Unità filtranti Steritop™
Le unità filtranti da bottiglia Steritop offrono una elevata superficie filtrante che consente di operare rapidamente la filtrazione sterilizzante di fluidi acquos.
Le unità filtranti da bottiglia Steritop offrono una elevata superficie filtrante che consente di operare rapidamente la filtrazione sterilizzante di fluidi acquosi, raccogliendo il filtrato in bottiglie dall'imboccatura stretta (33 mm) o larga (45 mm). All’interno dell'imbuto filtrante, una linguetta consente di agganciare un prefiltro opzionale, mantenendolo in sede durante la filtrazione. Ad ulteriore protezione dalle contaminazioni accidentali nel caso l’imbuto tocchi accidentalmente la superficie di lavoro, la filettatura per la connessione con la bottiglia di raccolta è leggermente arretrata.
Le unità filtranti da bottiglia Steritop offrono una elevata superficie filtrante che consente di operare rapidamente la filtrazione sterilizzante di fluidi acquosi, raccogliendo il filtrato in bottiglie dall'imboccatura stretta (33 mm) o larga (45 mm). All’interno dell'imbuto filtrante, una linguetta consente di agganciare un prefiltro opzionale, mantenendolo in sede durante la filtrazione. Ad ulteriore protezione dalle contaminazioni accidentali nel caso l’imbuto tocchi accidentalmente la superficie di lavoro, la filettatura per la connessione con la bottiglia di raccolta è leggermente arretrata. Less<<
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Informazioni per l’ordine
Domanda | Risposta |
When I use my Stericup/top, sometimes some of my sterilized solution gets pulled into my vacuum line. How can I eliminate this from happening? | Attach your vacuum tubing and turn the vacuum on before adding the liquid to the Stericup/top. This eliminates any initial solution that flowed through the membrane before starting the vacuum from being pulled into the vacuum line. |
What is the diameter of the membrane in the Stericup and Steritop units? | All of the cups and tops currently have a 70mm diameter membrane, which has 43 cm2 of surface area. |
Why use a vacuum driven filter rather than a pressure driven filter? | Unlike positive pressure filtration, vacuum driven filtration requires only a vacuum source. It does not require pressure vessels or peristaltic tubing pumps. Stericup and Steritop units are pre-sterilized and disposable making setup and cleanup easy! |
Should I filter my acrylamide solution prior to gel casting? | Yes, filtering your acrylamide solution before adding the polymerization activator ammonium persulfate and TEMED will accomplish two things. 1. It will eliminate particulate matter that may interfere with base calling when sequencing or that may create "hot" spots in the gel, and 2. It will aid in degassing, which will promote efficient polymerization of the gel. Products appropriate for this application would be Stericup, Steritop or Steriflip with express membrane. |
Which pre-filter should I be using with my Stericup or Steritop unit? | You should use an AP20 75mm pre-filter (AP2007500). To help keep the filter from floating in the solution to be filtered, insert the pre-filter under the pre-filter tab inside the Stericup or Steritop. |
What is the expiration date on Stericup and Steritop units? | The expiration date, which specifies product sterility, for the Stericup and Steritop products is three years from the date of manufacture. |
What type of flow rates can I expect with the Stericups and Steritops? | For typical non -serum tissue culture media you can expect flow rates from 1-1.5 lpm. |
Are Stericup/tops compatible with formamide? | Yes. Formamide is probably the least organic compound. It's almost like water. So it would be compatible with everything. The potential mistake is mistaking formamide for dimethylformamide, which is a powerful organic solvent. |
Are Stericup and Steritop units autoclavable? | No. The highest temperature that the product can be used at is 50C ( 122F ). |
Can I bubble point my Stericup/top? | No. The unit is not designed to handle the pressures required to perform a bubble point test. It is designed to be run under vacuum only (15 psi max). Bubble points for any of the membranes in the Stericups/tops need to be run at pressures ranging from 22 psi to 57psi. |