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Titrisol® pH Reference Buffer Concentrates

Merck’s pH buffer materials with reference pH values are provided in a variety of convenient packaging options. Our Titrisol® reference buffer concentrates combine ease of use and maximum precision. Simply dilute your Titrisol® buffer concentrate in order to produce your ready-to-use pH buffer solution. We offer buffer concentrates with pH reference values from 1.00 to 13.00 (at 20 °C) for the routine calibration and monitoring of your pH instruments.

pH values are determined with highest precision. We analyze our Titrisol® concentrated buffer materials in our own ISO/IEC 17025 accredited calibration laboratory with a combined glass electrode and 5-point calibration according to DIN 19628 against certified primary standard reference materials according to DIN 19266. They are traceable to primary standard reference materials from NIST (U.S.) and PTB in Brunswick (Germany). Uncertainty data and traceability are documented in a comprehensive, batch-specific Certificate of Analysis. 

Catalog Number Catalog Name
109884 Tampone concentrato
109887 Tampone concentrato
109883 Tampone concentrato
109893 Tampone concentrato
109879 Soluzione tampone concentrato secondo WEISE
109892 Tampone concentrato
109882 Tampone concentrato
109880 Tampone concentrato
109888 Tampone concentrato
109890 Tampone concentrato
Showing 1 - 10 Results of 14  See All
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