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Milliflex Oasis

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Performing Pyrogen Tests?
Save rabbits and meet regulations.
Detect endotoxin and non-endotoxin pyrogens
in one in vitro test.
No more animal-based pyrogen tests!

How does it work? | Watch the Webinar | Speak to a Specialist

Milliflex Oasis® Media Plates

Unique color coding and traceability features to control critical handling steps and reduce false results for water and bioburden testing

Milliflex Oasis® Filtration Funnels

Ready-to-use sterilized funnels with convenient new touch-free membrane transfer for optimal result reliability for water and bioburden testing

Milliflex Oasis® Vacuum Pump

Innovative ergonomics and unique features to secure testing results and enhance productivity for water and bioburden testing

MMGASKTMM Milliflex Oasis® filtration head gaskets replacement kit, including gaskets removal tool

Water Testing / Bioburden Testing

MMSANSYFU Milliflex Oasis® consumables for internal flow sanitization kit

Water Testing / Bioburden Testing

MMCABLEMM Milliflex Oasis® electrical cable for connecting two pumps

Water Testing / Bioburden Testing

MMHEADEZ1 Milliflex Oasis® Head for EZ® Fit Filtration unit

Water Testing / Bioburden Testing

MMSMCRA48 Milliflex Oasis® media plate prefilled with R2A Agar

This low nutrient agar is used for the recovery of stressed heterotrophic plate count bacteria found in various types of waters, especially high purity water.

MMTUGUIDE Milliflex Oasis® guides for electrical cable and tubing

Water Testing / Bioburden Testing

MMSUPREMV Milliflex Oasis® membrane support removal tool

Water Testing / Bioburden Testing