25.10.2021 |
20211025 |
超純水・純水製造装置 |
24.05.2021 |
20210524 |
,化学分析とサンプル前処理,バイオ医薬品製造 |
22.04.2021 |
2021 年ゴールデンウイークの営業・ご注⽂受付・出荷体制について、ご案内します
20210422 |
,化学分析とサンプル前処理,バイオ医薬品製造 |
02.12.2020 |
20201202 |
,化学分析とサンプル前処理,バイオ医薬品製造 |
28.07.2020 |
20200728 |
,化学分析とサンプル前処理,バイオ医薬品製造 |
28.04.2020 |
20200428 |
,化学分析とサンプル前処理,バイオ医薬品製造 |
04.09.2019 |
20190904 |
,化学分析とサンプル前処理,バイオ医薬品製造 |
25.07.2019 |
20190725 |
,化学分析とサンプル前処理,バイオ医薬品製造 |
13.05.2019 |
20190513 |
超純水・純水製造装置 |
18.05.2018 |
20180518 |
,化学分析とサンプル前処理,バイオ医薬品製造 |
24.04.2018 |
20180424 |
,化学分析とサンプル前処理,バイオ医薬品製造 |
29.01.2018 |
20180129 |
28.03.2018 |
20180328 |
16.04.2018 |
日本語web サイトにおける製品名の記載の誤記についてお知らせします。
20180416 |
化学分析とサンプル前処理 |
21.12.2017 |
20171221 |
化学分析とサンプル前処理 |
04.12.2017 |
20171204 |
超純水・純水製造装置 |
16.10.2017 |
20171016 |
,化学分析とサンプル前処理 |
19.04.2017 |
メルクは、初めて環境に 優しい水銀フリーの UV ランプを採用したラボ用超純水製造装置「Milli-Q® IQ 7000」を2017年6月1日より発売いたします。
20170419 |
超純水・純水製造装置 |
22.05.2017 |
メルクは5月9日、コンピュータを使った革新的な逆合成ツールである「Chematica」を開発した Grzybowski Scientific Inventions (グリズボウスキー サイエンティフィック インベンションズ)の買収を発表しました。
20170522 |
28.10.2016 |
メルク株式会社は、従来機種に比べ1.5倍の製造能力を備えた新型の高流量純水製造装置「Elix®(エリックス)」、効率的な純水運用を可能にするサブセントラル純水製造・配水システム「Elix® + SDS500」を2016年11月9日より発売いたします。
20161028 |
超純水・純水製造装置 |
28.10.2016 |
SmartFlare RNA検出プローブの製造ライン見直しと、販売継続製品についてご案内します。
20161028 |
22.09.2016 |
20160922 |
30.09.2016 |
20160930 |
20.09.2016 |
テトラフルオロホウ酸銀 合成用をご使用いただいておりますお客様へ変更内容をお知らせいたします。
20160920 |
試薬、化学薬品、実験器具,化学分析とサンプル前処理 |
20.09.2016 |
酸化ゲルマニウム (IV)製品をご使用いただいておりますお客様へ変更内容をお知らせいたします。
20160920 |
試薬、化学薬品、実験器具,化学分析とサンプル前処理 |
09.08.2016 |
ミリセル セルカルチャーインサートをご購入のお客様へ変更内容をお知らせいたします。
20160809 |
05.08.2016 |
20160805 |
05.08.2016 |
20160805 |
28.07.2016 |
20160728 |
25.07.2016 |
20160725 |
02.06.2016 |
20160602 |
08.06.2016 |
20160608 |
23.05.2016 |
20160523 |
23.05.2016 |
20160523 |
12.04.2016 |
20160412 |
08.04.2016 |
20160408 |
29.03.2016 |
2001年~2009年に製造販売いたしました’01型Milli-Q ・Elix UV・Direct-Qの修理パーツを、2018年3月末にて製造終了させていただきます。
20160329 |
超純水・純水製造装置 |
22.03.2016 |
20160322 |
14.03.2016 |
Montage 抗体精製キットをご使用いただいているお客様へ販売中止をお知らせいたします。
20160314 |
18.03.2016 |
20160318 |
01.03.2016 |
20160301 |
16.02.2016 |
マイレクスMillex ®-GP製品をご使用いただいておりますお客様へ変更内容をお知らせいたします。
20160216 |
08.02.2016 |
Fluoropore™ 疎水性 PTFE 0.2 μm メンブレン製品をご使用いただいておりますお客様へ変更内容をお知らせいたします。
20160208 |
14.01.2016 |
20160114 |
14.01.2016 |
廃水、飲用水、飲料、プロセス水(工業用水)の分析を容易かつ安全に行う高耐久性の新しい分光計測装置「Spectroquant® Prove(スペクトロクァント・プルーヴ)」を発表しました。
20160114 |
17.12.2015 |
マイレクス-GPおよびステリパック -GP製品をご使用いただいておりますお客様へ変更内容をお知らせいたします。
20151217 |
04.12.2015 |
20151204 |
25.11.2015 |
20151125 |
07.12.2015 |
20151207 |
01.12.2015 |
20151201 |
03.12.2015 |
両性イオン官能基型 親水性相互作用カラム ZIC-HILIC シリーズにつきまして、仕様変更がございます。
20151203 |
17.11.2015 |
Centricon® Plus-70 Centrifugal Filtersの成形原料であるポリプロピレン樹脂の供給元を変更しました。
20151117 |
24.09.2015 |
ミリセル(Millicell®) カルチャーインサートに使用される8μm ポリカーボネート メンブレンのフィルム原料供給業者を変更いたしました。
20150924 |
25.08.2015 |
20150825 |
05.08.2015 |
抗VEGF 抗体(製品型番05-443)ロットナンバー2488730の試薬用品についてのお知らせを致します。
20150805 |
29.07.2015 |
20150729 |
15.11.2015 |
20151115 |
08.06.2015 |
アメリカ合衆国から輸入されている弊社製品のうち、輸入ための検査証明書の添付が必要と判断される製品は、USDA Certificateを添付しております。
20150608 |
06.04.2015 |
20150406 |
06.04.2015 |
20150406 |
06.04.2015 |
アメリカ マサチューセッツ州ベッドフォードにある弊社施設にて製造していたメンブレンロールおよびカットディスク製品が、アイルランド コークの弊社施設に移管致しました。
20150406 |
06.04.2015 |
20150406 |
06.04.2015 |
20150406 |
06.04.2015 |
20150406 |
06.04.2015 |
Ultracel® PL-100(100,000 MWCO)のメンブレンディスクの製造をアメリカ マサチューセッツ州ベッドフォードの弊社施設から、ニューハンプシャー ジャファリーの施設へ移管致しました。
20150406 |
09.04.2015 |
ライフサイエンス部門メルクミリポア事業本部は、 新型の高性能純水製造装置「AFS® Eシステム」を2015年4月より販売開始したことをお知らせいたします。
20150409 |
超純水・純水製造装置 |
01.04.2015 |
2015年4月1日より水道水直結型超純水装置Milli-Q Integral MTシステム及び Milli-Q Integral Pharmaシステムの発売を開始致します。
20150401 |
超純水・純水製造装置 |
18.02.2015 |
20150218 |
07.01.2015 |
Millicell®およびMultiScreen®フィルタープレート/インサート製品のIsopore™ 0.4μmポリカーボネートメンブレンの製造に使用するポリカーボネートフィルム材を変更致しました。
20150107 |
07.01.2015 |
MF-Millipore™ MCE 0.45および0.8 μmブラックメンブレンディスク製品の製造に使用するニトロセルロース樹脂に変更致しました。
20150107 |
07.01.2015 |
MF-Millipore™ 0.8μmメンブレン製品の製造に使用するニトロセルロース樹脂を変更致しました。
20150107 |
07.01.2015 |
Immobilon®-NC 0.45μm、MF-Millipore™ 0.22と0.45μm、25mm Millex® 0.22μm MCE製品の製造に使用するニトロセルロース樹脂を変更致しました。
20150107 |
25.12.2014 |
20141225 |
,化学分析とサンプル前処理,バイオ医薬品製造 |
17.11.2014 |
特定のGuava Nexin Reagent (100 および500Tests)、Muse Annexin V & Dead Cell Kit の製品ラベルの使用期限誤記載に関するお知らせです。
20141117 |
31.10.2014 |
20141031 |
22.10.2014 |
20141022 |
01.10.2014 |
20141001 |
06.10.2014 |
20141006 |
10.09.2014 |
2014年11月26日(水) 東京, 28日(金) 大阪 2会場にて開催いたします。 製薬企業様向けに無菌医薬品製造における迅速無菌試験に関する最新のトピックをテーマにて講演していただきます。
20140910 |
28.08.2014 |
20140828 |
28.08.2014 |
20140828 |
02.09.2014 |
Milli-Q 40周年記念企画第一弾のMilli-Q Integralキャンペーンが、装い新たにスタートしました。事前登録の上、期間中にMilli-Q Integralをご購入で、Microsoft Surface 2やカタログギフトなど、ご希望の賞品が当たります!
20140902 |
超純水・純水製造装置 |
26.08.2014 |
20140826 |
バイオ医薬品製造 |
31.07.2014 |
20140731 |
11.08.2014 |
2014年9月4日(木) 東京・品川にて開催いたします。医薬品添加剤に係わる世界(日本、中国、インド、欧州)の規制動向ならびに将来を見据えたグローバル品質に対する現状や課題さらには今後の展望を講演していただきます。
20140811 |
28.07.2014 |
20140728 |
,化学分析とサンプル前処理,バイオ医薬品製造 |
23.07.2014 |
2014年9月4日(木) 東京・お台場にて開催いたします。今回は「バイオ医薬品製造の先端技術と今後の展望」と題し、この分野の専門家から 最新ソリューションや、将来の動向を見据えたバイオ医薬品製造の展望について 講演をいただきます。
20140723 |
01.03.2012 |
20120301 |
08.05.2012 |
20120508 |
18.05.2012 |
20120518 |
11.06.2012 |
超純水装置Milli-Q SPシリーズならびにMilli-Q Plus用の消耗品について販売の再開をご案内申し上げます。
20120611 |
06.08.2012 |
PTFE (ポリテトラフルオロエチレン)メンブレンによるデバイスおよびディスクの製造に使用される原材料の変更をお知らせします。
20120806 |
06.08.2012 |
Mitex™ PTFE (ポリテトラフルオロエチレン)メンブレンディスクの製造に使用される原材料の変更をお知らせします。
20120806 |
06.08.2012 |
Millipore Express PLUSメンブレン工場から、アイルランド コーク メンブレン工場への移管をお知らせ致します。
20120806 |
30.08.2012 |
20120830 |
27.09.2012 |
20120927 |
02.10.2012 |
販売を終了させていただきました超純水装置Milli-Q SP TOC用の消耗品について販売の再開をご案内申し上げます。
20121002 |
02.10.2012 |
20121002 |
07.11.2012 |
20121107 |
08.11.2012 |
SNAP i.d.(カタログ番号:WBAVDBASE)の販売を2012年12月末にて終了させていただく運びとなりました。
20121108 |
10.01.2013 |
Ultracel® PLAC 1,000 NMWL限外ろ過ディスクに使用されるメンブレンを変更したことをお知らせします。
20130110 |
10.01.2013 |
PM30 30K ポリエーテルスルホン限外ろ過ディスクの製造中止と、代替品のUltracel® PLTK 30K 再生セルロース限外ろ過ディスクをお知らせします。
20130110 |
10.01.2013 |
Millipore Express® PLUSメンブレンを今後製造する予定の、アイルランド コーク工場を拡張していることを知らせします。
20130110 |
10.01.2013 |
GP Stericup®、Steritop®、Stericap™製品に使用されるMillipore Express® PLUSメンブレンの製造を、アイルランド コーク工場へ移管したことをお知らせします。
20130110 |
22.01.2013 |
33 mm 非滅菌マイレクス(Millex®)シリンジフィルター 0.2 μm ナイロン(GN)メンブレン装着タイプの水流量を変更していることをお知らせします。
20130122 |
26.01.2013 |
エアベントフィルター 型番:TANKVNT02 につきまして製造を再開できることとなりましたのでご案内させていただきます。
20130126 |
30.01.2013 |
20130130 |
12.02.2013 |
20130212 |
25.02.2013 |
20130225 |
11.03.2013 |
MultiScreen® PCR96 クリーンナップフィルタープレートの製造に使用されるメンブレンを変更したことをお知らせします。
20130311 |
19.06.2013 |
20130619 |
超純水・純水製造装置 |
25.06.2013 |
医療用マイレクスの一部製品につきまして、型番及びJAN codeを変更することをお知らせします。
20130625 |
04.10.2013 |
Mitex TM PTFE (ポリテトラフルオロエチレン)メンブレン用PTFE樹脂の製造処理工程を変更することをお知らせします。
20131004 |
23.10.2013 |
Centrifree®デバイスのUltracel® YM-T再生セルロースメンブレンをUltracel® PL再生セルロースメンブレンに変更致します。
20131023 |
12.11.2013 |
0.4μmのIsopore ポリカーボネートメンブレンのフィルター原反の供給が中断し、バックオーダーになることをお知らせします。
20131112 |
12.11.2013 |
CellASIC® ONIXマイクロフルイディックバクテリアプレートの製造に対する変更のお知らせです。
20131112 |
24.12.2013 |
Millipore Express® PLUSメンブレンを、最新式の設備の整った製造プラントにて製造することにより、その生産量の拡大を行っております。
20131224 |
02.12.2013 |
Steriflip® -GPフィルターユニットに使用しているMillipore Express® PLUSポリエーテルスルホン(PES)メンブレンの製造工場を、移動することをお知らせします。
20131202 |
16.06.2014 |
20140616 |
26.02.2014 |
20140226 |
17.02.2014 |
20140217 |
12.02.2014 |
Guava EasyCyte Mini/PlusおよびGuava PCA/PCA-96シリーズはすでに販売を終了しており、修理・消耗品パーツおよび保守点検のサービスプランを終了させていただきます。
20140212 |
24.04.2014 |
20140424 |
23.04.2014 |
昨年6月より医療用マイレクスの一部製品につきまして、新型番及び新JAN code製品への変更…
20140423 |
,試薬、化学薬品、実験器具 |
26.05.2021 |
To meet the high demand for lipids, a key component of mRNA-based vaccines and therapeutics, Merck has launched a new, high-purity synthetic cholesterol product, nine months ahead of schedule.
20210526 |
20.05.2021 |
Merck introduced a new solution improving productivity in the lab through a more flexible and streamlined nucleic acid purification process — GenElute™-E Single Spin purification kits.
20210520 |
18.05.2021 |
Merck today announced that VectorY has been selected as the European winner of its 2021 Advance Biotech Grant Program.
20210518 |
04.05.2021 |
Merck today announced a partnership with Topco Scientific Co. (TSC), a leading semiconductor supplier in Taiwan, to increase the use of more sustainable materials for the electronics industry.
20210504 |
31.03.2021 |
Merck today announced a strategic partnership with the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Indonesia (FMIPA-UI) to establish the first Collaboration Laboratory between the company and the university to advance life science research and innovation development in Indonesia.
20210331 |
17.03.2021 |
Merck will add a single-use assembly production unit at its Life Science Center in Molsheim, France.
20210317 |
16.03.2021 |
As part of its ongoing commitment to renewable energy, Merck has signed a 12-year, off-site, virtual power purchase agreement with Enel Green Power for the construction of a future wind and storage project in Texas.
20210316 |
25.02.2021 |
Merck today announced an agreement with Alteogen, Inc., of South Korea, providing late-stage CDMO services through Merck BioReliance® End-to-End Solutions.
20210225 |
15.02.2021 |
Merck today launched an enhanced Design for Sustainability (DfS) framework, a unique approach to holistically integrate sustainability into Life Science products, systems and services.
20210215 |
04.02.2021 |
Merck today announced seven expanded partnerships with leading nonprofit organizations across the world.
20210204 |
07.01.2021 |
Merck today announced the acquisition of AmpTec, a leading Hamburg, Germany-based, mRNA contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO).
20210107 |
07.12.2020 |
Merck today announced the broadening of its manufacturing footprint with a combined € 40 million investment at its production facilities in Danvers, Massachusetts, and Jaffrey, New Hampshire, USA.
20201207 |
20.11.2020 |
Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, today announced that its Massachusetts-based businesses, MilliporeSigma, EMD Serono and EMD Performance Materials, have again been named to The Boston Globe’s annual “Top Places to Work 2020” list.
20201120 |
07.11.2020 |
Merck and Transcenta, a global biotherapeutics company, have announced a strategic technology collaboration to implement continuous manufacturing for protein therapeutics.
20201107 |
06.11.2020 |
Merck today announced the signing of a Letter of Intent with Donghao Lansheng (Group) Co., Ltd.
20201106 |
10.11.2020 |
Merck today announced that its first-to-market Blazar™ platform from the BioReliance® portfolio has won R&D 100 and CPhI Awards for its ability to reduce testing times by up to 80 percent.
20201110 |
29.10.2020 |
Merck today announced a collaboration with Mammoth Biosciences Inc., of South San Francisco, California, for the development, scale-up and commercial production of Mammoth’s CRISPR-based SARS CoV-2 diagnostic test.
20201029 |
19.10.2020 |
Merck today announced that Combined Therapeutics Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, has been selected as the North American winner of its 2020 Advance Biotech Grant Program.
20201019 |
13.10.2020 |
Merck has bolstered its viral vector manufacturing capabilities with the launch of its VirusExpress™ Lentiviral Production Platform.
20201013 |
12.10.2020 |
Merck today announced that it has signed agreements licensing its CRISPR technology to two companies — PanCELLa, a cell therapy firm based in Toronto, Canada and Takara Bio USA, Inc., a biotechnology company based in Mountain View, California, USA.
20201012 |
08.10.2020 |
Merck today celebrated the topping-out ceremony for its new membrane production plant in Darmstadt, Germany.
20201008 |
08.10.2020 |
Merck Merck, a leading science and technology company, is collaborating with D1Med, a Shanghai-based biopharmaceutical start-up precision-medical company, to accelerate production of D1Med’s 3D cell culture technology applications used in the drug discovery process.
20201008 |
06.10.2020 |
MilliporeSigma today inaugurated a new $14.4 million industrial water treatment plant at its Jaffrey, New Hampshire, location.
20201006 |
15.09.2020 |
Merck today announced an expansion of its Singapore biosafety testing laboratory services.
20200915 |
09.09.2020 |
Merck today announced a € 59 million expansion of its HPAPI and ADC manufacturing capabilities and capacity at its facility near Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
20200909 |
03.09.2020 |
Merck today announced the donation of research instruments and materials worth IDR 1.2 billion (€ 74,000) to support the efforts of Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology, Indonesia, in its efforts to accelerate vaccine development research. The institute is developing a Covid-19 vaccine based on a local virus strain, in collaboration with several local research institutions.
20200903 |
30.07.2020 |
Merck today announced that it won a Top Project of the Year award from Environment + Energy Leader for its DOZN™ system, a quantitative tool that evaluates the relative greenness of chemicals and chemical processes against the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry.
20200730 |
15.07.2020 |
Merck has announced plans to build a new, € 18 million laboratory facility in Buchs, Switzerland to support the company’s rapidly growing reference materials business.
20200715 |
10.07.2020 |
Merck opened its M Lab™ Collaboration Center in Shanghai, the company’s largest of nine centers worldwide.
20200710 |
06.07.2020 |
Merck today announced that VAR2 Pharmaceuticals has been selected as the European winner of its 2020 Advance Biotech Grant Program.
20200706 |
01.07.2020 |
A new report details potential paths to solutions to overcoming the global Covid-19 crisis and ways to prepare for or even prevent a future pandemic.
20200701 |
01.07.2020 |
Merck today enhanced its advanced bioprocess portfolio through the acquisition of RESOLUTION Spectra Systems.
20200701 |
10.06.2020 |
Merck and 10x Genomics, Inc., a single cell and spatial genomics technologies company, today announced that they have developed a powerful new option for biological experiments.
20200610 |
27.05.2020 |
Merck and Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA, today announced an extension of their ongoing collaboration to advance a manufacturing platform to fight Covid-19.
20200527 |
11.05.2020 |
Merck today announced that two of its CRISPR-Cas9-assisted genome-editing patents have been allowed in the United States.
20200511 |
30.04.2020 |
Merck today unveiled the next component of its BioContinuum™ Platform, the Bio4C™ Software Suite, creating a first-of-its-kind ecosystem that combines process control, analytics and plant-level automation.
20200430 |
21.04.2020 |
Merck today announced a second Carlsbad, California, U.S.A.-based facility for its BioReliance® viral and gene therapy service offering.
20200421 |
14.04.2020 |
Merck and The Jenner Institute today announced that the Jenner Institute has laid the foundation for large-scale production of its Covid-19 vaccine candidate, ChAdOx1 nCoV-19.
20200414 |
07.04.2020 |
Merck today announced that the United States Patent and Trademark Office has granted the company’s patent for CRISPR-chrom technology.
20200407 |
03.03.2020 |
Merck today launched its LANEXO™ Lab Inventory, Safety and Compliance Management System, a new digital laboratory informatics solution designed to drastically reduce time in labs and improve data quality and traceability.
20200303 |
18.02.2020 |
Merck today announced that it has been selected by Swedish molecular diagnostics firm Elypta as the contract manufacturer for Elypta’s clinical diagnostic liquid biopsy kits.
20200218 |
11.02.2020 |
Merck today introduced its BrightLab™ cloud-based inventory management and instrument connectivity platform for research scientists.
20200211 |
10.01.2020 |
Merck today announced the opening of new, non-profit center where Indian students and researchers can learn the latest genome-editing and single-molecule biomolecule biomarker detection technologies.
20200110 |
19.12.2019 |
Merck today announced that it has signed a license agreement providing Promega Corp.
20191219 |
26.11.2019 |
Merck today announced that the Japan Patent Office and the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore have each allowed the company’s patent application for the use of paired CRISPR nickases.
20191126 |
18.11.2019 |
Merck today announced it has received a prestigious R&D 100 Award for its Eshmuno® CP-FT Resin, a first-to-market product used in biopharmaceutical manufacturing.
20191118 |
18.11.2019 |
Merck today announced the completion of a £9 million expansion to its Gillingham distribution centre.
20191118 |
12.11.2019 |
Merck today announced that it has signed a license agreement providing Evotec SE access to Merck’s foundational CRISPR intellectual property.
20191112 |
10.10.2019 |
Merck today announced it has acquired FloDesign Sonics, of Wilbraham, Massachusetts, USA, developer of a unique acoustic cell processing platform for the industrialization of cell and gene therapy manufacturing. Financial details were not disclosed.
20191010 |
19.09.2019 |
Merck has launched its official flagship store (merckls.1688.com) on Alibaba’s 1688.com.
20190919 |
19.08.2019 |
Merck today announced that the European, Israeli, South Korean and U.K. intellectual property offices have issued formal notices allowing seven additional Merck patent application claims covering CRISPR gene-editing technology, bringing the number of patents to 20 worldwide.
20190819 |
06.08.2019 |
Merck has acquired BSSN Software, a Darmstadt, Germany-based laboratory informatics company that makes data more readily accessible for ease of integration, collaboration, analysis and long-term archiving.
20190806 |
24.07.2019 |
Merck today announced the signing of a non-binding Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Phanes Therapeutics, Inc. (Phanes) for a collaboration on the development and manufacture of biologics for the treatment of solid tumors.
20190724 |
18.07.2019 |
Merck and the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard (Boston, Massachusetts) today announced an agreement to offer non-exclusive licenses to CRISPR intellectual property (IP) under their respective control for use in commercial research and product development.
20190718 |
20.06.2019 |
MilliporeSigma, EMD Serono and EMD Performance Materials make prestigious Massachusetts top employer list for 2019
20190620 |
,産業マイクロバイオロジー,IVD/OEMキット、材質、試薬,バイオ医薬品製造,化学分析とサンプル前処理 |
20.06.2019 |
Merck today announced a national campus tour in China for the company’s first mobile protein research laboratory.
20190620 |
30.05.2019 |
Merck today announced the winners of its Advance Biotech Grant program in North America during its Biotech Start-up Summit at the Cambridge Innovation Center (Massachusetts, U.S.).
20190530 |
29.05.2019 |
Merck today announced that students from St Aloysius’ College in Carrigtwohill have won the company’s 2019 School Science Competition, now in its 15th year.
20190529 |
27.05.2019 |
Merck today announced the completion of a £2.7 million expansion to its Irvine biopharmaceutical production facility.
20190527 |
22.05.2019 |
Merck today hosted a panel discussion on the occasion of the 72nd World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland.
20190522 |
20.05.2019 |
Merck today announced its participation in a collaboration with the Vaccine Formulation Institute and the European Vaccine Initiative.
20190520 |
07.05.2019 |
Merck today announced that MDL, a team from Beijing University, has won the company’s first Retrosynthetic Reaction Prediction Contest.
20190507 |
30.04.2019 |
Merck today announced the handover of a fully equipped microbiological testing laboratory to the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI).
20190430 |
24.04.2019 |
Merck today launched Cyrene™ — a sustainable dipolar aprotic solvent, produced in two steps from a renewable cellulose source.
20190424 |
04.04.2019 |
Merck today announced that it has won an INTERPHEX Exhibitor Award for a new innovation in advancing next-generation bioprocessing. Merck’s Pellicon® Capsule with Ultracel® Membrane has been recognized for Best New Product.
20190404 |
バイオ医薬品製造 |
02.04.2019 |
Merck today unveiled its BioContinuum™ Buffer Delivery Platform, a new building block in the BioContinuum™ Platform for next-generation bioprocessing.
20190402 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
20.03.2019 |
Merck today officially opened its new M Lab™ Collaboration Center in Molsheim, France.
20190320 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
18.03.2019 |
Merck today announced a new cloud-based, remote lab water service and monitoring capability available on all Milli-Q® CLX 7000 clinical water purification systems.
20190318 |
超純水・純水製造装置 |
19.03.2019 |
Merck today announced the signing of a non-binding Memorandum of Understanding with Chinese biotech company GenScript for a strategic alliance focusing on plasmid and viral vector manufacturing.
20190319 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
14.03.2019 |
Merck today announced a CRISPR core partnership with Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China.
20190314 |
07.03.2019 |
MilliporeSigma is igniting student interest in science with its third annual Curiosity Cube® mobile science lab tour.
20190307 |
,バイオ医薬品製造 |
04.03.2019 |
Merck today announced that the Canadian Patent Office has allowed Merck’s patent application directed to the use of paired CRISPR nickases in eukaryotic cells.
20190304 |
,バイオ医薬品製造 |
19.02.2019 |
Merck today announced that the United States Patent and Trademark Office has issued a formal notice allowing Merck’s patent application directed to its proxy-CRISPR technology.
20190219 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
04.02.2019 |
Merck today announced the winners of its Advance Biotech Grant program in Europe.
20190204 |
15.01.2019 |
Merck today announced that it has been recognized by BioInformatics LLC with a 2018 Life Science Industry Award® for best use of social media.
20190115 |
19.12.2018 |
Merck today announced it has extended and expanded its collaboration with Kuraray Europe to exclusively supply pharmaceutical polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) grades and improvements to benefit the pharmaceutical market.
20181219 |
10.12.2018 |
Merck today announced a strategic alliance in the CRISPR/Cas9 rodent model market with France-based biotechnology company genOway.
20181210 |
27.11.2018 |
Merck today announced that it has won two R&D 100 Awards.
20181127 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
19.11.2018 |
Merck recognized three graduate students who have demonstrated innovation in life science at an awards ceremony at the company’s global headquarters in Darmstadt, Germany recently.
20181119 |
05.11.2018 |
Merck today launched its new BioContinuum™ Platform to advance biotherapeutic drug manufacturing through improved efficiency, simplified plant operations and greater quality and consistency.
20181105 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
18.10.2018 |
Merck today announced the signing of a definitive agreement to sell its Flow Cytometry unit to Luminex Corporation for €62.5 million.
20181018 |
12.10.2018 |
Merck announced that it has won two CPhI Pharma Awards for innovative products for the pharmaceutical industry.
20181012 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
04.10.2018 |
Merck today officially opened a state-of-the-art M Lab™ Collaboration Center in Brazil, serving the Latin America region.
20181004 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
02.10.2018 |
Merck recognized four graduate students for their research and innovations in synthetic organic chemistry as part of the Alfred R. Bader Student Chemistry Symposium in Darmstadt, Germany, on September 27.
20181002 |
18.09.2018 |
Merck today announced the opening of a new 3,800-square-meter laboratory in Singapore.
20180918 |
12.09.2018 |
Merck today announced the establishment of its first Mobius® Single-use Manufacturing Facility in China.
20180912 |
04.09.2018 |
Merck today launched three new products to help biomanufacturers navigate the evolving biopharma landscape with increased speed, greater flexibility and enhanced quality.
20180904 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
15.08.2018 |
Merck today announced that the Australian Patent Office has allowed the company’s patent application for the use of paired CRISPR nickases.
20180815 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
26.07.2018 |
メルクとInnoCore Pharmaceuticals(オランダ/フローニンゲン)は、InnoCoreが特許を持つSynBiosys生物分解性ポリマーのプラットフォームを提供するために、グローバルな協力協定を結びました。
20180726 |
02.07.2018 |
Merck today announced plans to expand its Gillingham, UK distribution centre.
20180702 |
20.06.2018 |
Merck today announced a new CRISPR core partnership with Tongji University in Shanghai.
20180620 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
19.06.2018 |
Merck today announced that it has entered into an agreement with HistoCyte Laboratories Ltd, Tyne, U.K., to be the exclusive multinational distributor of the company’s portfolio of cell line reference products for immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization.
20180619 |
12.06.2018 |
Merck today announced that The American Journal of Bioethics has accepted a novel publication on ethical issues in genome editing to be printed in its July issue.
20180612 |
,低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
06.06.2018 |
Merck today announced that it has successfully submitted a total of more than 1,000 registration dossiers under the European chemicals regulation REACH by the end of the third and final registration deadline of May 31, 2018.
20180606 |
05.06.2018 |
Merck today officially opened North America’s first BioReliance® End-to-End Biodevelopment Center in Burlington, Massachusetts, U.S.A., providing cell line development services, upstream and downstream process development and non-GMP clinical production for drug manufacturers.
20180605 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
29.05.2018 |
Merck today announced a collaboration with Solvias, a Swiss contract research and service provider, to offer the PyroMAT™ System, a new MAT kit for pyrogen detection.
20180529 |
16.05.2018 |
Merck today announced a collaboration with Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, that could lead to the optimizing of nutritional supplements to restore a healthy gut microbial community (microbiome).
20180516 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
27.04.2018 |
Merck today launched its new CellStream™ benchtop flow cytometry system, a compact, customizable flow cytometer that uses a camera for detection.
20180427 |
23.04.2018 |
Merck today announced that the Chinese Patent Office has issued a notice granting Merck’s patent application for the company’s CRISPR technology used in a genomic-integration method for eukaryotic cells.
20180423 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
18.04.2018 |
Merck today announced that its Millistak+® HC Pro portfolio has won an INTERPHEX Exhibitor Award for Best Technological Innovation.
20180418 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
17.04.2018 |
Merck today introduced three new products to support flexible manufacturing of biologics.
20180417 |
12.04.2018 |
Merck today announced a partnership with Oxford University’s Jenner Institute to develop more robust and scalable vaccine manufacturing processes.
20180412 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
28.03.2018 |
Merck was named the overall “Best Bioprocessing Supplier” and won the sub-category of “Best Bioprocessing Supplier Award for Single-use Systems” at the Asia-Pacific Bioprocessing Excellence Awards 2018 ceremony.
20180328 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
05.03.2018 |
Merck and Schneider Electric, a global specialist in energy management and automation, today announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that aims to automate the mAb process for China’s biopharmaceutical industry.
20180305 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
28.02.2018 |
Merck today announced an expansion of its partnership with Seeding Labs to accelerate teaching and research for thousands of scientists in the developing world.
20180228 |
27.02.2018 |
Merck today announced the recipients of its Emerging Biotech Grant Program in China.
20180227 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
26.02.2018 |
MilliporeSigma today announced plans for its second annual Curiosity Cube™ mobile science lab tour, which will kick off in February and visit more than 100 communities in the U.S. and Canada.
20180226 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
22.02.2018 |
Merck today announced that it will invest €16.6 million in its new manufacturing and distribution centre for the Life Science business, located near Mumbai, India.
20180222 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
22.02.2018 |
Merck today announced it has signed an agreement with Incheon Free Economic Zone (IFEZ) to build an integrated cell culture facility in Songdo, Incheon.
20180222 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
22.02.2018 |
Merck today announced an additional investment to accelerate Mobius® single-use manufacturing in Wuxi, China.
20180222 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
22.02.2018 |
Merck today announced nine new or expanded partnerships with leading nonprofit organizations across the world through its Life Science business sector.
20180222 |
21.02.2018 |
Merck today announced an additional investment of €40 million to build a robust manufacturing and distribution platform in Asia over a span of two years.
20180221 |
20.02.2018 |
Merck today announced that the Korean Intellectual Property Office and the Israel Patent Office have each issued notices granting Merck’s patent applications for the company’s CRISPR technology.
20180220 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
13.02.2018 |
Merck today introduced Viresolve® Barrier capsule filters to reduce the risk of bioreactor contamination.
20180213 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
01.02.2018 |
For the second year in a row, the North American businesses of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, a leading science and technology company, have been certified for the company’s outstanding employee offerings by the independent Top Employers Institute.
20180201 |
20.12.2017 |
Merck today announced a collaboration with IPS-Integrated Project Services, LLC and G-CON Manufacturing, Inc. to provide the most advanced 2,000L monoclonal antibody (MAb) facility and single-use process technology platform.
20171220 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
20.12.2017 |
Merck today announced that it has signed a commercial supply agreement to manufacture viral vectors for bluebird bio, Inc., of Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, for its use in potentially transformative gene therapies.
20171220 |
19.12.2017 |
Merck today announced that the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore has issued a “Notice of Eligibility for Grant” for Merck’s patent application covering the company’s CRISPR technology.
20171219 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
11.12.2017 |
Merck today announced that it has entered into an agreement with Avanti® Polar Lipids to be the exclusive multinational distributor of the USA-based company’s research lipids portfolio outside of the United States.
20171211 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
17.11.2017 |
Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany today announced that its Massachusetts-based business sectors, EMD Serono and MilliporeSigma, have been named to The Boston Globe's annual "Top Places to Work" list for the second year in a row.
20171117 |
13.11.2017 |
Merck today launched the new Stericup® Quick Release 500 ml vacuum filtration system.
20171113 |
01.11.2017 |
Merck today announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Samsung BioLogics for a strategic alliance on biopharmaceutical manufacturing and biologics process development.
20171101 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
24.10.2017 |
Merck today announced that the Canadian Patent Office has issued a “Notice of Allowance” for Merck’s patent application covering the company’s CRISPR technology.
20171024 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
23.10.2017 |
Merck has recognized a group of outstanding postgraduate students for their research and innovations in life science at an awards ceremony.
20171023 |
19.10.2017 |
Merck today announced that its Carlsbad, California-based manufacturing facility for the production of BioReliance® viral and gene therapy products has completed both a U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) Pre-License inspection and a European Medicines Agency (EMA) Marketing Authorization Application inspection.
20171019 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
11.10.2017 |
MilliporeSigma will welcome world-renowned academic researchers, technology experts and industry entrepreneurs to discuss advances and opportunities in some of the most exciting areas of life science on Wednesday, October 11, 2017, 10 a.m. at the company’s new Life Science Center in Burlington.
20171011 |
10.10.2017 |
Merck will host a panel discussion, “The Personalized Cell Therapy Challenge: A Race Against Time,” featuring leading cell and gene therapy experts from academia, hospitals and industry.
20171010 |
10.10.2017 |
Merck will welcome world-renowned academic researchers, technology experts and industry entrepreneurs to discuss advances and opportunities in some of the most exciting areas of life science on Wednesday, October 11, 2017, 10 a.m. at the company’s new Life Science Center in Burlington.
20171010 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
27.09.2017 |
Merck today announced an update on its participation in Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Program for Research and Innovation, to improve biopharmaceutical downstream processing.
20170927 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
26.09.2017 |
Merck today announced Millistak+® HC Pro, the first portfolio of high- capacity, fully synthetic depth filters for non-treated Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) harvest clarification and downstream filtration applications.
20170926 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
22.09.2017 |
Merck today announced the opening of its first BioReliance® End-to-End Biodevelopment Center in the Asia Pacific (APAC) region.
20170922 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
20.09.2017 |
Merck today launched Eshmuno® P anti-A and Eshmuno® P anti-B affinity chromatography resins specifically designed to remove anti-A and anti-B isoagglutinin antibodies during the manufacturing of plasma-derived immunoglobulin (Ig) therapies.
20170920 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
13.09.2017 |
Merck today announced that Celonic AG, a Swiss contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO), is upgrading its manufacturing facility with five of Merck’s Mobius® single-use bioreactors.
20170913 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
11.09.2017 |
Merck recognized four student chemists for their research and innovations in synthetic organic chemistry as part of the Alfred R. Bader Student Chemistry Symposium.
20170911 |
28.08.2017 |
Merck today announced that it has entered into an agreement to acquire Natrix Separations, an Ontario, Canada-based provider of hydrogel membrane products for single-use chromatography.
20170828 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
30.08.2017 |
Merck has opened its first global Food Safety Studio in Bellevue, Washington for manufacturers of all types of food to collaborate with Merck scientists.
20170830 |
化学分析とサンプル前処理 |
29.08.2017 |
Merck today announced a new collaboration with Angiex, Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts, to support the biotechnology start-up’s ability to speed its lead oncology antibody drug candidate to clinical use.
20170829 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
08.08.2017 |
Merck today announced that it has formed a strategic alliance with Baylor College of Medicine...
20170808 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
03.08.2017 |
Merck today announced that the European Patent Office (EPO) has issued a “Notice of Intention to Grant” for Merck’s patent application covering the company’s CRISPR technology used in a genomic integration method for eukaryotic cells.
20170803 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
27.06.2017 |
Merck today announced that it has prevailed against Analis S.A. in a lawsuit ordering the Belgium-based laboratory equipment distributor to cease advertising that compares RephiLe Bioscience Ltd.’s lab water products with the lab water products of Merck.
20170627 |
超純水・純水製造装置 |
26.06.2017 |
Merck today announced a collaboration with Elsevier, the information analytics company specializing in science and health, to add its products into Reaxys, Elsevier’s chemistry database.
20170626 |
試薬、化学薬品、実験器具 |
15.06.2017 |
Merck today announced an expansion of its distribution alliance with Public Health England (PHE) to include the European Bank of induced pluripotent Stem Cells (EBiSC).
20170615 |
14.06.2017 |
Merck today announced that the Australian Patent Office has granted the company patent rights over the use of CRISPR in a genomic integration method for eukaryotic cells.
20170614 |
16.05.2017 |
Merck today announced that its CHOZN® expression system will be used by SystImmune, a Seattle-based biotechnology company, for commercial development of a bi-specific antibody therapeutic.
20170516 |
17.05.2017 |
Merck has developed a new genome editing tool that makes CRISPR more efficient, flexible and specific.
20170517 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
15.05.2017 |
Merck today took a significant step toward increasing manufacturing flexibility and enabling higher productivity with the launch of the EX-CELL® Advanced™ HD Perfusion Medium.
20170515 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
12.05.2017 |
Merck today announced the expansion of its M Lab™ Collaboration Center in Bangalore, India.
20170512 |
12.05.2017 |
Merck today announced the opening of its first joint Process Scale-Up Lab in Bengaluru, India to provide end-to-end solutions from process development to scale-up manufacturing for pre-clinical, clinical and commercial supply.
20170512 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
09.05.2017 |
Merck today announced the acquisition of Grzybowski Scientific Inventions (GSI), a company that developed the revolutionary computer-aided retro-synthesis tool, Chematica.
20170509 |
01.05.2017 |
MilliporeSigma and Avid Bioservices, Inc., today announced that Avid will upgrade its Myford clinical and commercial manufacturing facility with multiple Mobius® 2000-liter single-use bioreactors from MilliporeSigma.
20170501 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
25.04.2017 |
MilliporeSigma announced today that the company will sponsor the Startup Program at LabCentral, a biotechnology incubator, in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
20170425 |
20.04.2017 |
Merck has announced that BioInvent International AB, a Swedish company which develops novel immuno-regulatory antibodies to treat cancer, is upgrading and expanding its drug manufacturing facility with a full line of MilliporeSigma’s Mobius® single-use bioreactors.
20170420 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
05.04.2017 |
MilliporeSigma has announced nine stops for the first half of its national, year-long Curiosity Cube™ tour.
20170405 |
03.04.2017 |
Merck today announced the launch of its newest high-sensitivity detection platform, SMCxPRO™ technology, at the American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C.
20170403 |
21.03.2017 |
Merck today launched the Mobius® MyWay portfolio, a program that allows more flexibility, better supply predictability and shorter lead times for more efficient and safer drug manufacture.
20170321 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
06.03.2017 |
Merck today announced the global launch of the Milli-Q® IQ 7000 system, the seventh-generation Milli-Q® water purification innovation.
20170306 |
超純水・純水製造装置 |
15.02.2017 |
Merck was selected by contract development and manufacturing organization WuXi Biologics to provide Merck’s Mobius® single-use systems and technologies to fully equip a non-GMP pilot plant in Shanghai, China.
20170215 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
08.02.2017 |
Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany has announced that its North American businesses have been certified by the Top Employers Institute for exceptional employee offerings.
20170208 |
03.02.2017 |
Merck has received the 2017 Scotland’s Life Science Award for outstanding achievements in community engagement.
20170203 |
23.01.2017 |
Merck today announced the winners of its Emerging Biotech Grant Program in Europe.
20170123 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
12.01.2017 |
Recognizing that tomorrow’s discoveries depend on the next generation of scientists, MilliporeSigma has kicked off a year-long “Curiosity Cube™” tour.
20170112 |
10.01.2017 |
Merck today announced the expansion of its end-to-end biodevelopment centers to meet increasing customer demand for its turnkey portfolio of bioprocessing products, manufacturing capabilities and industry leading technological expertise.
20170110 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
04.01.2017 |
Merck today announced it has acquired BioControl Systems Inc., a global leader in food safety testing.
20170104 |
バイオ医薬品製造 |
18.01.2017 |
Merck has introduced CAN MultiFlow™ screening services to more accurately predict genotoxic and mode of action* properties of substances, ingredients and drug compounds
20170118 |
13.01.2017 |
Merck today announced the introduction of its new testosterone calibrator kit for in vitro diagnostic (IVD) use.
20170113 |
17.01.2017 |
Merck today announced the opening of a facility in Mollet des Vallès, Spain dedicated to the manufacture of meglumine, an FDA-approved excipient for pharmaceuticals and a component of medical imaging contrast media.
20170117 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
19.12.2016 |
MilliporeSigma today announced that Ying Li, from The Pennsylvania State University, has won the company’s Life Science Award in Bioseparations.
20161219 |
16.12.2016 |
MilliporeSigma today announced that it has been recognized by BioInformatics LLC with a 2016 Life Science Industry Award® for most memorable advertising.
20161216 |
05.12.2016 |
Merck today announced that it will provide its Provantage® End-to-End services to Acticor Biotech SAS for accelerated development and manufacturing of Acticor’s antibody fragment used for the primary treatment of ischemic stroke.
20161205 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
02.12.2016 |
Merck today introduced Parteck® MXP, a polyvinyl alcohol-based excipient that enhances solubility of a wide range of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) with poor bioavailability.
20161202 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
02.12.2016 |
Merck today launched the MILLIPLEX® MAP Human High Sensitivity cytokine panel for faster and more cost-effective human cytokine assays.
20161202 |
01.12.2016 |
Merck today announced an expansion of its distribution alliance with Roche to include the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) enzyme products of Kapa Biosystems, a company acquired by Roche in 2015.
20161201 |
30.11.2016 |
Merck today announced that it has entered into a set of agreements with Evotec AG, whereby Evotec AG will provide screening services for Merck’s collection of genetic reagents such as CRISPR and shRNA libraries.
20161130 |
18.11.2016 |
MilliporeSigma today announced that it has been named to The Boston Globe’s annual “Top Places to Work” list.
20161118 |
15.11.2016 |
MilliporeSigma today announced that its digital acquisition marketing team won the 2016 US Search award for “Best In-House” team.
20161115 |
14.11.2016 |
Merck has launched the CellASIC® ONIX2 Microfluidic System for advanced live cell imaging.
20161114 |
11.11.2016 |
Merck received a prestigious R&D 100 Award for its Sanger Arrayed Lentiviral CRISPR Libraries—the first of its kind CRISPR libraries.
20161111 |
13.10.2016 |
Merck today introduced the first Certified Spiking Solution® of intact, heavy labeled Thyroglobulin in SigMatrix®, a synthetic surrogate serum.
20161013 |
試薬、化学薬品、実験器具,IVD/OEMキット、材質、試薬,化学分析とサンプル前処理 |
06.10.2016 |
Merck today announced the opening of an M Lab™ Collaboration Center in the Songdo district of Incheon, Korea, one of the fastest growing biotech hubs in Asia.
20161006 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
05.10.2016 |
メルクは本日、同社のライフサイエンス事業のCEOであるウディット・バトラがライフサイエンスのイノベーションを世界的に前進させるというコミットメントに対し、CPhI Pharmaから2016年の「年間最高CEO」に選ばれたことを発表しました。
20161005 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
26.09.2016 |
Merck is launching the Viresolve® Pro Shield H for removal of parvoviruses from therapeutic protein feed streams.
20160926 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
19.09.2016 |
Merck has introduced a set of Steritest™ Symbio Pump systems accessories that accelerate and streamline sterility testing workflows.
20160919 |
産業マイクロバイオロジー |
14.09.2016 |
Merck has joined the DiViNe project, a European consortium of six companies to address the biggest challenges facing the development, manufacture and delivery of vaccines.
20160914 |
13.09.2016 |
Merck today announced that its microbiology quality control laboratory in Eppelheim, Germany is now accredited for the quality control of the ReadyPlate™ and ReadyTube™ culture media tested there.
20160913 |
産業マイクロバイオロジー |
08.09.2016 |
Merck today launched a first-of-its-kind gene editing technology to modify CHO cell lines to be resistant to minute virus of mice (MVM), a common contamination threat that remains despite the shift to chemically defined, animal component-free manufacturing processes.
20160908 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
03.08.2016 |
Merck today announced the expansion of its portfolio of Cerilliant® certified reference materials (CRMs) with nine new Certified Spiking Solutions® used in laboratories around the world.
20160803 |
試薬、化学薬品、実験器具,化学分析とサンプル前処理 |
01.08.2016 |
Merck will provide its Provantage® End-to-End development and manufacturing services to Y-mAbs Therapeutics, Inc. in support of Y-mAbs’ monoclonal antibody in late stage clinical development.
20160801 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
19.07.2016 |
Merck today announced plans to build a new campus in Burlington, Massachusetts that will serve as a major hub for the North American life science business of Merck.
20160719 |
18.07.2016 |
Merck is relaunching its global network of customer collaboration centers, providing customers a shared, exploratory environment with scientists and engineers working to solve their toughest biomanufacturing challenges and helping accelerate development of new therapies.
20160718 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
13.07.2016 |
Merck today introduced the Elix® High-Throughput water purification system, providing laboratories with a reliable water purification solution for daily water volumes of up to 9000 liters.
20160713 |
超純水・純水製造装置 |
12.07.2016 |
メルクは添加剤製品群を拡大するため、PCAS S.A.(フランス・ロンジュモー)と契約を締結しました。
20160712 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
28.06.2016 |
Merck has expanded its industry-leading Emprove® risk assessment program to include a selection of products for filtration and single-use processing.
20160628 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
28.06.2016 |
Merck has entered a research agreement with the International Vaccine Institute (IVI) of Seoul, South Korea to help develop more robust, scalable vaccine manufacturing processes.
20160628 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
07.06.2016 |
Merck today announced survey results of 250 global biopharmaceutical executives on how their companies will manage new risks associated with the changing biopharma landscape.
20160607 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
11.05.2016 |
Merck is expanding its popular line of Guava® flow cytometers to include a high-power modulated green laser.
20160511 |
10.05.2016 |
Merck will exhibit a new range of products and solutions at Analytica 2016, the international trade fair for laboratory technology, analysis and biotechnology, held May 10-13 in Munich, Germany.
20160510 |
,産業マイクロバイオロジー,IVD/OEMキット、材質、試薬,化学分析とサンプル前処理 |
09.05.2016 |
Merck today announced the global launch of the first commercially-available equine-specific multiplex assay for protein biomarkers.
20160509 |
04.05.2016 |
Merck today announced an expansion of its Carlsbad, California facility to meet growing demand for viral and gene therapy products.
20160504 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
02.05.2016 |
Merck today announced the expansion of its state-of-the art single use current good manufacturing process (cGMP) facility with the addition of the Mobius® 2000L single-use bioreactor.
20160502 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
27.04.2016 |
Merck is launching three Mobius® products that deliver improved efficiency and ease-of-use for biopharmaceutical manufacturing workflows.
20160427 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
26.04.2016 |
Merck today announced the launch of its first-in-class Lynx® CDR connectors to improve fluid management in the biopharma industry.
20160426 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
19.04.2016 |
Merck has received accreditation for the quality control of dehydrated culture media tested at its Microbiology Quality Control Laboratory in Darmstadt.
20160419 |
産業マイクロバイオロジー |
14.04.2016 |
Merck today announced that it is participating in the 4th USA Science & Engineering Festival (USASEF), April 16-17, 2016 in Washington D.C.
20160414 |
29.03.2016 |
Merck today announced that The Scientist magazine has named the company’s CRISPR Epigenetic Activator one of its Top 10 Innovations of 2015.
20160329 |
21.03.2016 |
Merck today introduced the IsoBag™ for faster, easier and more convenient transfer of contact and settle plates to production isolators.
20160321 |
産業マイクロバイオロジー |
07.03.2016 |
Merck is launching a range of new products for separation and analysis at the Pittcon Conference and Expo 2016 in Atlanta, Georgia, March 6 – 10, the world’s largest conference for laboratory science.
20160307 |
超純水・純水製造装置,試薬、化学薬品、実験器具,産業マイクロバイオロジー,化学分析とサンプル前処理 |
07.03.2016 |
Merck today announced the launch of SPARK, a global skills-based volunteer program that provides community service opportunities for its network of nearly 19,000 life science employees, with a focus on science and education.
20160307 |
08.01.2016 |
Merck today announced it has donated $10,000 to the American Red Cross of the Greater St. Louis Region in support of the organization’s flood relief efforts.
20160108 |
16.12.2015 |
Merck today announced it has received two prestigious R&D Magazine 100 awards – one for its lab water purification systems, and the other for a technology that allows researchers to investigate scientific questions they previously couldn’t address.
20151216 |
,バイオ医薬品製造 |
18.11.2015 |
20151118 |
20.11.2015 |
Merck today hosted a discussion with renowned researchers to discuss the intention to launch its innovative Muse® Auto CD4/CD4% System, a portable instrument for monitoring T cells and CD4 counts throughout Africa.
20151120 |
18.11.2015 |
Merck today announced the launch of its innovative Muse® Auto CD4/CD4% System, a portable instrument for monitoring T cells and CD4 counts in HIV affected patients in Nigeria.
20151118 |
09.11.2015 |
Merck today introduced the new AldeRed™ ALDH Detection Kit for identifying and isolating cancer stem cells.
20151109 |
26.10.2015 |
Merck today introduced Parteck® SRP 80, a new functional excipient for oral sustained-release formulations.
20151026 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
22.10.2015 |
Merck today announced the Company has entered into a strategic alliance with Turgut Ilaç, a leading biosimilars company based in Turkey and will provide their Provantage® End-to-End services for development and manufacturing of biologics.
20151022 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
21.10.2015 |
Merck today introduced Millipore Express® PHF (process protection, high-flux) hydrophilic filters for fast, efficient and economical buffer filtration.
20151021 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
28.09.2015 |
Merck today announced that it has published an original white paper, recognizing the impact the emerging biotech community has on the future of healthcare.
20150928 |
,産業マイクロバイオロジー,IVD/OEMキット、材質、試薬,バイオ医薬品製造,化学分析とサンプル前処理 |
14.09.2015 |
Merck today introduced enhancements to its industry-leading Emprove® portfolio of pharmaceutical raw materials.
20150914 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
12.08.2015 |
Merck today announced it is providing the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) with a $50,000 charitable contribution to support the development of a novel diagnostic and tracking platform for Ebola.
20150812 |
27.07.2015 |
Merck today announced a collaboration with celares GmbH to provide pegylation services to customers developing protein-based therapeutics and biosimilars.
20150727 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
16.06.2015 |
Merck today announced three additions to its MAS-100® product family.
20150616 |
産業マイクロバイオロジー |
15.06.2015 |
Merck today introduced the Mobius® 2000 liter single-use bioreactor. The 2000 liter bioreactor joins the Mobius® stirred tank bioreactor portfolio (from 3 to 2000 liters) that provides the ultimate in flexibility, scalability, and convenience.
20150615 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
15.06.2015 |
Merck today announced expansion of its Provantage® Biodevelopment Services to include a Clone Generation Service.
20150615 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
02.06.2015 |
Merck today introduced a new technology that compacts dry powder cell culture media into granules, accelerating solubility and improving flowability and handling.
20150602 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
01.06.2015 |
Merck today announced that Nancy Hopkins, Ph.D., Amgen, Inc. Professor of Biology (emerita), Biology Department and Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), is the recipient of the 2015 Merck Alice C. Evans Award for Leadership in Clinical Microbiology.
20150601 |
産業マイクロバイオロジー |
01.06.2015 |
Merck today announced the launch of its Cellvento™ CHO platform of cell culture media and companion feed formulations for batch, fed-batch and perfusion applications.
20150601 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
21.05.2015 |
Merck today introduced single-pass tangential flow filtration (TFF) with Pellicon® cassettes, an enhanced application of Merck’s existing TFF technology that allows concentration of process streams without the recirculation required in traditional TFF.
20150521 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
21.05.2015 |
Merck and Singulex, the developer and leading provider of Single Molecule Counting (SMCTM) technology for clinical diagnostics and scientific discovery, today announced that they have entered into a definitive agreement under which Merck will control and manage the Singulex Life Science Research business.
20150521 |
06.05.2015 |
Merck announced publication of a study showing that its Strat-M® synthetic membrane predicts skin permeation of chemical compounds during in vitro transdermal diffusion studies as effectively as human or animal skin.
20150506 |
23.04.2015 |
Merck today introduced Magna ChIRP™ RNA Interactome Kits, which allow researchers to more easily identify, recover and analyze regions of chromatin that interact with chromatin-associated RNAs such as long non-coding RNA (lncRNA).
20150423 |
02.02.2015 |
Merck today announced an agreement for providing upstream process development services for Precision Biologics, Inc., a Texas-based clinical-stage biotechnology company, to advance a preclinical monoclonal antibody.
20150202 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
27.01.2015 |
Merck today announced the introduction of its AFS® 40E / 80E / 120E and 150E water purification systems.
20150127 |
超純水・純水製造装置 |
19.11.2014 |
Merck today introduced the Amnis® NFкB Translocation kit, which allows researchers to better study the nuclear translocation of NFкB, a transcription factor that plays a central role in regulating key mammalian cell processes, including proliferation, inflammation, immune and stress responses.
20141119 |
21.10.2014 |
Merck has expanded its single-use film offerings with the introduction of PureFlex™ Plus film, a robust, durable film used in the construction of Mobius® single-use process containers for biopharmaceutical manufacturing.
20141021 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
06.11.2014 |
Merck offers new data demonstrating improved performance for its guava easyCyte™ 12 flow cytometer, a simple and powerful benchtop method for multicolor flow cytometry.
20141106 |
03.11.2014 |
Merck has introduced the SNAP i.d.® 2.0 Protein Detection System for Immunohistochemistry (IHC), which streamlines immunohistochemistry workflows and significantly decreases slide handling time.
20141103 |
22.09.2014 |
Merck today announced that they have entered into a definitive agreement under which Merck will acquire Sigma-Aldrich for $17.0 billion (€13.1 billion), establishing one of the leading players in the $130 billion global life science industry.
20140922 |
15.09.2014 |
Merck announced it has received two R&D Magazine 100 Awards for innovative products released to market in 2013.
20140915 |
,バイオ医薬品製造 |
28.08.2014 |
Merck has launched Steritest™ Symbio Pumps for easier, safer and more reliable sterility testing of pharmaceutical products in laminar flow hoods, isolators and clean rooms.
20140828 |
産業マイクロバイオロジー |
26.08.2014 |
Merck today announced the opening of a new Biomanufacturing Sciences Training Center (BSTC) facility in Tokyo.
20140826 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
20.08.2014 |
Merck announced today that Merck and Samsung BioLogics signed an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) for a strategic alliance on the biopharmaceutical business.
20140820 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
05.05.2014 |
Merck Millipore today announces the expansion of its upstream services into North America as part of its Provantage® Biodevelopment and Clinical Supply offering.
20140505 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
09.04.2014 |
The contract includes a range of Merck Millipore products and reagents for chemical and microbiological analysis
20140409 |
試薬、化学薬品、実験器具,産業マイクロバイオロジー,化学分析とサンプル前処理 |
17.03.2014 |
This collaboration will use Merck Millipore’s flow cytometry technology as a platform to accelerate the creation of new, more powerful diagnostic tools for research in blood disorders.
20140317 |
10.03.2014 |
This is one of four grants given to Life Science companies in Massachusetts to fund international collaboration as part of MLSC’s International Collaborative Industrial Program.
20140310 |
04.02.2014 |
The DRYPOUR™ packaging system minimizes caking of hygroscopic salts used in pharmaceutical manufacturing during transport and storage.
20140204 |
バイオ医薬品製造,低分子量医薬品 |
29.01.2014 |
The portfolio includes EMPROVE® api for active pharmaceutical ingredients, EMPROVE® exp for excipients and EMPROVE® bio for biopharmaceutical materials.
20140129 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
17.12.2013 |
20131217 |
産業マイクロバイオロジー |
23.10.2013 |
By eliminating the need to isolate genomic DNA prior to performing bisulfite analysis, the kit provides a simple and reliable protocol for one-step bisulfite conversion.
20131023 |
08.11.2013 |
The Direct Detect® system was recognized as one of R&D Magazine’s 100 most innovative and technologically significant products to be introduced into the marketplace.
20131108 |
07.11.2013 |
The donation will specifically support EESI’s Transportation and Communities Program, which emphasizes energy efficiency and renewable energy across the transportation sector.
20131107 |
16.10.2013 |
MicroRNA detection with SmartRNAplex requires just three steps: hybridize, label, and report.
20131016 |
22.10.2013 |
Featuring a unique pore structure, Parteck SLC for drug delivery enables loading of oral dosage forms with amorphously distributed API to the highest levels.
20131022 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
22.10.2013 |
The electronic Original Manufacturer Tracking (eOMT) saves users valuable time in research and enables compliance with regulatory requirements.
20131022 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
10.10.2013 |
The Court determined that RephiLe’s accused products fall into the protection scope of Merck Millipore’s patent.
20131010 |
12.09.2013 |
Merck Millipore today announced that its Biodevelopment Centre in Martillac, France, has been recertified by the French National Agency for Medicines and Health Products Safety (ANSM), the competent authority of France.
20130912 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
26.09.2013 |
These awards were distributed by the American Business Awards, the premier business award program in the United States - finalists were announced in June.
20130926 |
19.04.2012 |
The “Live Lab,” a 60-square-meter exhibition space housed in an eye-catching coach-style vehicle, is a novel way to bring information about new technologies right to the workplace.
20120419 |
超純水・純水製造装置 |
07.02.2012 |
The new systems integrate patented Elix electrodeionization (EDI) technology along with several other complementary water purification techniques.
20120207 |
超純水・純水製造装置 |
25.01.2012 |
First launched in 2005, the Direct-Q systems met with immediate and continuing success
20120125 |
超純水・純水製造装置 |
21.02.2012 |
The Merck Millipore AFS 10E and AFS 15E water purification systems integrate patented Elix® electrodeionization (EDI) technology along with several other complementary water purification techniques
20120221 |
超純水・純水製造装置 |
19.06.2012 |
The new systems are designed to provide cost-effective, low-maintenance solutions for clinical analyzers requiring degassed clinical laboratory reagent water (CLRW).
20120619 |
超純水・純水製造装置 |
25.05.2011 |
Water for Cell Culture and Water for Molecular Biology are produced in an ISO® 9001 / cGMP environment. The bottled water is subject to strict quality control tests.
20110525 |
超純水・純水製造装置 |
08.03.2011 |
The Elix Gulfstream Clinical water purification system will provide up to 100 liters per hour and 2000 liters of clinical laboratory reagent water (CLRW) daily
20110308 |
超純水・純水製造装置 |
18.09.2013 |
Merck Millipore Teams Up with the Vince Wilfork Foundation to Donate Backpacks and School Supplies to Boston-Area Students
20130918 |
16.09.2013 |
Merck Millipore Named One of the Top Charitable Contributors by the Boston Business Journal
20130916 |
17.09.2013 |
Novel Clarisolve Depth Filters Deliver Unmatched Speed and Efficiency for Single-Stage Clarification of Pretreated Feed Streams
20130917 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
10.09.2013 |
Merck Millipore today announced a $30,000 donation to charity: water in recognition of World Water Week.
20130910 |
12.07.2013 |
The center will accelerate growth of the company’s portfolio of innovative technologies and products that overcome bioavailability and formulation challenges
20130712 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
06.06.2013 |
The Muse™ Cell Analyzer provides greater accuracy and precision than manual hemocytometry or image-based automated analysis.
20130606 |
20.05.2013 |
Since 2011, Merck Millipore has supported the Vince Wilfork Foundation and its efforts to fund critical research at several leading diabetes institutions.
20130520 |
12.06.2013 |
The proprietary formulation includes Activin-A, TGFβ1, and b-FGF to promote stem cell self-renewal and potent small molecule combinations to inhibit unwanted spontaneous differentiation.
20130612 |
24.06.2013 |
Cellvento™ CHO-200 medium and its corresponding feeds do not contain hydrolysates or components of unknown composition, resulting in very good lot-to-lot consistency.
20130624 |
バイオ医薬品製造 |
08.07.2013 |
This year’s recipients are Emily Caron, daughter of Merck Millipore employee Roger Caron and Alexander Murphy, stepson of Merck Millipore employee Heather Sue Murphy.
20130708 |
10.07.2013 |
As a leading supplier of tools and technologies that support research for many chronic diseases including MS, Merck Millipore is proud to support the National Multiple Scleroses Society.
20130710 |
15.03.2012 |
This new single-use bioreactor allows biopharmaceutical manufacturers to implement robust, single-use technologies that bring their drugs to market faster, with less risk.
20120315 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
27.02.2012 |
The opening of this lab water production facility marks another milestone for Merck Millipore in China, reflecting its long term commitment to the market.
20120227 |
超純水・純水製造装置 |
08.05.2013 |
Christina Shasserre was recognized for Merck Millipore’s support of JDRF, which includes serving as the chair sponsor of the annual “Walk to Cure Diabetes.”
20130508 |
10.05.2013 |
This award recognizes a Massachusetts firm, institution or public agency of any size that has demonstrated excellence in international trade.
20130510 |
14.05.2013 |
These new kits enable target chromatin enrichment from both low and high amounts of input chromatin while delivering low backgrounds, high signal-to-noise ratios, and ultra-sensitive detection.
20130514 |
21.05.2013 |
The companies will work together to produce protocols and methods for efficient expansion, harvest and use of HepaRG® cells in support of the BALANCE project.
20130521 |
バイオ医薬品製造 |
25.06.2012 |
Donovan joined Millipore Corporation in 1988 and has held numerous sales leadership roles including Senior Director, North American Field Operations, and Director of Sales.
20120625 |
バイオ医薬品製造 |
04.06.2012 |
This new application facilitates large-scale production at up to one-third the cost per dose compared to cells grown in flat culture stacks.
20120604 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
16.05.2012 |
This list, created by LexisNexis Matindale-Hubbell, is a peer-reviewed rating of the leading local lawyers who have reached the highest levels of ethical standards and professional excellence.
20120516 |
01.05.2013 |
He will assume leadership effective May 14, 2012 and be based at the company’s U.S. headquarters in Massachusetts.
20130501 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
12.02.2012 |
With the Millistak+ µPod filter, users can easily connect multiple devices in parallel or series to rapidly screen combinations of media.
20120212 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
27.02.2012 |
Merck Millipore and Charles River will collaborate to integrate the TrueSpike™ technology into viral clearance services provided by Charles River.
20120227 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
01.03.2012 |
The increased efficiency offered by CellPrime recombinant human lysozyme, combined with high activity levels, results in a reduction of overall production costs.
20120301 |
バイオ医薬品製造 |
12.03.2012 |
This joint project will focus on the development of a proprietary monitoring and control methodology, enabling robust growth of adherent human pluripotent stem cells.
20120312 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
07.08.2012 |
CellPrime™ Insulin stimulates the proliferation of cells and aids in carbohydrate metabolism, helping to ensure the long-term viability of various cell lines.
20120807 |
バイオ医薬品製造 |
20.06.2012 |
Provantage Solutions provide greater control and increased flexibility for both small and large molecule development and manufacturing processes.
20120620 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
10.04.2012 |
Presentations and discussions will explore the recent launch of the new excipients certification program EXCiPACT™.
20120410 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
10.07.2012 |
This unique fully-embedded water purification system software has been developed especially for the pharmaceutical, biotech and contract labs that follow GxP regulations.
20120710 |
20.09.2012 |
The site will serve users of Merck Millipore’s Provantage™ Biodevelopment and Clinical Supply Solutions option that incorporates the latest technologies for upstream and downstream processes.
20120920 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
12.09.2012 |
“We are very proud to make the Boston Business Journal’s List of Top Charitable Contributors once again,” says Tara Duplaga, Manager of the Merck Millipore Giving Program.
20120912 |
30.08.2012 |
World Water Week, held this year from August 26 to September 1, provides a forum for conversation and best practices concerning the ongoing clean water crisis in our global community.
20120830 |
08.08.2012 |
This novel design protects product integrity and prevents product loss during sample collection, transport and especially during long term storage where stress release can induce leakage.
20120808 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
06.08.2012 |
The Mobius FlexReady Solution with Smart Flexware Assemblies for Chromatography is a fully-automated system designed to achieve optimum performance.
20120806 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
22.08.2012 |
The acquisition will strengthen Merck Millipore’s Process Solutions business unit, which provides products, services and solutions that simplify production complexity for manufacturers.
20120822 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
14.08.2012 |
PureGenome library preparation is a simple, two-step process followed by amplification using Merck Millipore’s ultra-high fidelity KOD Hot Start DNA Polymerase Mastermix.
20120814 |
05.07.2012 |
The Samplicity® Filtration system provides a higher throughput, ergonomic alternative to syringe-tip filters for the preparation of liquid chromatography samples.
20120705 |
14.05.2012 |
Red dot is one of the world’s largest and most prestigious design competitions from Germany, and is one of the most sought-after quality marks for design recognition globally.
20120514 |
17.04.2012 |
The synthetic membrane can be successfully used in place of human or animal skin to provide information about permeation characteristics of the compound through human skin.
20120417 |
16.04.2012 |
The goal of Merck Millipore’s rebrand initiative was to support strategic branding during the merger and to define the brand’s positioning, vision, and mission.
20120416 |
21.03.2012 |
This product, which utilizes Ventria’s ExpressTec biomanufacturing technology, will be exclusively marketed and distributed by Merck Millipore to its customers on a global basis.
20120321 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
19.09.2012 |
This project will focus on the development required to ensure removal of microcarriers and any particulates from stem cell products grown in the Mobius® CellReady disposable bioreactor.
20120919 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
18.10.2012 |
The price adjustments are being driven by recent and anticipated cost increases, macroeconomic trends and inflation among other considerations.
20121018 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
09.10.2012 |
This includes products for all types of dosage forms that address solubility, PK/PD modification, which must be taken into account for optimized bioavailability in the final drug.
20121009 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
12.10.2012 |
The fund will be in the form of two grants of $250,000 each over a two-year period, and is the latest development in Merck Millipore’s two-year alliance with BCRF.
20121012 |
05.09.2012 |
The new media formulation was designed for the long-term growth of Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells to express antibodies or protein products.
20120905 |
バイオ医薬品製造 |
18.09.2012 |
Large-scale production of stem cells is necessary to enable their advancement into human clinical trials and to effectively deliver the quantities required.
20120918 |
,バイオ医薬品製造 |
17.09.2012 |
Under the agreement, Merck Millipore will continue to offer its STEMCCA™ reprogramming kits, which provide a highly efficient, reproducible method for creating iPS cells.
20120917 |
07.01.2013 |
Unlike traditional single-use processing systems, this modular system is quick and easy to set up, providing the ability to switch from TFF to Chromatography.
20130107 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
15.11.2012 |
Built on Merck Millipore’s proven Eshmuno resin technology, the new media offers high aggregate removal efficiency and high dynamic binding capacity, supporting highly productive downstream bioprocessing.
20121115 |
バイオ医薬品製造 |
13.11.2012 |
User Group Meetings attract global biotechnology and biopharmaceutical industry professionals, including those in chromatography R&D, process development, production management and engineering.
20121113 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
01.11.2012 |
The two companies are jointly developing a methodology utilizing Sistemic’s microRNA marker detection capability to enable consistent growth of stem cells.
20121101 |
,バイオ医薬品製造 |
30.04.2013 |
Mineralization can be detected in less than one week, whereas competing products that contain serum require approximately 21 days to produce similar levels of bone formation.
20130430 |
23.04.2013 |
Unlike conventional assays that are dependent upon a single pre-labeled fluorescently tagged substrate, the SIRTainty Class III HDAC Assay employs untagged acetylated peptide substrates.
20130423 |
28.02.2013 |
The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design and Metropolitan Arts Press Ltd. present the Museum's annual GOOD DESIGN® Awards Program.
20130228 |
02.05.2013 |
Merck Millipore announced the settlement of patent infringement disputes between Merck Millipore and W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc. in the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts.
20130502 |
低分子量医薬品,バイオ医薬品製造 |
29.01.2013 |
The EZ-product family now includes the EZ-Fluo™ rapid detection system, a non-destructive, fluorescent staining-based system for microbial detection.
20130129 |
産業マイクロバイオロジー |
14.05.2013 |
These new kits enable target chromatin enrichment from both low and high amounts of input chromatin while delivering low backgrounds, high signal-to-noise ratios.
20130514 |
31.03.2012 |
A system for rapid, simplified protein quantitation exploits Merck Millipore’s membrane expertise to enable infrared-based measurement of amide bonds in protein chains.
20120331 |