해당 제품을 고객님의 쇼핑 카트 또는 즐겨찾기에 추가하는 경우를 제외하고 종료는 고객님의 맞춤정보를 저장하지 않습니다.
해당 멀티플렉스® MAP 도구를 종료하려면 확인을 클릭하거나 고객님의 선택사항으로 복귀하려면 취소를 클릭하십시오.
밀리플렉스® MAP 키트의 디자인 및 가격 설정.
머크 밀리포아의 광범위한 포트폴리오는 해당 패널 안에서, 고객님의 필요에 가장 잘 부합하는 분석물을 선택하도록 허용하는 멀티플렉스로 구성되어 있습니다. 별도의 탭에서 사전 혼합된 시토카인(cytokine) 형식 또는 단일 플렉스 키트를 선택할 수 있습니다.
전체 경로 또는 과정을 탐색하도록 허용하는 수리된 키트를 선택하십시오. 또는 단일 플렉스 MAP메이트™를 선택하여 제공된 지침에 따라 고객님 고유의 키트를 디자인하십시오.
다음 MAP메이트™는 통합될 수 없습니다:
-다른 분석 완충용액이 필요한 MAP메이트™.
-인산 특이성 및 총 MAP메이트™ 조합, 예: 총 GSK3β 및 GSK3β(Ser 9).
-PanTyr 및 자리 특이성 MAP메이트™, 예: Phospho-EGF 수용체 및 phospho-STAT1(Tyr701).
-단일 표적(Akt, STAT3)를 위한 1개 이상의 1 phospho-MAP메이트™.
- GAPDH 및 β-Tubulin은 panTyr를 포함하는 키트 또는 MAP메이트™와 통합될 수 없습니다.
카탈로그 번호 | 주문 설명 | 포장 단위 | 목록 |
밀리플렉스® MAP 키트를 디자인하려면 종, 패널 유형 또는 관심있는 키트를 선택하십시오.
종 |
패널 유형 |
선택하신 키트 |
시료 유형: |
수정 |
종 선택 | . |
패널 유형 선택 | . |
키트 선택 | . |
시료 유형 선택 | 일부 패널의 경우, 시료 유형이 어느 분석물이 함께 통합될지 결정합니다. |
고객님 고유의 키트를 디자인하거나 머크 밀리포아의 사전 혼함된 단일 플렉스 패널에서 선택하십시오.
Catalogue Number | Ordering Description | Qty/Pack | List |
종 |
![]() |
패널 유형 | |
선택하신 키트 | |
수량 | 카탈로그 번호 | 주문 설명 | 포장 단위 | 기재 가격 |
96-Well Plate |
수량 | 카탈로그 번호 | 주문 설명 | 포장 단위 | 기재 가격 |
수량 | 카탈로그 번호 | 주문 설명 | 포장 단위 | 기재 가격 |
48-602MAG | Buffer Detection Kit for Magnetic Beads | 1 Kit |
이제 다른 키트를 사용자 지정하거나, 사전 혼합된 키트를 선택하거나, 결재하거나 또는 주문 도구를 종료할 수 있습니다.
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We are extending the walls of our M Lab™ Collaboration Centers to provide you the same opportunities for collaboration, technical guidance and education by bringing our labs to you virtually. Schedule a remote visit here.
The M Lab™ Collaboration Centers offer vibrant collaboration spaces in which pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical manufacturers can explore ideas, learn innovative techniques, and work side by side with our scientists and engineers to solve critical process development and production challenges. These non-GMP labs, designed for manufacturers of all therapeutic types, offer the flexibility to troubleshoot and test in our facility without impacting your production line. Located in life science hubs around the world, our experts are ready to collaborate with your experts to solve your toughest problems — together.
At the M Lab™ Collaboration Centers, no challenge is too great. Our technical expertise spans all aspects of the process train, from upstream to downstream and through final fill. Areas of support we offer include, but are not limited to:
Learn how these innovative spaces are being utilized to reduce costs and drive efficiencies in pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical production.
M Lab™ Collaboration Center, Molsheim, France
The Power of Collaboration
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Welcome to the M Lab™ Collaboration Centers
Pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical manufacturers are in a race to stay ahead of industry trends and are under increased pressure to drive down costs and accelerate speed to market. Choosing a knowledgeable training partner is your first step to elevating your technical expertise. Our instructors have trained more than 10,000 industry professionals and are real world scientists and engineers whose primary objective is to provide you the skills you need to solve your toughest challenges, today and in the future.
Most courses are conducted at our M Lab™ Collaboration Centers, however, many courses can also be held at your facility. For more information on our complete course offering, please visit merckmillipore.com/training or download our course catalog.
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Biopharmaceutical Training: Train Your Team to Meet Evolving Industry Needs
Welcome to the M Lab™ Collaboration Centers Knowledge Center. Check this page often for the latest educational content featuring real-world problems that are solved every day across the global network of labs.
This series covers diverse industry topics such as next-generation bioprocessing, bioproduction training in emerging markets, cell and gene therapy manufacturing challenges, and regulatory challenges in Asia.
March 20, 2019 - Merck opens first M Lab™ Collaboration Center in Europe
Biopharma and Pharma Training Courses
Elevate your technical expertise by signing up for a hands-on training
Success Stories |
Process Development & Scale Up
Downstream Purification
Viral Safety
Filter Integrity
Buffer Prep
Single-use Implementation
![]() Downstream Purification
How do I reduce aggregate levels and increase yield in my process?
We need to run tests related to clarification, TFF, and chromatography, however we do not have the capacity in our own lab to run these tests. How can you help?
We want to replace our hollow fiber technology with microfiltration cassettes. How can we do this with minimal impact on our process?
We are having viscosity and high concentration challenges with our therapeutic. How do we address this to increase process performance?
How can we make a significant increase to our product yield while staying within the limitations of our existing facility?
We are a plasma manufacturer and need to increase the concentration of our product. However, we are encountering viscosity issues, and the solution is difficult to recover at high yield using a conventional batch TFF approach. What do you recommend?
We are observing premature pressure hold failures in our perfusion process. Can you help us solve this problem?
![]() Filter Integrity
We are experiencing integrity test failures with our filters and cannot identify the root cause.
![]() Single-use Implementation
How can we achieve better mixing productivity and processing flexibility by using single-use technology?
A cell and gene therapy customer recently adopted our Mobius® MyWay Program to address their speed-to-market challenge and wanted to explore further options for single-use implementation at two GMP suites they were building.
![]() Testimonials
"Merck's commitment to partnering with their customers is commendable. Their willingness to provide their customers the opportunity to get hands on experience with their equipment and connect their customers with technical resources was integral to the decision to purchase their technology. Their inviting and authentic approach to customer interactions has changed my perception of the buyer and supplier relationship."
— Mark Maselli, Engineering Manager, Homology Medicines
"Thanks to the M Lab™ Collaboration Center team for their professional support in solving our urgent case and ensuring our project schedule remained on time. The team's authentic attitude and level of technical expertise impressed us. We learned a lot and have a deeper understanding of Merck's resin and optimization process. We look forward to deepening our collaboration in the future."
— Jun Wang, Production Director, Suncadia
"Merck's support and expertise have played an integral role in the success of our new facility."
— Nathalie Robineau, Head of Yellow Fever Vaccines, Institute Pasteur Dakar
"The M Lab™ Collaboration Center team and Merck technical support were very helpful in solving our biggest challenges: yield loss and protein adsorption. We learned the filtering mechanism and methodology of scale up through correct experimental analysis. The flexible environment of the M Lab™ Collaboration Center was also very helpful, as we were able to work closely and efficiently with Merck's scientists and engineers to conduct the study."
— Project Leader, CHA Vaccine
How do I optimize my process to ensure successful scale up? | ||
Challenge: We performed the initial phase of process development and hired a CRO for our pilot batch, however the results did not meet our expectations for scale up. Solution: The team performed studies in the M Lab™ Collaboration Center to select the proper filtration train and process adjustments. Clarification and UF/DF studies were carried out with two different lots of feed material to check variability before suggesting the final sizing. Outcome: The M Lab™ Collaboration Center team carried out additional studies together with the customer's team to ensure process optimization and smooth scale up. |
How do I reduce aggregate levels and increase yield in my process? | ||
Challenge: Our downstream purification process for our Phase II mAb fusion protein had high aggregate and fragment levels with a very low yield. This process was inefficient and costly, and we struggled to find a solution. Solution: The team conducted a comprehensive downstream study in the M Lab™ Collaboration Center. The study included screening multiple chromatography resins, optimization of clarification, virus filtration and ultrafiltration operating conditions, and an analysis of extractables and leachables and product stability. Outcome: The team successfully optimized the customer's downstream purification process and incorporated multiple products into the process at 1,000-L scale. |
Related Resources Video Series: Webinars: |
We need to run tests related to clarification, TFF, and chromatography, however we do not have the capacity in our own lab to run these tests. How can you help? | ||
Challenge: We are a small novel therapies manufacturer with limited lab space and have specific technical questions around chromatography, clarification, and TFF. Solution: The team at the M Lab™ Collaboration Center met with the customer to answer their technical questions and demonstrated that our non-GMP lab space is a place where they can conduct tests that their own lab cannot accommodate. Outcome: The customer walked away from the visit feeling confident in the breadth and depth of our technologies and our commitment to helping emerging novel therapy manufacturers succeed. |
Related Resources Training: |
We want to replace our hollow fiber technology with microfiltration cassettes. How can we do this with minimal impact on our process? | ||
Challenge: We are a cell and gene therapy manufacturer looking to change out hollow fiber technology and replace it with microfiltration cassettes. How can we surmount hurdles in our existing process to make the switch? Solution: The tangential flow filtration experts at the M Lab™ Collaboration Center educated the customer on all aspects of TFF from the cassettes and hardware to best practices and implementation in their manufacturing process. The team shared ways to overcome process limitations through optimization techniques. Outcome: The customer walked away from the meeting feeling confident in our TFF expertise and agreed to set up local support with our process development scientists to evaluate Pellicon® ultrafiltration cassettes. |
We are having viscosity and high concentration challenges with our therapeutic. How do we address this to increase process performance? | ||
Challenge: The viscosity properties of our therapeutic at high concentrations slowed the overall performance of diafiltration/concentration significantly. Solution: The experts in the M Lab™ Collaboration Center performed Pellicon® single-pass tangential flow filtration (SPTFF) trials with the customer after they had unsuccessful trials with our competitor. The customer was very surprised by how easy the Pellicon® 3 Cassettes were to optimize and implement. Outcome: The customer achieved concentrations up to 240 g/L after implementing Pellicon® single-pass TFF. They were so pleased with the results that they decided to implement SPTFF for all future clinical projects using our Pellicon® 3 cassettes. Learn more about the BioContinuum™ Platform. |
Related Resources Training:
Podcasts: Articles: |
How can we make a significant increase to our product yield while staying within the limitations of our existing facility? | ||
Challenge: Clinical trial data indicated the customer needed to increase their drug production to accommodate a larger patient population, however their manufacturing process did not have the capacity to support more drug. A higher titer process would help, but downstream tank limitations posed a manufacturing bottleneck. Solution: The experts from the M Lab™ Collaboration Centers in Europe, the US and Singapore collaborated with the customer to implement Pellicon® single-pass tangential flow filtration (SPTFF). The team identified where in the customer's process this technology could be placed and demonstrated its performance and feasibility to debottleneck the operation and fit within their existing facility. Outcome: In addition to the intensification of the customer's upstream process, the implementation of SPTFF in the downstream process yielded a 75% annual COGS reduction, and plant capacity required for molecule production decreased from 90% to 26%. Learn more about the BioContinuum™ Platform. |
Related Resources Training:
Podcasts: Articles: |
We are a plasma manufacturer and need to increase the concentration of our product. However, we are encountering viscosity issues, and the solution is difficult to recover at high yield using a conventional batch TFF approach. What do you recommend? | ||
Challenge: Clinical trial data indicated the customer needed to increase their drug production to accommodate a larger patient population, however their manufacturing process did not have the capacity to support more drug. A higher titer process would help, but downstream tank limitations posed a manufacturing bottleneck. Solution: The team executed the first feasibility study using Pellicon® single-pass tangential flow filtration (SPTFF). Next, the team performed experiments using Pellicon® 3 cassettes with the client's product and executed an engineering run at scale in the M Lab™ Collaboration Center. Outcome: The use of Pellicon® single-pass tangential flow filtration (SPTFF) will save the customer several millions of dollars per year due to the yield increase. The network of technical experts supporting the customer over the last five years was a huge contribution to this success and will set the stage for addressing challenges specific to plasma manufacturers. Learn more about the BioContinuum™ Platform. |
Related Resources Podcasts: Articles: |
We are observing premature pressure hold failures in our perfusion process. Can you help us solve this problem? | ||
Challenge: The customer observed premature pressure hold failures in their perfusion process and asked our team to conduct a study at the M Lab™ Collaboration Center to help them resolve this problem. Solution: An N-1 perfusion process simulation study was initiated at the M Lab™ Collaboration Center. This collaborative effort was designed to provide our current Best Engineering Practice (cBEP) recommendation for Prostak™ microfiltration modules that are exposed to multiple steam cycles, and to provide a formal data set that could be leveraged to support the customer's perfusion process using steam to achieve aseptic operating conditions. Outcome: The installation of spring washers reduced the magnitude of compressive forces that the Prostak™ microfiltration modules were exposed to during thermal cycles by a factor of 5-6x. The reduction in overall exposure is expected to prolong the life of these modules when used in a drug manufacturing process that includes steaming. The team was able to successfully produce data to support modification of the holder hardware, which would allow the customer to reliably achieve the specified target number of cycles with their modules. Learn how to Lay the Groundwork for Downstream Success.. |
We just acquired a new molecule and want to avoid viral contamination. How can you help us ensure smooth production and ensure viral safety? | ||
Challenge: The customer recently acquired a new molecule and needed a strong partner who could provide advice on viral safety to ensure smooth production. Solution: The team of experts at the M Lab™ Collaboration Center left no questions unanswered during the customer visit. Post-visit, our scientists conducted trials using their product to give them complete confidence in our filters and concrete data to share with the FDA. Outcome: The customer was so pleased with the outcome of the trials that they adopted Viresolve® Pro Solution. Their confidence in our viral safety expertise strengthened our partnership and led to further discussions on process optimization. Visit our viral safety learning center for additional resources. |
Related Resources Podcasts: |
We are experiencing integrity test failures with our filters and cannot identify the root cause. | ||
Challenge: The customer was using Millipore Express® SHF filters to sterilize a high pH cleaning solution containing detergent. They experienced periodic integrity test failures and were unable to determine the root cause. Solution: The team replicated the customer's process in the M Lab™ Collaboration Center and, after extensive investigation, determined that the integrity test failures were a consequence of high pressure pulse in the supply line rather than solution composition. Outcome: Partnering with the M Lab™ Collaboration Center team of experts resulted in the customer having a better understanding of process risks, so operations could be controlled to prevent future filter failures. Best of all, this saved the customer time, and the problem was identified without interrupting production schedules. |
Related Resources Training: |
We are experiencing poor compressibility of mannitol in wet granulation. Can you help us identify the problem? | ||
Challenge: The customer's product failed to achieve specification of hardness during manufacturing due to poor compressibility of mannitol in wet granulation. They could not change the excipients or process since the product had already been approved in the US and Europe. Solution: The team was able to achieve the desired hardness with Parteck® Delta M (mannitol) excipient in wet granulation through a live demo at the M Lab™ Collaboration Center. Outcome: The customer solved their formulation challenge quickly by adopting the excipient that reached the desired hardness during manufacturing and would not interrupt their process or production. |
Related Resources Tools: |
We are encountering bottlenecks and increased mixing time with our existing equipment when we prepare buffer solutions at very high concentrations. Can you help? | ||
Challenge: The customer was preparing buffer solutions at very high concentrations, which increased mixing time required and created bottlenecks with existing equipment. In addition, the customer was considering expanding their manufacturing capacity and wanted to explore buffer preparation equipment and hardware. Solution: The team invited the customer into the M Lab™ Collaboration Center for two days of hands-on work with products and tools associated with buffer preparation. On the first day, our experts discussed hardware (TFF, Viresolve® Pro holder, etc.), and on the second day, our single-use specialists performed a mixing demo with the 2,000 L Mobius® Power MIX. Next, the technical team simulated the customer’s own process and recipe at real scale, which was an extremely powerful way of showing the customer how easy the mixer was to handle in their unique process scenario. Outcome: The customer is planning to extend their pilot plant capabilities, and following their visit, they expressed strong interest in implementing Mobius® Power MIX (1,000 L or 2,000 L) as part of this initiative. The customer also scheduled follow-up demos of our single-use TFF devices and the Mobius® FlexReady Solutions for TFF. |
How can we achieve better mixing productivity and processing flexibility by using single-use technology? | ||
Challenge: The customer was looking for a way to increase their mixing productivity and processing flexibility. Solution: The technical team and single-use experts worked with the customer to customize two single-use mixers, and a demo was performed in the M Lab™ Collaboration Center. Outcome: The combination of excellent support at the M Lab Collaboration center and quality product design demonstrated during the demo (low working volume, good drainability, option to include diverter plate) led the customer to replace their existing stainless steel tanks with two customized Mobius® Power MIX Single-use Mixing Systems. |
A cell and gene therapy customer recently adopted our Mobius® MyWay Program to address their speed-to-market challenge and wanted to explore further options for single-use implementation at two GMP suites they were building. | ||
Challenge: A cell and gene therapy customer recently adopted our Mobius® MyWay Program to address their speed-to-market challenge and wanted to explore further options for single-use implementation at two GMP suites they were building. Solution: The team at the M Lab™ Collaboration Center showcased our full suite of single-use technologies, including mixers and bioreactors. The customer engaged with our experts, had detailed discussions, and gained a good sense of the support network we could offer them. Outcome: The visit to the M Lab™ Collaboration Center solidified the customer’s confidence in our single-use expertise, and future visits are scheduled to help them prepare to open their new GMP suites and work towards their goal of accelerating access to health. |
Related Resources Articles: |