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  • 顆粒状培地:ISO 11133に規定された業界最高レベルの性能基準を満たした、独自の便利な顆粒状培地
  • シングルパス® ラテラルフロー検査:増菌後わずか20分で検出できる、非常に便利な「妊娠検査キット」と同原理の革新的な免疫検査法
最新のイノベーション:操作が簡単なシングルパス® Direct Campy Poultryラテラルフローキット

鶏肉中のカンピロバクターをその場で免疫学的にスクリーニングできるこのセルフキットは、事前の増菌ステップを行う必要がなく、わずか2時間以内に結果を得ることができます。シングルパス® Direct Campy Poultryキットには、信頼性を高めるための対照反応が組み込まれています。検査を外注して結果を得るまで数日待ったり、大きな原資が必要な装置類に投資したりする必要はありません。


MethodISO 10272-1FDA BAM Chapter 7FSIS MLG 41.00
Pre-enrichment Bolton Broth, 37 ± 1°C;
4-6 h,
Bolton Broth, 37 ± 1°C; 4 h,
Microaerophilic or 30°C,
3 h + 37°C, 2 h,
Selective enrichment Bolton Broth 41.5°C,
44 ± 4 h microaerophilic
Bolton Broth 42°C,
20 and 44 ± 4 h
BPW + 2 x Blood-Free Bolton Broth,
42 ± 1°C;
48 ± 2 h,
Isolation mCCD agar + additional,
41.5°C; 44 ± 4 h, microaerophilic
mCCD agar or AHB Agar,
37 - 42°C;
24 - 48 h,
Campy-Cefex Agar,
42 ± 1°C;
48 ± 2 h,

The majority of Campylobacter spp. are relatively metabolically inactive, making identification based on biochemical characteristics difficult. Currently, the most commonly used techniques to test food products for Campylobacter are traditional methods based on culture media. The standard detection method involves enrichment for 48 hours, followed by isolation on selective agars, so that final identification results are only available after 4–5 days. Both culture steps have to be carried out in a microaerophilic environment. These methods are time-consuming as well as labor intensive.


Campylobacteriosis is an infection caused by Campylobacter, most commonly C. jejuni. It produces an inflammatory, sometimes bloody, diarrhea or dysentery, including cramps, fever and abdominal pain. The debilitating neurological disorder, Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), as well as reactive arthritis have also been associated with recent infections with certain C. jejuni strains. C. lari and the emerging pathogen, C. upsaliensis, have also been reported in a small percentage of cases of human Campylobacter infection. Campylobacter spp. are highly infectious: as few as 500 bacteria can cause illness. Campylobacter infections are usually caused by consuming cross-contaminated or insufficiently processed food (typically red meat, poultry, shellfish and unpasteurized milk). Less common are infections as a consequence of eating contaminated fruit and vegetables. In addition, water contaminated with animal and avian feces, agricultural run-off and sewage effluent can act as sources for infection with Campylobacter bacteria.

On-demand webinar: New & revised ISO 11133 and ISO 17410 standards

On-demand webinar:

New & revised
ISO 11133
ISO 17410

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