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Viresolve® Pro Solution

A next-generation parvovirus safety solution designed to provide the highest levels of retention assurance and productivity

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Informazioni per l’ordine

Viresolve® Pro DeviceAzzera le impostazioni per l'ordine ed i filtri Show Filter
Numero di catalogoDescrizioneApplicazioni fondamentaliQ.tà/ conf.
VPMD101NB1Viresolve® Pro Modus 1.1 Device Studi in scala/pilota 1
VPMD102NB1Viresolve® Pro Modus 1.2 Device Volumi piccoli e pilota 1
VPMD103NB1Viresolve® Pro Modus 1.3 Device Volumi piccoli e pilota 1
VPMG201NB1Viresolve® Pro Magnus 2.1 Device Trattamento di grandi volumi 1
VPMG202NB1Viresolve® Pro Magnus 2.2 Device Trattamento di grandi volumi 1

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Viresolve® Pro ShieldAzzera le impostazioni per l'ordine ed i filtri Show Filter
Numero di catalogoDescrizioneApplicazioni fondamentaliQ.tà/ conf.
VPMSKITNB9Viresolve® Pro Micro Shield Kit Studi di convalida dei virus 9
VPPS101NB1Viresolve® Pro Modus 1.1 Shield Pilot/medium volumes 1
VPPS102NB1Viresolve® Pro Modus 1.2 Shield Pilot/medium volumes 1
VPPS103NB1Viresolve® Pro Modus 1.3 Shield Pilot/medium volumes 1
VPPS201NB1Viresolve® Pro Magnus 2.1 Shield Trattamento di grandi volumi 1
VPPS202NB1Viresolve® Pro Magnus 2.2 Shield Trattamento di grandi volumi 1

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Viresolve® Pro and Pro+ Magnus Holder and AccessoriesAzzera le impostazioni per l'ordine ed i filtri Show Filter
Numero di catalogoDescrizioneQ.tà/ conf.
VPMH103000Viresolve® Pro Magnus Holder (for 1 to 3 Devices) 1
VPMH105000Viresolve® Pro Magnus Holder (for 1 to 5 Devices) 1
VPMH107000Viresolve® Pro Magnus Holder (for 1 to 7 Devices) 1
VPMH203000Viresolve® Pro+ Magnus Holder (for 1 to 3 Devices and 1 to 3 Shields and Shield H) 1
VPMH205000Viresolve® Pro+ Magnus Holder (for 1 to 5 Devices and 1 to 5 Shields and Shield H) 1
VPMH207000Viresolve® Pro+ Magnus Holder (for 1 to 7 Devices and 1 to 7 Shields and Shield H) 1
VPMHINSERTSplit Clamp Insert 1
VPMHRDKN0BRod Handle 1
VPMHRD0103Rods for 1 to 3 Devices 2
VPMHRD0105Rods for 1 to 5 Devices 2
VPMHRD0107Rods for 1 to 7 Devices 2
VPMHADAPSKFittings Kit 1
VPMHADAPSF1.5 in. Sanitary Fittings 6
VPMHADAPSB1.5 in. Blanks 6
VPMHADAPVFVent Fittings 6

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Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing > Downstream Processing > Virus Safety > Virus Filtration > Viresolve Pro & Pro+ > Viresolve Pro and Pro+
Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing > Downstream Processing > Virus Safety > Virus Filtration > Viresolve Pro & Pro+