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Flow Cytometry Applications

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Featured Application Note
Multiparametric Phenotyping and Cell Health Analysis of Immune Cell Subpopulations


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Benchtop flow cytometry from Merck offers rapid access to insightful cellular analysis that you can apply to diverse research areas, including immunology and molecular biology. Because the systems are easy to use and affordable to operate, you can achieve more productive research. Moreover, you can now analyze a variety of cell types, from small bacteria to algae, yeast, plant and mammalian cells.

The following applications are readily achieved using 5-8 parameter analysis with guava easyCyte™ benchtop flow cytometers, and using 5-12 parameter analysis with Amnis® imaging flow cytometers.

Integrated products from Merck will help streamline your workflow.
Integrated products from Merck will help streamline your workflow.
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