다음 MAP메이트™는 통합될 수 없습니다: -다른 분석 완충용액이 필요한 MAP메이트™. -인산 특이성 및 총 MAP메이트™ 조합, 예: 총 GSK3β 및 GSK3β(Ser 9). -PanTyr 및 자리 특이성 MAP메이트™, 예: Phospho-EGF 수용체 및 phospho-STAT1(Tyr701). -단일 표적(Akt, STAT3)를 위한 1개 이상의 1 phospho-MAP메이트™. - GAPDH 및 β-Tubulin은 panTyr를 포함하는 키트 또는 MAP메이트™와 통합될 수 없습니다.
Custom Premix Selecting "Custom Premix" option means that all of the beads you have chosen will be premixed in manufacturing before the kit is sent to you.
Catalogue Number
Ordering Description
이 제품은 즐겨찾기에 저장되었습니다.
패널 유형
선택하신 키트
카탈로그 번호
주문 설명
포장 단위
기재 가격
96-Well Plate
카탈로그 번호
주문 설명
포장 단위
기재 가격
다른 시약 추가 (MAP메이트 사용을 위해 완충용액과 검출 키트가 필요함)
카탈로그 번호
주문 설명
포장 단위
기재 가격
Buffer Detection Kit for Magnetic Beads
1 Kit
공간 절약 옵션 다수의 키트를 구매하시는 고객은 고용량 저장을 위해 키트 포장을 제거하고 비닐백에 담긴 멀티플레스 분석 구성품을 받아 저장 공간을 절약하도록 선택할 수 있습니다.
이 제품은 즐겨찾기에 저장되었습니다.
해당 제품은 고객님의 카트에 추가되었습니다.
이제 다른 키트를 사용자 지정하거나, 사전 혼합된 키트를 선택하거나, 결재하거나 또는 주문 도구를 종료할 수 있습니다.
Each spot represents the ‘cytokine signature’ of a single cell. Due to diffusion properties, a true spot has a densely colored center which fades toward the edges; the size and/or color intensity of the spots is determined by the amount of cytokine released.
Due to differences in analyte measured, incubation time, antibody concentration, enzyme activity, substrates and other materials used as well as the functional state of the cytokine-secreting cells, spot size and density can vary greatly. Artifactual spots may appear and can be caused by the aggregation of antibodies or the incomplete removal of cells and cellular debris. Morphologically, these spots can be differentiated from ‘true’ spots by their homogeneity in color intensity and sharper (nonrounded) edges.
Automatic Spot Reading
From the above description, manual spot counting by light microscopy would be classified as a highly subjective process, fraught with a great degree of inter-user variability. Further, when considering the sheer number of wells that may need to quantified in a standard vaccine trials, the task of ELISpot data analysis becomes a far too laborious task for human eyes. The availability of sophisticated ELISpot readers offers a complete solution for precise evaluation of spot data. These instruments include features to overcome problems with variable background intensity and the ability to distinguish true single cell spots from artifacts. The latter capability relies upon the use of minimum and maximum threshold values for spot size and intensity, permitting the exclusion of weak bystander responses and clusters containing multiple cells, respectively. Beyond speed, spot analysis software offers process standardization, a critical component when studies are performed across sites, such as is the case for diagnostic testing and vaccine trials. Moreover, ELISpot readers and analysis software open the door for more precise measurements of spots, permitting the quantitation of secretion of multiple cytokines on a per-cell basis.
Harmonization: Manual and Automated Plate Evaluation
Significant user training and cross validation as part of a harmonization program is warranted to ensure that ELISpot reading is standardized. It may be misleading to think that because automated evaluation is accomplished by machine algorithm the results are without bias. However consider this:
An ELISpot reader counts within its capability according to how we program it to pick up spots
Variability in programming can still introduce bias
Automated ELISpot evaluation is therefore operator-dependent and still requires harmonization.
Harmonization SOPs and response definition tools are available