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EXtrelut® NT

Comparison to Classical Liquid-Liquid Extraction

In classical liquid-liquid extraction (LLE), a separation funnel is frequently used to isolate target analytes from other matrix compounds. However, the method causes the formation of emulsions, poor phase separation, and high solvent consumption due to repeated extraction cycles. It is also time consuming and cannot be effectively automated.

EXtrelut® NT columns avoid such challenges because they replace the separation funnel. Hence, they allow quantitative extractions to be carried out in one step, drastically reducing solvent consumption and extraction time. Moreover, the eluate need not be dried prior to evaporation. Elution is quick and proceeds independently under hydrostatic pressure. This makes EXtrelut® NT columns also suitable for semi-automated procedures. As a result, extractions can be performed more efficiently, simply and effectively than with classical LLE.

Classical Liquid-Liquid Extraction
EXrelut® NT
  • Reproducibility depends on separation technique
  • Concentrating is difficult and a time-consuming step 
  • High solvent volumes required for quantitative extractions
  • Usage of toxic solvents
  • Energy and time consuming 
  • Emulsion-free extracts 
  • Faster, easier handling and process
  • Solvent and time savings 
  • Higher sample throughput: simultaneous preparation of several samples 
  • Higher recoveries and cleaner eluates
  • Safer handling of infectious samples/hazardous solvents 



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