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ペリコンミニホルダーは、総面積 0.1~0.3 m2 (1.1~3.3 ft2)用に1~3枚のペリコン2ミニカセットを並列で操作、または総面積88 cm2 ~0.55 m2用にペリコン3カセット(88 cm2 および0.11 m2)を操作します。本サニタリーホルダーを小型のトルクレンチで締め付けてカセットを圧縮します。カセットは、内外から液体の通るマニホールドプレートとカセットを密封するエンドプレートとの間にあります。





含まれるもの並べ替えとフィルターをクリアする Show Filter
XX42PMINIペリコン(Pellicon)ミニカセット用ホルダー 価格&在庫状況を表示
XX42PFK01ペリコン(Pellicon)ミニカセット用ホルダー フィッテング キット ポリプロピレン 価格&在庫状況を表示


圧力計並べ替えとフィルターをクリアする Show Filter
B26524ダイアフラム型アナログ圧力ゲージ 価格&在庫状況を表示


圧力範囲:0~400 kPa ( 0–60 psig); 接続: 3/4"サニタリークランプ並べ替えとフィルターをクリアする Show Filter
XX42PSG01Lデジタル圧力計 3/4 in.サニタリー接続付 価格&在庫状況を表示
XX42PM001圧力ゲージ アダプター キット 価格&在庫状況を表示


チューブ内径6 mm (1/4 in.)、長さ7.5 m (25 in.)並べ替えとフィルターをクリアする Show Filter
XX801GS25Silicone (SI) 価格&在庫状況を表示




What is the minimum working volume for the Pellicon II Mini system?Depending on the length of tubing, and the set up of the system, it is possible to get down to a working volume of 100 mL with the Pellicon II Mini System.
When a Pellicon Holder is ordered, what do I receive?The holders are supplied with a socket wrench, 3/4" sanitary clamp adapters, clamps, and gaskets. The pressure gauges need to be ordered separately by ordering catalog number XX4200075. Only one 0- 100 psi analog gauge is supplied with this number, and it is recommended to operate with two gauges, one for the feed and one for the retentate. Conversely, order the appropriate Pellicon fitting kit which contains the pressure gauges, fittings, clamps, and valves for connecting the pump to the holder.
  • For the standard holder order the fitting kit catalog number XX42PK260.
  • For the low-retentate volume holder, order the fitting kit catalog number XX42PK160.
  • For a rotary-vane pump and standard holder connection, order fitting kit catalog number XX42PK460.
What parts do I need in order to operate the Pellicon II Mini system?In addition to the holder (catalog number XX42PMINI) and cassettes (catalog number P2.......), it is recommended to purchase the fitting kit (catalog number XX42PFK01) which contains all tees, clamps, gaskets, and retentate valve, and to purchase 2 gauges (one for the feed and one for the retentate). The gauges may be either the analog pressure gauges (catalog number B26524, 0- 60 psig, one gauge per pack) or digital pressure gauges (catalog number XX42PSG01, 0-100 psig, 2 gauges per pack). Also be sure to choose a pump and appropriate tubing to meet your process needs. Contact Technical Service for assistance.
What is the sample volume range for the Pellicon II Mini system?The Pellicon II Mini system is capable of volumes in the approximate range of 1- 50 L concentrating down to 100 mL. More or less volume can be processed depending on the individual needs of the operation, ie. process time, sensitivity of product, etc.
What are turbulence promoters?Turbulence promoters are screens that are inserted into the feed and/or filtrate channels in TFF modules in order to increase the "turbulence" in the channels of the module and to reduce the occurence of concentration polarization (the gel layer that can form on membranes therefore slowing flux). These turbulence promoted channels allow for higher fluxes with lower pumping requirements which makes them more efficient than open channels without turbulence promoters.
What is the hold up volume of a Pellicon 2 mini holder?The hold-up volume for the Pellicon 2 mini-holder, catalogue number XX42PMINI, is 5.3 ml on the feed/retentate side and 6.4 ml on the permeate side.
What are important spare parts for the Mini Pellicon holder?1. Washer and Bronze nuts - catalogue number XX42MT073
2. Tie rod - catalogue number 17813X1
3. Tie rod spacers - Catalogue number 27099X1
Can the Pellicon II Mini Holder be autoclaved?The Pellicon II Mini holder without membrane cassettes may be autoclaved. The holder is constructed of stainless steel and thermoplastic rubber feet.



関連製品: Application Facete

関連製品: Brand Facete


Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing > Downstream Processing > Multi-use Processing Systems > Filter Housings > UF/DF Systems
Small Molecule Pharmaceuticals > Purification of Pharm Drugs > Multi-use Processing Systems > UF/DF Systems