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CDRC030HG Cartuccia da osmosi inversa

Purchase on Sigma-Aldrich


Replacement Information
Numero di catalogoCDRC030HG
DescrizioneCartuccia da osmosi inversa
PanoramicaThe reverse osmosis (RO) membrane removes 95%-99% of feed water contaminants, including ions, particulates, bacteria, and organic molecules. The cartridge is designed for use with Elix® and RiOs™ water purification systems. The RO water produced from these systems is used in general laboratory applications such as general rinsing, feedwater to washing machines and autoclaves, or as a feed to pure and ultrapure water purification systems. For use with Elix® and RiOs™ water purification systems.
Riferimenti bibliografici
Informazioni sul prodotto
Codice HS8421 21 00
Applicazione• Reverse Osmosis (RO) membrane for water purification removes up to 99% of feed water contaminants
• Produces RO water at 30 L/h
• For use with Elix® and RiOs™ systems
Informazioni biologiche
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Informazioni sulla sicurezza secondo il GHS
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Informazioni supplementari
Global Trade Item Number
Numero di catalogo GTIN
CDRC030HG 04053252280597
