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MAB3406-40UGAnti-Cytokeratin Pan Antibody, clone Lu5 Pan-keratin Immunohistochemistry Mammals(哺乳動物) 価格&在庫状況を表示
MAB3224Anti-Basal Cell Cytokeratin Antibody Broadly reacting to many CKs (including CK5); stains basal cells in combined & stratified epithelial tissues, the stem cell population & amplifying cell in prostate epithelium Flow Cytometry, Immunocytochemistry, Immunohistochemistry, Western Blotting Canine(イヌ), Chicken(ニワトリ), Human(ヒト), Hamster(ハムスター), Pig(ブタ), Rat(ラット), Rabbit(ウサギ), Quail(ウズラ), Guinea Pig(モルモット) 価格&在庫状況を表示
MAB317Anti-Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide Antibody, α hCGRP a.a. 28-37, clone CD8 lung epithelial cells in early embryo (ms); late stage neuroendocrine cells. ELISA, Immunohistochemistry Guinea Pig(モルモット), Human(ヒト) 価格&在庫状況を表示
AB3830Anti-Caveolin-1 Antibody, phospho-specific (Tyr14) Presynaptic Immunoprecipitation, Western Blotting Human(ヒト), Mouse(マウス), Monkey(サル), Rat(ラット) 価格&在庫状況を表示
CBL218Anti-Keratin K3/K76 Antibody, clone AE5 Cells of the corneal epithelial lineage Western Blotting, Immunohistochemistry, Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin) Bovine(ウシ), Human(ヒト), Mouse(マウス), Rabbit(ウサギ) 価格&在庫状況を表示
MAB1620Anti-Cytokeratin 5 Antibody, 6, clone D5/16B4 Mesothelial cells, Epitheliod mesothelioma Immunofluorescence, Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin), Western Blotting Human(ヒト), Mouse(マウス), Rat(ラット) 価格&在庫状況を表示
MAB3228Anti-Cytokeratin 5/8 Mesothelial cells, Epitheliod mesothelioma & Simple epithelial cells and all adenocarcinomas Flow Cytometry, Western Blotting, Immunocytochemistry, Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin) Canine(イヌ), Human(ヒト), Hamster(ハムスター), Mouse(マウス), Pig(ブタ), Rat(ラット), Rabbit(ウサギ) 価格&在庫状況を表示
MAB3226Anti-Cytokeratin 7 Antibody, clone RCK105 Ductal and glandular epithelia marker of biliary differentiation and cirrhosis, Adenocarcinomas from ovary, breast & lung Flow Cytometry, Western Blotting, Immunocytochemistry, Immunohistochemistry Canine(イヌ), Human(ヒト), Hamster(ハムスター), Mouse(マウス), Pig(ブタ), Rat(ラット), Feline(ネコ) 価格&在庫状況を表示
MAB3554Anti-Cytokeratin 7 Antibody, clone OV-TL 12/30 Ductal and glandular epithelia marker of biliary differentiation and cirrhosis, Adenocarcinomas from ovary, breast & lung Flow Cytometry, Western Blotting, Immunocytochemistry, Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin) Human(ヒト) 価格&在庫状況を表示
CBL194FAnti-Cytokeratin 7 Antibody, clone LP5K, FITC conjugated Immunocytochemistry, Immunohistochemistry, Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin), Flow Cytometry Human(ヒト) 価格&在庫状況を表示
MAB3414Anti-Cytokeratin 8 Antibody, clone 4.1.18 Luminal cells, simple epithelia and all adenocarcinomas and hepatoma Western Blotting, Immunocytochemistry, Immunohistochemistry, Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin) Human(ヒト) 価格&在庫状況を表示
MAB3230Anti-Cytokeratin 10 Antibody, clone RKSE60 Suprabasal marker layers of epidermis, squamous cell carcinomal Flow Cytometry, Western Blotting, Immunocytochemistry, Immunohistochemistry Canine(イヌ), Human(ヒト), Mouse(マウス), Rat(ラット) 価格&在庫状況を表示
MAB3232Anti-Cytokeratin 14 Antibody, clone RCK107 Squamous cell marker Flow Cytometry, Western Blotting, Immunocytochemistry, Immunohistochemistry Canine(イヌ), Human(ヒト), Pig(ブタ), Rat(ラット) 価格&在庫状況を表示
CBL197Anti-Cytokeratin 14 Antibody, clone LL002 Squamous cell marker Western Blotting, Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin) Human(ヒト) 価格&在庫状況を表示
CBL197FAnti-Cytokeratin 14 Antibody, clone LL002, FITC conjugated Squamous cell marker Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin) Human(ヒト) 価格&在庫状況を表示
MAB3234Anti-Cytokeratin 18 Antibody, clone RGE53 General marker for proliferating malignant epithelial cells, including breast, ovarian, lung, prostatic, bladder & gastrointestinal Flow Cytometry, Immunocytochemistry, Immunohistochemistry, Western Blotting Canine(イヌ), Chicken(ニワトリ), Human(ヒト), Hamster(ハムスター), Mouse(マウス), Pig(ブタ), Rat(ラット), Rabbit(ウサギ) 価格&在庫状況を表示
MAB3236Anti-Cytokeratin 18 Antibody, clone RCK106 General marker for proliferating malignant epithelial cells, including breast, ovarian, lung, prostatic, bladder & gastrointestinal Flow Cytometry, Western Blotting, Immunocytochemistry, Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin) Human Only(ヒトのみ) 価格&在庫状況を表示
MAB3404Anti-Cytokeratin 18 Antibody, clone CK2 General marker for proliferating malignant epithelial cells, including breast, ovarian, lung, prostatic, bladder & gastrointestinal Immunocytochemistry, Immunohistochemistry Human(ヒト) 価格&在庫状況を表示
MAB3238Anti-Cytokeratin 19 Antibody, clone RCK108 Many simple epithelial cells; glandular type epithelia and carcinomas Flow Cytometry, Western Blotting, Immunocytochemistry, Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin) Human(ヒト) 価格&在庫状況を表示
CBL198Anti-Cytokeratin 19 Antibody, clone BA 17 Many simple epithelial cells; Glandular epithelial carcinomas Western Blotting, Immunocytochemistry, Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin) Human(ヒト) 価格&在庫状況を表示
CBL208Anti-Cytokeratin 20 Antibody, clone IT-Ks20.8 Adenocarcinomas of colon, transitional cell carcinoma of bladder, Merkel cell skin tumours Western Blotting, Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin) Human(ヒト) 価格&在庫状況を表示
MAB1612Anti-Cytokeratin Epithelial Antibody, clone AE1 Detects high molecular weight cytokeratins 10, 14, 15, 16 and low mw cytokeratin 19 Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin) Bovine(ウシ), Chicken(ニワトリ), Human(ヒト), Mouse(マウス), Rat(ラット), Rabbit(ウサギ) 価格&在庫状況を表示
MAB1611Anti-Keratin Epithelial Antibody, clone AE3 Detects high molecular weight cytokeratins 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and low mw cytokeratins 7, 8 Western Blotting, Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin) Bovine(ウシ), Chicken(ニワトリ), Human(ヒト), Mouse(マウス), Monkey(サル), Rat(ラット), Rabbit(ウサギ) 価格&在庫状況を表示
MAB3199Anti-E-Cadherin Antibody, clone 67A4 Cell junctions Flow Cytometry, Western Blotting, Affects Function Human(ヒト) 価格&在庫状況を表示
MAB3199ZAnti-E-Cadherin Antibody, clone 67A4, Azide Free Cell junctions Flow Cytometry, Immunofluorescence, Affects Function Human(ヒト) 価格&在庫状況を表示
CBL251Anti-Epithelial Specific Antigen Antibody, clone VU-1D9 Baso-lateral cell surface of most epithelial cells and derived carcinomas Western Blotting, Immunocytochemistry, Immunohistochemistry Human(ヒト) 価格&在庫状況を表示
AB3530PAnti-Epithelial Sodium Channel-α Antibody Surface of many epithelial taste and renal tubule cells Western Blotting Rat(ラット) 価格&在庫状況を表示
AB3532PAnti-Epithelial Sodium Channel-β Antibody Surface of many epithelial taste and renal tubule cells ELISA, Western Blotting Mouse(マウス), Rat(ラット) 価格&在庫状況を表示
AB3534PAnti-Epithelial Sodium Channel-γ Antibody Surface of many epithelial taste and renal tubule cells ELISA, Western Blotting Mouse(マウス), Rat(ラット) 価格&在庫状況を表示
AB3611Anti-Survivin Antibody Specific for epithelial carcinoma and benign cervical cells Western Blotting Mouse(マウス) 価格&在庫状況を表示
MAB4234Anti-Wilms' Tumor Antibody, NT, clone 6F-H2 Kidney, mesothelium, Wilms Tumor and mesothelioma Immunocytochemistry, Immunofluorescence, Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin), Immunoprecipitation, Western Blotting Human(ヒト), Mouse(マウス) 価格&在庫状況を表示

Other Epithelial Cell Specific Markers:

AP1B epithelial specific adapter protein
Ber-EP4- Anti-human epithelial antigen (clone Ber-EP4). Shows a broad spectrum of reactivity including simple epithelia and basal layers of stratified non-keratinized squamous epithelium and epidermis.
Galectin-7 This carbohydrate binding protein is a specific marker for stratified epithelia.
Transthyretin - choroids plexus epithelial cell marker
Casein (clone F20.14) Breast Luminal epithelial Cell Differentiation marker
MTS5 - cortical thymic epithelial cell

Podocyte-specific markers (glomerulus in kidney)
P-31 antigen

Normal epithelial cell specific-1 (NES1)/kallikrein 10
HPV-31b E5a expression did colocalize with epithelial differentiation-specific marker filaggrin
CASA cancer-associated serum antigen (CASA) uses monoclonal antibodies, which binds to an epitope on a polymorphic epithelial mucin.

Type I avelolar cell markers

