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ZipTip® Pipette Tips

Concentrating and purifying samples for MALDI-ToF MS

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ZipTip Advantages:

  • Single-step desalting, concentration, and purification
  • Fractionate complex samples for more meaningful data
  • Ideal for peptides, proteins, nucleic acids, and more
  • No dead volume for maximum recovery
  • Eliminates time-consuming chromatography.

ZipTip is a 10 µL pipette tip with a 0.6 or 0.2 µL bed of chromatography media fixed at its end with no dead volume. It is ideal for concentrating and purifying samples for sensitive downstream analyses.

Examples of analyses enhanced by ZipTip sample preparation:

  • Mass spectrometry
  • HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography)
  • Capillary electrophoresis
  • Atomic absorption spectroscopy

The ZipTip pipette tip is simple and easy to use.

  • Place the tip on a single- or multi-channel pipettor, standard 22-gauge blunt-end HPLC needle, or compatible automated liquid handling/sample preparation station.
  • For sample binding, aspirate and dispense through the media several times.
  • Similarly, aspirate and dispense appropriate wash solvent to remove contaminants.
  • The concentrated, purified sample is eluted in 1–4 µL of compatible solvent with direct transfer to a mass spectrometer target, vial, or other analysis step.

For applications requiring smaller elution volumes (e.g., <1 µL), a micro-bed format containing 0.2 µL of media is available.

The ZipTip pipette tip provides a reproducible, high-recovery method for concentrating and purifying femtomoles to picomoles of peptides, proteins and oligonucleotides for improved analytical data. To simplify your analysis even further, you can, fractionate complex peptide mixtures by step elution.


MALDI MS spectra of a tryptic peptide digest from an in-gel 2D digest. The top spectra represents a contaminated sample prior to sample clean-up. The lower spectra represents the sample after using a ZipTipC18 prior to MALDI TOF MS analysis.

MALDI MS spectra of a tryptic peptide digest from an in-gel 2D digest. The top spectra represents a contaminated sample prior to sample clean-up. The lower spectra represents the sample after using a ZipTipC18 prior to MALDI TOF MS analysis.

Choose From 3 Different ZipTip Resins:

Resin Compatible Analytes
C18 Resin (0.6 µL or 0.2 µL bed volumes) Oligonucleotides or small (<50 kDa) proteins/peptides in aqueous solution
C4 Resin Proteins or peptides (3 kDa – 100 kDa) in aqueous solution
Strong cationic resin (SCX) Peptides in solution with organic solvents or detergents 

The ZipTip® pipette tip is a 10 µL tip with a 0.6 or 0.2 µL bed of chromatography media fixed at its end. It is ideal for concentrating and purifying samples for sensitive analyses such as MALDI-ToF MS. The ZipTip® pipette tip provides a reproducible, high-recovery method for concentrating and purifying femtomoles to picomoles of peptides, proteins and oligonucleotides for improved analytical data. To simplify your analysis even further, you can fractionate complex peptide mixtures by step elution.