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Chromolith® HighResolution RP-18 Endcapped

The Faster Way to Trouble-Free High Resolution Separations

Chromolith® HighResolution RP-18e for faster high resolution separations

Chromolith® HighResolution HPLC columns combine higher efficiency and improved peak shape with back pressure which is more than two times lower than any particulate column of the same dimensions. This is because these revolutionary columns are composed of a single rod of high-purity monolithic silica instead of particles. Their unique bimodal pore structure ensures maximum separation efficiency and minimum column back pressure. As a result, Chromolith® HighResolution columns allow faster flow rates and shorter analysis times, while extending column lifetime.

Features and Benefits

  • Column performance corresponds to sub 3 µm particle-packed columns and is at least 50% higher compared to standard Chromolith columns
  • Back pressure at least half that of particulate columns
  • Minimum 30% longer column lifetime compared with particle-packed columns

Chromolith® HighResolution vs. Chromolith and Particulate Columns

Comparison: Chromolith RP-18 endcapped HighResolution and Chromolith RP-18 endcapped
Click image to enlarge

Chromolith® HighResolution columns offer at least 50% higher efficiency, and excellent peak symmetry, yet more than 30% longer lifetime compared with particulate columns. The robustness of the column makes it ideal for analyzing matrix-rich samples. Furthermore, two Chromolith® HighResolution columns can be easily coupled in order to achieve even higher resolution. If necessary, the lower back pressure allows the coupling of even more columns. Chromolith® HighResolution RP-18e HPLC colums have 1 polar endcapped stationary phase, which enables the elution of basic compounds with no peak tailing.

Method Transfer from Particulate to Monolithic Chromolith Columns

The chromatographic selectivity of Chromolith columns is very similar to that of many modern particulate HPLC columns, such as Purospher®. This makes method transfer particularly easy. Furthermore, Chromolith columns are now included in U.S. Pharmacopoeia methods in the categories L1, L3 and L7.

Technical Data

Mobile phase Acetonitrile/water 60/40
Flow rate 2.0 ml/min
Detection UV 254 nm
Temperature ambient
Inj. volume 5 µl
Sample 1. Urea
2. Biphenyl-2-ol
3. Progesterone
4. Hexanophenone
5. Anthracene


Silica type High-purity
Particle size Monolithic
Marcopore size 1.15µm
Micropore size 15 nm (150 Angström)
Pore volume 1 mL/g
Total pore volume 2.9 mL/g
Surface area 250 m2/g
Surface modification RP-18 endcapped
Carbon content 18%


Chromolith® HighResolution RP-18e
Ordering Number
100 mm 152022
50 mm 152021
25 mm 152020
5 mm Guard Columns (3 pieces) 152025
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