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Biopak® Polisher

Ultrafilter for pyrogen-, nuclease- and bacteria-free water at the point of dispense

관련 자료


Biopak® Polisher is designed to be connected to the outlet of water purification systems such as the PODs of Milli-Q® systems. It is warranted for a period of up to three months. The ultrafilter is composed of polysulfone hollow fibers which structure has been optimized to efficiently reject targeted contaminants, while maintaining a high flow rate and minimizing the release of ionic and organic materials.

Pyrogen-free and bacteria-free water

Pyrogens are known to affect cell culture and biochemistry experiments in numerous ways. The most common pyrogens from bacteria are endotoxins (LPS -lipopolysaccharide). In ultrapure water, LPS sub-units aggregate to form high molecular weight structures that can be efficiently removed by ultrafiltration membranes. Experiments have validated that Biopak® Polisher can be used for at least 90 days* to purify ultrapure water to obtain endotoxin levels below 0.001 EU/mL.

Nuclease-free water

Molecular biologists systematically require nuclease-free reagents as nucleic acid molecules are at the heart of their experimental research. Biopak® ultrafiltration has been demonstrated as an effective and practical solution for these scientists. And, contrary to DEPC (diethylpyrocarbonate), ultrafiltration does not generate hazardous handling conditions, lengthy treatment time or contamination of the treated water by CO2 and ethanol. Challenge tests have validated Biopak® efficiency in removing RNases (< 1 pg/mL) and DNases (< 5 pg/mL) when connected to Milli-Q® water purification system. Each Biopak® Polisher is delivered with its Certificate of Quality.

*continuous use in appropriate test conditions