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Chromolith® RP-18 Endcapped HPLC Columns

RP-18 endcapped

The chemical basis of Chromolith® RP-18 endcapped HPLC columns – from starting materials to surface modification procedures – is the same as with high-end, conventional packed columns. Therefore, their selectivity is comparable to high-quality C18 endcapped packed reversed-phase columns. This allows the use of standard methods when developing new protocols.

The difference is that Chromolith® columns for reversed-phase liquid chromatography are based on high-purity silica, hence they minimize the negative effect of trace metals. Furthermore, the columns are chemically modified with n-alkyl chains which possess a high ligand density, and fully endcapped in order to reduce the effect of unmodified silanol groups.

Features and Benefits

  • High throughput at high flow rates with the best overall column quality
  • Possibility of flow gradients
  • Added column performance by column coupling
  • A rigid monolithic structure for longer column lifetime
  • Lower matrix sensitivity

Technical Data

Silica Type High-purity
Particle Size Monolithic
Macropore Size 1.5 μm (2 mm i.d. columns) 2 μm (25, 10, 4.6 and 3 mm i.d. columns)
Mesopore Size 13 nm (130 Å)
Pore Volume 1 mL/g
Total Porosity > 80%
Surface Area 300 m2/g
Surface Modification RP-18 endcapped
Carbon Content 18%

Column Lengths

Leading in high-speed separations, Chromolith® RP-18 endcapped columns are available in various lengths:

Internal Diameter
Ordering Number
Chromolith® 25 mm
For ultra-fast separation of simple mixtures Chromolith® Flash RP-18 endcapped is among the fastest HPLC column on the market. Due to the very short length of the column, its number of theoretical plates is sufficient for easy separations.
25 x 2 mm
25 x 3 mm
25 x 4,6 mm
Chromolith® 50 mm
For fast separation of simple mixtures These short, fast columns are not only perfect for rapid screening of samples during in-process controls, but also for laboratories specialized in research or organic synthesis (e.g. combinatorial chemistry).

50 x 2 mm
50 x 3 mm
50 x 4,6 mm

Chromolith® 100 mm
For rapid separation of more complex mixtures This column is perfect for use as a routine analytical tool in quality control laboratories, or in research laboratories where more complex mixtures are being analyzed.
100 x 2 100 x 3 mm
100 x 4,6 mm
Validation Kit
For accurate method validation, it is essential to assess all possible sources of variations. To assist this process, the Chromolith® Performance RP-18 endcapped validation kit includes three columns from three different production batches, allowing you to compare batch-to-batch reproducibility and quality. This makes the validation kit the ideal tool for quality control and validation laboratories.
2 mm
3 mm
4,6 mm


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