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Filtri a cartuccia Viresolve NFP

Viresolve NFP filters with Viresolve NFP (Normal Flow Parvovirus) membranes clear parvovirus from recombinant or human plasma sources, without compromising flow rates.


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Informazioni per l’ordine

Filtri a cartuccia Viresolve NFPAzzera le impostazioni per l'ordine ed i filtri Show Filter
Numero di catalogoDescrizioneLunghezza nominale della cartucciaVolume trattabileCodice della cartucciaQ.tà/ conf.
CVPV71TP1Cartucce Viresolve NFP da 10"; codice 7 10 in. (25 cm) 250 L Code 7 1
CVPV72TP1Cartucce Viresolve NFP da 20"; codice 7 20 in. (50 cm) 500 L Code 7 1
CVPV73TP1Cartucce Viresolve NFP da 30"; codice 7 30 in. (75 cm) 750 L Code 7 1

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Riferimenti bibliografici

Panoramica dei riferimenti bibliografici
Validation of Virus Filtration
Carter, Jeff and Herb Lutz
BioProcess International January 2003: 52-62  2003

Removal of prion challenge from an immune globulin preparation by use of a size-exclusion filter
Transfusion : (Philadelphia, PA), 2002, 42 (8) 999-1004  2002

An overview of viral filtration in biopharmaceutical manufacturing
Jeffrey Carter and Herbert Lutz, Millipore Corporation, Bedford, MA, USA; European Journal of Parenteral Sciences 2002; 7(3): 72–78 © 2002 Parenteral Society
European Journal of Parenteral Sciences 2002; 7(3): 72–78 © 2002 Parenteral Society  2002

Development and Qualification of a Novel Virus Removal Filter for Cell Culture Applications
Shengjiang Liu, Mark Carroll, Raquel Iverson, Christine Valera, Joann Vennari, Kimberly Turco, Robert Piper, Robert Kiss, Herbert Lutz
Biotechnology Progress  1999

Filtration and the Removal of Viruses from Biopharmaceuticals
Levy, Richard V., Michael W. Phillips, and Herbert Lutz
Chapter 20 in Filtration in the Biopharmaceutical Industry. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1998.  1998

A Validatible Porosimetric Technique for Verifying the Integrity of Virus-Retentive Membranes
Michael W. Phillips and Anthony J. DiLeo Advanced Separations Research Department, Millipore Corporation, 80 Ashby Road, Bedford MA 0 1 730, U.S.A.
Biologicals. 1996 Sep;24(3):243-53.  1996

High Resolution Removal of Virus From Protein Solutions Using A Membrane of Unique Structure
DiLeo, Anthony J., Anthony E. Allegrezza, and Stuart E. Builder
Bio/Technology (February 1992): 182-188; RP002  1992


What is the hold-up volume of an Optiscale 25 NFP ?Millipore does not have a published specification for the hold up volume for an Optiscale 25 NFP capsule. The approximate hold up volume is 300 ul.

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Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing > Downstream Processing > Virus Safety > Virus Filtration > Viresolve Pro & Pro+ > Viresolve NFP