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レジオネラ属(特に L. pneumophila )は、ヒトにレジオネラ症を引き起こすことがあるので重要です。菌は一般的に、冷却塔、空調ユニット、プール、家庭用給湯設備や噴水などに存在しています。主な伝染経路はエアロゾルを介するものです。


  • 顆粒状培地:ISO 11133に規定された業界最高レベルの性能基準を満たした、独自の便利な顆粒状培地
  • デュオパス®ラテラルフロー検査:増菌後わずか20分で検出できる、非常に便利な「妊娠検査キット」と同原理トの革新的な免疫検査法
MethodISO 11731
Membrane filtration + isolation BCYE Agar, 36±2°C; 3-10 days,
GVPC Agar, 36±2°C; 3-10 days

Legionella are pathogenic Gram-negative bacteriae, ubiquitously distributed in both natural and artificial water environments. They are acid tolerant (pH 2.8–pH 8.3) as well as thermo tolerant (<20°C–66°C), and thus they can adapt to and survive in diverse aquatic settings. Legionellae are known to form biofilms in aquatic environments as a survival mechanism against adverse conditions.

From a human health perspective, the Legionella species, particularly L. pneumophila is important since it is the causative agent of Legionellosis or Legionnaires' disease in humans. According to the journal "Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology", hospital-acquired Legionella pneumonia has a fatality rate of 28%, with its source being the water distribution system. As per the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in the United States, the disease affects between 8,000 to 18,000 individuals annually with a fatality rate ranging from 5–30%.

Legionellosis or Legionnaires' Disease

The Legionella species can cause two types of Legionellosis: Legionnaires' disease and Pontiac fever. Legionnaires' disease, also called "Legion Fever”, is a severe pneumonia. Pontiac fever is a milder respiratory illness that resembles acute influenza. Legionellosis is not contagious. Common reservoirs of the bacteria include cooling towers, air conditioning units, swimming pools, domestic hot-water systems and fountains. The primary route of transmission is via aerosols. Legionella is generally not a threat to most healthy individuals. However, it can cause serious complications in immunocompromised individuals and in the elderly.

On-demand webinar: New & revised ISO 11133 and ISO 17410 standards

On-demand webinar:

New & revised
ISO 11133
ISO 17410

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New EN ISO 11133 ウェビナー

EN ISO 11133 オンデマンドウェビナー[英語]
