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Chromolith® RP-18 Endcapped HPLC Columns

Ultra-High Performance on Any Instrument

Chromolith® 2 mm i.d. (internal diameter) columns for liquid chromatography offer an unparalleled combination of ultra-high performance and exceptionally low operating pressure. This leads to ultra-fast results, not only in the new UHPLC and UPLC instruments, but equally well in all standard HPLC systems with low dead volume.

The columns owe their rapid separation speed to their unique bimodal pore structure. The macropores have a diameter of 1.5 μm, resulting in a column efficiency that exceeds 100,000 plates/meter. Whereas the 13 nm (130 Å) mesopores are responsible for the large, uniform surface area on which adsorption takes place. Furthermore, Chromolith® RP-18 endcapped 2 mm i.d. columns have octadecylsilane surface modification, and are fully endcapped.

Features and Benefits

  • Flexibility: Very fast, high-performance results with all low dead-volume LC instruments (UHPLC, UPLC, standard HPLC)
  • Increased sensitivity and solvent efficiency: 81% solvents saved and 5.7 times higher sensitivity (compared to 4.6 mm i.d. columns)
  • Flow rates from 0.2 - 1 mL/min: Compatible with LC-MS systems, and ESI or APCI interfaces 
  • Long column lifetime and resistance to blocking: Monolithic silica structure and absence of frits ensure method robustness and cost savings

Technical Data

Silica type High-purity
Particle size Monolithic
Macropore size 1.5 μm
Mesopore size 13 nm (130 Å)
Pore volume 1 mL/g
Total porosity > 80%
Surface area 300 m2/g
Surface modification RP-18 endcapped
Carbon content 18%

Chromolith® RP-18 Endcapped 2 mm i.d. Columns

Internal Diameter
Ordering Number
Chromolith® Performance RP-18 endcapped 100 x 2 mm 152006
Chromolith® FastGradient RP-18 endcapped 50 x 2 mm 152007
Chromolith® Flash RP-18 endcapped 25 x 2 mm 152014

Application Examples

Chromolith® Performance RP-18 endcapped 100-4.6 mm

Column Chromolith® Performance RP-18 endcapped 100-4.6 mm
Mobile Phase A: 100% Acetonitrile
B: 100% Water + 0.1% TFA (v/v)
C: 100% Methanol
Isocratic Initial composition: A/B/C 30/60/10 (v/v/v)
Flow rate 2 mL/min
Pressure 45 bar (4.5 MPa, 65.3 psi)
Detection Dionex Ultimate 3000 VWD-3400, 2.5 Hz,
Response time 0.1 s,
UV = 210 nm
Vol. detector cell 11 μL
Temp. Ambient
Injection volume 1 μL
Sample Bimatoprost
Bimatoprost free acid
Two coupled Chromolith® Performance RP-18e 100-3 mm
Chromolith® Performance RP-18 endcapped 100-2 mm

Column Chromolith® Performance RP-18 endcapped 100-2 mm
Mobile Phase A: 100% Acetonitrile
B: 100% Water + 0.05% TFA (v/v)
C: 100% Methanol
Isocratic Initial composition: A/B/C 30/60/10 (v/v/v)
Flow rate 380 μL/min
Pressure 48 bar (4.8 MPa, 70 psi)
Detection Dionex Ultimate 3000 VWD-3400, 2.5 Hz,
Response time 0.1 s,
UV = 210 nm
Vol. detector cell 1.4 μL
Temp. Ambient
Injection volume 1 μL
Sample Bimatoprost
Bimatoprost free acid
Chromolith® Performance RP-18 endcapped 100-2 mm
Separation of alkylphenones

Column Chromolith® Performance RP-18 endcapped 100-2 mm
Mobile Phase A: Acetonitrile
B: Water
Gradient Time %ACN %Water
0 15 85
3.5 90 10
90 10
5.1 15 85
6 15 85
Flow rate 0.38 mL/min
Pressure 37-79 bar
Detection 254 nm
Temperature Ambient
Injection volume 0.5 μL
Sample 1. Thiurea
2. Acetanilide
3. Acetophenone
4. Propiophenone
5. Benzophenone
6. Butyrophenone
7. Valerophenone
8. Hexanophenone
9. Heptanophenone in ACN/Water 60/40
Separation of Alkylphenones
Ultra-fast separation of antihistamines

Column Chromolith® FastGradient RP-18 endcapped 50-2 mm
Mobile Phase A: 0.1% TFA in water
B: 0.1% TFA in ACN
Gradient 5% to 90% B in 3.4 min
Flow rate 1.0 mL / min
Pressure 50 -120 bar
Detection UV 230 nm
Temp. Ambient
Injection volume 0.2 μL
Sample 1. Phenylephrine
2. Tripelenamine
3. Pyrilamine
4. Chloropheniramine
5. Brompheniramine
6. Chloropyramine
7. Diphenhydramine
8. Promethazine
9. Loratadine
10. Meclizine
Ultra-fast Separation of Antihistamines
Carotenoids of salmon: Fast separation with Chromolith® Flash RP-18e 25-2 mm

Column Chromolith® Flash RP-18 endcapped 25-2 mm
Mobile Phase A: Acetonitrile
B: Water + 0.1% Formic acid
Gradient Time %ACN %Water
0 90 10
3 50 50
Flow rate 1.14 mL/min
Pressure 22-53 bar
Detection 436 nm
11 μL flow cell
Temperature Ambient
Injection volume 5 μL
Sample 1) Astaxanthin (cis + trans)
2) Canthaxanthin cis + trans)
dissolved in acetonitrile/water + 0.1% formic acid 2/1
Carotenoids of Salmon
Bioflavonid separation: UHPLC with Chromolith® Performance RP-18e 100-2 mm

Column Chromolith® Performance RP-18 endcapped 100-2 mm
Mobile Phase A: 0.1% TFA in H2O
Gradient t
0.0 85 15 0.50
2.5 50 50 0.50
5.0 50 50 0.50
5.1 85 15 0.50
8.5 85 15 0.50
Detection 220 nm UV
Temperature Ambient
Injection volume 0.5 μL
Sample 1. Isoquerecetin
2. Troxerutin
3. Naringin
4. Morin
5. Querecetin
6. Trihydroxyethylluteolin
Bioflavonid separation UHPLC with Chromolith Performance RP-18e 100-2mm

Column Chromolith® Performance RP-18 endcapped 100-2 mm
Mobile Phase A: 95% H2O/5% ACN/0.1% TFA (v/v/v)
B: 5% H2O/95% ACN/0.085% TFA (v/v/v)
Gradient from 5% B to 50% B in 20 min
Flow rate 0.3 mL/min
Detection UV 214 nm
Sample 1 μL BSA digest (1mg/mL)
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