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サルモネラ菌は世界の食中毒の最も一般的な原因の1つであり、ほとんどの生の食品(食肉、卵、植物製品など)から分離されています。乾燥に対する高い耐性と、一度乾燥したときの熱に対する非常に高い耐性が相まって、サルモネラはほとんどの食品(特に乾燥および半乾燥食品)で問題となることがあります。多くの国では、食品に関する法律でサルモネラの限度値を設けており、一般には25 gの食品から検出されないことと定められています。


  • 顆粒状培地:ISO 11133に規定された業界最高レベルの性能基準を満たした、独自の便利な顆粒状培地
  • 最新のイノベーション:サルモネラの迅速簡易検査用の秤量・γ線照射済みReadybag®培地パウチ
  • シングルパス® ラテラルフロー検査:増菌後わずか20分で検出できる、非常に便利な「妊娠検査キット」と同原理の革新的な免疫検査法


Method ISO 6579:2002; AMD 1:2007 FDA BAM
Chapter 5 
Pre-enrichment BPW, 37 ± 1°C;
18 ± 2 h
Lactose Broth / TSB / Universal Pre-enrichment Broth / BPW / …, 35°C; 24±2 h BPW, 35°C; 21 ± 3 h
Selective enrichment MKTTn, 37 ± 1°C; 24 ± 3 h and
RVS, 41.5 ± 1°C; 24 ± 3 h or
MSRV 41.5 ± 1°C,
24 ± 3 h
(48 ± 3 h)
Tetrathionate Broth 43 ± 0.2°C or 35 ± 2.0°C; 24 ± 2 h and RVS, 42 ± 0.2°C; 24 ± 2 h or Selenite Cystine Broth, 35°C, 24 ± 2h RVS 42 ± 0.5°C; 22 ± 2 h and
Tetrathionate Broth, 42 ± 0.5°C;
20-24 h
Plating XLD agar + additional, 37°C; 24 ± 3 h / (48 ± 3 h) BS agar, XLD agar and Hektoen Enteric agar, 35°C; 24 ± 2 h BGS agar + XLT4-agar or DMLIA agar, 35 ± 2°C;
21 ± 3 h

Salmonella is a genus of rod-shaped, Gram-negative, non-sporeforming, predominantly motile bacteria belonging to the Enterobacteriaceae family. Salmonella spp. are one of the most common causes of food poisoning worldwide and have been isolated from most types of raw food (e.g. meats, eggs and plant products). Their high resistance to drying combined with a very high heat resistance once dried makes Salmonella a potential problem in most foods, particularly in dry and semidry products.

Food legislation in many countries includes limits on Salmonella – typically absence in 25 g of food.

Traditional microbiological methods for detection of Salmonella in food and animal feed require a total of up to 5 days to obtain a simple yes/no result. For products where a positive release is important, this means a considerable delay before those products can be released into the market. The requirement of food manufacturers for a quicker release of finished products and for cost savings calls for a change in these methods. Thus, rapid methods have become increasingly interesting. The general expectation for a rapid test is to be sensitive and specific, user friendly and cost effective.


Most individuals infected with Salmonella develop diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps 12–72 hours after infection. The illness usually lasts 4–7 days, and the majority of patients recover without treatment. However, in some cases, the diarrhea may be so severe that hospitalization is required. In these patients, the Salmonella infection may spread from the intestines to the blood stream and then to other body sites. This can result in death unless the person is treated promptly with antibiotics. The elderly, infants, and those with impaired immune systems are more likely to have a severe illness.


Increase Lab Efficiency

With Readybag® Media Pouches for Bulk
Food Samples.

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On-demand webinar: New & revised ISO 11133 and ISO 17410 standards

On-demand webinar:

New & revised
ISO 11133
ISO 17410

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