PKCellASIC ONIX plate for bacteria cells (4 chamber) 5 가격 및 재고 조회
M04G-02-5PKCellASIC ONIX gradient plate for mammalian cells (4 chamber) 5 가격 및 재고 조회
M04L-03-5PKCellASIC ONIX open-top plate for mammalian cells (4 chamber) 5 가격 및 재고 조회
M04S-03-5PKCellASIC ONIX switching plate mammalian cells (4 chamber) 5 가격 및 재고 조회
Y04C-02-5PKCellASIC ONIX plate for haploid yeast cells (4 chamber, 3.5-5 micron) 5 가격 및 재고 조회

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Reference overviewPub Med ID
Heritable change caused by transient transcription
Gordon AJ, Satory D, Halliday JA, Herman C
PLoS Genetics 9 (6): e1003595  2013

요약 표시
23825966 23825966