Region and diagnosis-specific changes in synaptic proteins in schizophrenia and bipolar I disorder. Gray, LJ; Dean, B; Kronsbein, HC; Robinson, PJ; Scarr, E Psychiatry research
Aberrant regulation of synaptic function is thought to play a role in the aetiology of psychiatric disorders, including schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Normal neurotransmitter release is dependent on a complex group of presynaptic proteins that regulate synaptic vesicle docking, membrane fusion and fission, including synaptophysin, syntaxin, synaptosomal-associated protein-25 (SNAP-25), vesicle-associated membrane protein (VAMP), alpha-synuclein and dynamin I. In addition, structural and signalling proteins such as neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) maintain the integrity of the synapse. We have assessed the levels of these important synaptic proteins using Western blots, in three cortical regions (BA10, 40 and 46) obtained post-mortem from subjects with bipolar 1 disorder, schizophrenia or no history of a psychiatric disorder. In bipolar 1 disorder cortex (parietal; BA40), we found a significant increase in the expression of SNAP-25, and a significant reduction in alpha-synuclein compared with controls. These changes in presynaptic protein expression are proposed to inhibit synaptic function in bipolar 1 disorder. In schizophrenia, a significant reduction in the ratio of the two major membrane-bound forms of NCAM (180 and 140) was observed in BA10. The distinct functions of these two NCAM forms suggest that changes in the comparative levels of these proteins could lead to a destabilisation of synaptic signalling. Our data support the notion that there are complex and region-specific alterations in presynaptic proteins that may lead to alterations in synaptic activity in both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. | 20488553
Serotonin 5-HT2C receptor protein expression is enriched in synaptosomal and post-synaptic compartments of rat cortex. Anastasio, NC; Lanfranco, MF; Bubar, MJ; Seitz, PK; Stutz, SJ; McGinnis, AG; Watson, CS; Cunningham, KA Journal of neurochemistry
The action of serotonin (5-HT) at the 5-HT(2C) receptor (5-HT(2C)R) in cerebral cortex is emerging as a candidate modulator of neural processes that mediate core phenotypic facets of several psychiatric and neurological disorders. However, our understanding of the neurobiology of the cortical 5-HT(2C)R protein complex is currently limited. The goal of the present study was to explore the subcellular localization of the 5-HT(2C)R in synaptosomes and the post-synaptic density, an electron-dense thickening specialized for post-synaptic signaling and neuronal plasticity. Utilizing multiples tissues (brain, peripheral tissues), protein fractions (synaptosomal, post-synaptic density), and controls (peptide neutralization, 5-HT(2C)R stably-expressing cells), we established the selectivity of two commercially available 5-HT(2C)R antibodies and employed the antibodies in western blot and immunoprecipitation studies of prefrontal cortex (PFC) and motor cortex, two regions implicated in cognitive, emotional and motor dysfunction. For the first time, we demonstrated the expression of the 5-HT(2C)R in post-synaptic density-enriched fractions from both PFC and motor cortex. Co-immunoprecipitation studies revealed the presence of post-synaptic density-95 within the 5-HT(2C)R protein complex expressed in PFC and motor cortex. Taken together, these data support the hypothesis that the 5-HT(2C)R is localized within the post-synaptic thickening of synapses and is therefore positioned to directly modulate synaptic plasticity in cortical neurons. | 20345755
Adult astroglia is competent for Na+/Ca2+ exchanger-operated exocytotic glutamate release triggered by mild depolarization. Paluzzi, S; Alloisio, S; Zappettini, S; Milanese, M; Raiteri, L; Nobile, M; Bonanno, G Journal of neurochemistry
Glutamate release induced by mild depolarization was studied in astroglial preparations from the adult rat cerebral cortex, that is acutely isolated glial sub-cellular particles (gliosomes), cultured adult or neonatal astrocytes, and neuron-conditioned astrocytes. K+ (15, 35 mmol/L), 4-aminopyridine (0.1, 1 mmol/L) or veratrine (1, 10 micromol/L) increased endogenous glutamate or [3H]D-aspartate release from gliosomes. Neurotransmitter release was partly dependent on external Ca2+, suggesting the involvement of exocytotic-like processes, and partly because of the reversal of glutamate transporters. K+ increased gliosomal membrane potential, cytosolic Ca2+ concentration [Ca2+]i, and vesicle fusion rate. Ca2+ entry into gliosomes and glutamate release were independent from voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channel opening; they were instead abolished by 2-[2-[4-(4-nitrobenzyloxy)phenyl]ethyl]isothiurea (KB-R7943), suggesting a role for the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger working in reverse mode. K+ (15, 35 mmol/L) elicited increase of [Ca2+]i and Ca2+-dependent endogenous glutamate release in adult, not in neonatal, astrocytes in culture. Glutamate release was even more marked in in vitro neuron-conditioned adult astrocytes. As seen for gliosomes, K+-induced Ca2+ influx and glutamate release were abolished by KB-R7943 also in cultured adult astrocytes. To conclude, depolarization triggers in vitro glutamate exocytosis from in situ matured adult astrocytes; an aptitude grounding on Ca2+ influx driven by the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger working in the reverse mode. | 17935604
Increased levels of SNAP-25 and synaptophysin in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in bipolar I disorder. Scarr, E; Gray, L; Keriakous, D; Robinson, PJ; Dean, B Bipolar disorders
In order to identify whether the mechanisms associated with neurotransmitter release are involved in the pathologies of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, levels of presynaptic [synaptosomal-associated protein-25 (SNAP-25), syntaxin, synaptophysin, vesicle-associated membrane protein, dynamin I] and structural (neuronal cell adhesion molecule and alpha-synuclein) neuronal markers were measured in Brodmann's area 9 obtained postmortem from eight subjects with bipolar I disorder (BPDI), 20 with schizophrenia and 20 controls.Determinations of protein levels were carried out using Western blot techniques with specific antibodies. Levels of mRNA were measured using real-time polymerase chain reaction.In BPDI, levels of SNAP-25 (p < 0.01) and synaptophysin (p < 0.05) increased. There were no changes in schizophrenia or any other changes in BPDI. Levels of mRNA for SNAP-25 were decreased in BPDI (p < 0.05).Changes in SNAP-25 and synaptophysin in BPDI suggest that changes in specific neuronal functions could be linked to the pathology of the disorder. | 16542183
Evidence for structural and functional diversity among SDS-resistant SNARE complexes in neuroendocrine cells. Kubista, H; Edelbauer, H; Boehm, S Journal of cell science
The core complex, formed by the SNARE proteins synaptobrevin 2, syntaxin 1 and SNAP-25, is an important component of the synaptic fusion machinery and shows remarkable in vitro stability, as exemplified by its SDS-resistance. In western blots, antibodies against one of these SNARE proteins reveal the existence of not only an SDS-resistant ternary complex but also as many as five bands between 60 and >200 kDa. Structural conformation as well as possible functions of these various complexes remained elusive. In western blots of protein extracts from PC12 cell membranes, an antibody against SNAP-25 detected two heat-sensitive SDS-resistant bands with apparent molecular weights of 100 and 230 kDa. A syntaxin antibody recognized only the 230 kDa band and required heat-treatment of the blotting membrane to detect the 100 kDa band. Various antibodies against synaptobrevin failed to detect SNARE complexes in conventional western blots and detected either the 100 kDa band or the 230 kDa band on heat-treated blotting membranes. When PC12 cells were exposed to various extracellular K(+)-concentrations (to evoke depolarization-induced Ca(2+) influx) or permeabilized in the presence of basal or elevated free Ca(2+), levels of these SNARE complexes were altered differentially: moderate Ca(2+) rises (</=1 microM) caused an increase, whereas Ca(2+) elevations of more than 1 microM led to a decrease in the 230 kDa band. Under both conditions the 100 kDa band was either increased or remained unchanged. Our data show that various SDS-resistant complexes occur in living cells and indicate that they represent SNARE complexes with different structures and diverging functions. The distinct behavior of these complexes under release-promoting conditions indicates that these SNARE structures have different roles in exocytosis. | 14762114
Presynaptic proteins in the prefrontal cortex of patients with schizophrenia and rats with abnormal prefrontal development. Halim, ND; Weickert, CS; McClintock, BW; Hyde, TM; Weinberger, DR; Kleinman, JE; Lipska, BK Molecular psychiatry
Dysfunction of the prefrontal cortex in schizophrenia may be associated with abnormalities in synaptic structure and/or function and reflected in altered concentrations of proteins in presynaptic terminals and involved in synaptic plasticity (synaptobrevin/ vesicle-associated membrane protein (VAMP), synaptosomal-associated protein-25 (SNAP-25), syntaxin, synaptophysin and growth-associated protein-43 (GAP-43)). We examined the immunoreactivity of these synapse-associated proteins via quantitative immunoblotting in the prefrontal cortex of patients with schizophrenia (n=18) and in normal controls (n=23). We also tested the stability of these proteins across successive post-mortem intervals in rat brains (at 0, 3, 12, 24, 48, and 70 h). To investigate whether experimental manipulation of prefrontal cortical development in the rat alters prefrontal synaptic protein levels, we lesioned the ventral hippocampus of rats on postnatal day 7 and measured immunoreactivity of presynaptic proteins in the prefrontal cortex on postnatal day 70. VAMP immunoreactivity was lower in the schizophrenic patients by 22% (Pless than 0.03). There were no differences in the immunoreactivity of any other proteins measured in schizophrenic patients as compared to the matched controls. Proteins were fairly stable up to 24 h and thereafter the abundance of most proteins examined was significantly reduced (falling to as low as 20% of baseline levels at 48-70 h). VAMP immunoreactivity was higher in the lesioned rats as compared to sham controls by 22% (P&less than 0.03). There were no significant differences between the lesioned rats and sham animals in any other presynaptic protein. These data suggest that apparently profound prefrontal cortical dysfunction in schizophrenia, as well as in an animal model of schizophrenia, may exist without gross changes in the abundance of many synaptic proteins but discrete changes in selected presynaptic molecules may be present. | 12931207
High sensitivity of mouse neuronal cells to tetanus toxin requires a GPI-anchored protein. Munro, P; Kojima, H; Dupont, JL; Bossu, JL; Poulain, B; Boquet, P Biochemical and biophysical research communications
Tetanus neurotoxin (TeNT) produced by Clostridium tetani specifically cleaves VAMP/synaptobrevin (VAMP) in central neurons, thereby causing inhibition of neurotransmitter release and ensuing spastic paralysis. Although polysialogangliosides act as components of the neurotoxin binding sites on neurons, evidence has accumulated indicating that a protein moiety is implicated as a receptor of TeNT. We have observed that treatment of cultured mouse neuronal cells with the phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (PIPLC) inhibited TeNT-induced cleavage of VAMP. Also, we have shown that the blocking effects of TeNT on neuroexocytosis can be prevented by incubation of Purkinje cell preparation with PIPLC. In addition, treatment of cultured mouse neuronal cells with cholesterol sequestrating agents such as nystatin and filipin, which disrupt clustering of GPI-anchored proteins in lipid rafts, prevented intraneuronal VAMP cleavage by TeNT. Our results demonstrate that high sensitivity of neurons to TeNT requires rafts and one or more GPI-anchored protein(s) which act(s) as a pivotal receptor for the neurotoxin. | 11716521
Entrapping of impermeant probes of different size into nonpermeabilized synaptosomes as a method to study presynaptic mechanisms. Raiteri, M; Sala, R; Fassio, A; Rossetto, O; Bonanno, G Journal of neurochemistry
Small molecules present during brain tissue homogenization are known to be entrapped within subsequently isolated synaptosomes. We have revisited this technique in view of its systematic utilization to incorporate into nerve endings impermeant probes of large size. Rat neocortical synaptosomes were prepared in the absence or in the presence of each of the following compounds: 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid (BAPTA), tetanus toxin (TeTx) or its light chain (TeTx-LC), pertussis toxin (PTx), anti-syntaxin, or anti-SNAP25 monoclonal antibodies. Release of endogenous GABA and glutamate was then evoked by high K+ depolarization. GABA and glutamate overflows were inhibited by entrapped BAPTA and in synaptosomes prepared by homogenization in the presence of varying concentrations of TeTx or TeTx-LC. When synaptobrevin cleavage in synaptosomes entrapped with TeTx was monitored by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by western blotting, the extent of proteolysis was found to correspond quantitatively to that of release inhibition. GABA and glutamate overflows were increased by entrapped PTx; moreover, (-)-baclofen inhibited amino acid overflow more potently in standard than in PTx-containing synaptosomes. The overflows of GABA and glutamate were similarly decreased following incorporation of anti-syntaxin or anti-SNAP25 antibodies. Synaptosomal entrapping may be routinely used to internalize membrane-impermeant agents of different size in studies of presynaptic mechanisms. | 10617148
Human synaptic proteins with a heterogeneous distribution in cerebellum and visual cortex. Honer, WG; Hu, L; Davies, P Brain research
Synaptic pathology is likely to be an important feature of a number of neuropsychiatric illnesses. An antibody called EP10 was used previously to demonstrate a regional reduction in a 38 kDa synaptophysin-like protein in Alzheimer's disease. The SP antibodies were developed for further study of this and other synaptic proteins in human brain. Human brain proteins immunoprecipitated with EP10 were used as the immunogen. Hybridoma screening was carried out with a sequential ELISA-immunocytochemical approach. Sixteen antibodies were obtained, the antigens clustered into five groups. Five antibodies were reactive with a 38 kDa synaptophysin-like protein. Another two antibodies were reactive with a 16 kDa antigen which may be synaptobrevin. Immunocytochemical studies indicated these two antigens appeared to be co-localized in human brain. Four antibodies were reactive with a distinct, 34-36 kDa antigen. In the cerebellum, this antigen was restricted to terminals in the molecular layer, putatively in the parallel fibre synapses. Two antibodies were reactive with a 26-27 kDa antigen. In the cerebellum, this antigen localized to a subset of terminals which included the axo-axonal contacts of the Basket and Purkinje cells. The final group of three antibodies detected a complex group of 38 kDa. 40 kDa and higher molecular weight antigens. The results suggest that heterogeneity among synapses can be defined through antibodies directed against distinct proteins. The SP antibodies may be useful probes for studies of human synaptic proteins, and for studies of pathological conditions which disrupt these molecules. | 7685234