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Food & Beverage

Current News from the Analytical Chromatography Application World

This section of the Analytical Chromatography Application World brings you the latest topics, methods and applications about food and beverage products as well as food safety. The information presented will be regularly updated to keep you abreast of the most recent developments in this field.

Analysis of Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, Diet Coke & Diet Pepsi

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Determination of 4-Methylimid­ayole – a known animal carcino­gen – in cola soft drinks using a Purospher® STAR RP-18e column and UV detection.

Sugar Analysis Using SeQuant® ZIC®-pHILIC

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Discover how the use of ZIC®-HILIC columns with high pH mobile phases simplifies the identification of carbohydrates, even in difficult sample matrices.

Rhodamine B in Chili Extract

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Purospher® HPLC columns are ideal for the detection of Rhodamine B in chili extract, which is considered carcinogenic and teratogenic in the EU and US.

Sulfonamides in Honey

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For the detection of sulfonamide antibiotics, Purospher® HPLC columns offer highly reliable results, with excellent separations and outstanding peak symmetry.

Chlorogenic Acid in Apple Juice

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Learn how Purospher® RP-18 endcapped columns are used to obtain reliable data on the identity and concentration of chlorogenic acid in apple juice.

West European Food and Beverage Microbiology Workshops

Get up to date with the latest food microbiology methods and news, along with and the newest ISO-norm information for food safety testing.
HPLC 작업흐름 솔루션 - 고정상

HPLC 작업흐름 솔루션


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