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CellASIC® ONIX Live Cell Analysis Customer Reviews

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  • Harvard Biologist Makes Surprising Discoveries

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  • See how scientists at the Suel Lab in San Diego, California are using the CellASIC® ONIX System to make strides in bacterial biofilms research.

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  • Cell Signaling Researcher Gets Answers Faster with Dynamic Single Cell Analysis

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  • Harvard Biologist Makes Surprising Discoveries

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  • See how scientists at the Suel Lab in San Diego, California are using the CellASIC® ONIX System to make strides in bacterial biofilms research.

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Dynamic Live Cell Analysis Experiments

The CellASIC® ONIX2 microfluidic platform is easy to use and gives researchers precise environmental control over live cells. The system is equivalent to 8 syringe pumps, a perfusion chamber apparatus and a CO2 incubator, all in one system. Turn your microscope into a dynamic time-lapse cell analysis experiment system.

Read what customers are saying about CellASIC® ONIX2 microfluidic platform.

"I have seen the CellASIC® ONIX Microfluidic System working and I was amazed by the efficiency of the whole apparatus for live analysis. If and when I'll be able to buy one for my lab, I'll be happy to do it for the good of our research." - C. Bruschi, ICGEB, Italy

"Since I aim to quantify mitochondrial morphology, I require constant, stable analysis conditions that maintain the health of the cells, which the CellASIC® ONIX System does very well." - Marshall Lab, UCSF

"...We've been able to quickly and easily perform novel and technologically demanding experiments without any prior microfluidic experience. I've been able to focus on the fundamental biological questions while letting CellASIC® provide me with the tools I need to answer them." Maheshri Lab, MIT

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