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SCC271 Simplicon® Human iPS Cell Line

Highly characterized integration-free human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) line generated using Simplicon® RNA reprogramming technology.

SCR550 Simplicon® RNA Reprogramming Kit (OKSG)

EMD Millipore’s Simplicon® RNA Reprogramming Kit is a safe and efficient method to generate integration free, virus-free human iPS cell using a single transfection step of self-replicating synthetic RNA for Oct4, Klf4, Sox2 and Glis1.

SCR549 Simplicon® Reprogramming RNA (OKSG)

EMD Millipore’s Simplicon® RNA Reprogramming Kit is a safe and efficient method to generate integration free, virus-free human iPS cell using a single transfection step of self-replicating synthetic RNA for Oct4, Klf4, Sox2, and Glis1.

SCR724 Simplicon® Cloning Vector (E3L)

Simplicon® Cloning Vector (E3L) (Part #: SCR724) is a novel system offering immediate highly sustained and tunable in vivo protein expression of the target gene(s) in transfected cells without the risk of genome integration.

SCR712 TagRFP Simplicon® RNA Kit

1) To evaluate the Simplicon® expression system in targeted cell(s) before ordering a custom Simplicon® RNA
2) To determine optimal transfection conditions to express the self-replicating RNA in cell lines

SCR720 TagGFP2 Simplicon® RNA (E3L) Kit

To determine optimal transfection conditions to express the self-replicating RNA of your interest through using Simplicon® Cloning Vector (E3L) (Part #:SCR724) in hard-to- transfect somatic or primary cells

SCR725 TagGFP2 Simplicon® Plasmid (E3L)

To determine optimal transfection conditions to express the self-replicating RNA of your interest through using Simplicon® Cloning Vector (E3L) (Part #:SCR724) in hard-to- transfect somatic or primary cells

SCR721 TagRFP Simplicon® RNA (E3L) Kit

To determine optimal transfection conditions to express the self-replicating RNA of your interest through using Simplicon® Cloning Vector (E3L) (Part #:SCR724) in hard-to- transfect somatic or primary cells

SCR713 TagGFP2 Simplicon® RNA

1) To evaluate the Simplicon® expression system in targeted cell(s) before ordering a custom Simplicon® RNA
2) To determine optimal transfection conditions to express the self-replicating RNA in cell lines