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VPMH203000 Viresolve® Pro+ Magnus Holder (for 1 to 3 Devices and 1 to 3 Shields and Shield H)

Purchase on Sigma-Aldrich


Catalogue NumberVPMH203000
Trade Name
  • Viresolve®
DescriptionViresolve® Pro+ Magnus Holder (for 1 to 3 Devices and 1 to 3 Shields and Shield H)
Product Information
Quality LevelMQ300
Dimensions135 x 104 x 77 cm (53 x 40.9 x 30.3 in)
Materials Information
Materials of ConstructionStructural components: 316 L Stainless Steel
Packaging Information
Material Size1
Global Trade Item Number
Numero di catalogo GTIN
VPMH203000 04053252387968